All hail...the Beans!!!

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There was a constant chattering in the walls.


"Hey, wait up! Talk to us, not yourself, you silly, old man!" screamed the beans in his brain.

The universe got married to Elmo and they had a bouncing baby girl, Elmolita!

That was kind of sussy so it never happened.

The tale of beans continued. Except, it did not, for the man who had the beans inside his head perished in a tragic death. Instead, the beans existed in an alternate universe, as sugary jelly beans and lived on cotton-candy clouds.

However, a hungry tiger ate them all, wiping out the entire bean race. Then the planet obliterated itself, shifting our focus onto a new world; a planet ruled by Haras, who was Sarah's arch-enemy.

Sarah had turned her planet into a potato shaped spaceship and was heading straight for Haras' fridge which was filled with chocolates that may or may not have featured some beans when she took a bite.

The smol bean decided to exist again and created a cult to worship Sarah. Haras destroyed the cult, but little did she know, smol bean would live on forever.

Smol bean was soon given the Guinness World Record for the most resurrections. But then, the smol bean was not smol anymore, because it became large. Krillin died again so he could be revived and restore his world record.

Smol, now a large bean, decided that creating a cult was not enough, the large bean now decided that world domination would be the correct choice. Large-Smol bean began by summoning a gold crown from thin air that would be placed upon his head, as from then on, he would be known as the king of the world.

King Large-Smol Bean then turned everyone into large beans, too, because he was lonely, but this was not wise, as they began to overthrow him. He cried at the sight of his fellow beans betraying him, and called upon the crows to save his throne. King large smol bean got onto his throne as the crows carried him away into the sky in hopes of finding a new kingdom to rule. However, the crows were not good at holding things, and so, they unfortunately dropped King Large-Smol Bean.

King Large-Smol Bean fell within the crowd of the Super Bowl and provided a few lucky people with bean dip. And so ends the tragic tale of King Large-Smol Bean, but a bean heir to the throne would soon be chosen...

A newborn bean was pronounced the new king. The bean was said to one day pull a great twig sword from the stone and gather his pods of the bean table. The legend of King Large-Smol Bean would live on through the new heir to the throne, who, quite frankly, would make much better choices. And thankfully, he would not wage wars over a disagreement of salad dressing. Or switch regular water to carbonated water. Or make the village beans work twenty hour days

In general, this new King Smol-Large Bean was destined to be a better leader who spoke nothing but facts and common sense over unique and failing ideas. Until a squirrel came down one day and ate him. The squirrel was Sarah.

The beans gasped and ran away.

Sarah had no idea what was going on so she disappeared and decided to return again in another very weird contribution story. Or maybe she would return later.

The bean returned to its kingdom and banned the name "Sarah" for the safety of everyone. Everyone whose name was not Sarah died. The dead were reincarnated as flowers and tried to drag Sarah down into the dirt.

But Sarah, being smart, took out her lighter and burnt all the flowers. The burning flowers grew legs and hopped on Sarah and started to burn her, but they caught fire as well. Sarah had no choice but to give in to the fire.

Sarah got burned alive while a bean miraculously grew from the ground and ruled. This bean was known as Miracle-Bean and condemned any associations with crows or squirrels as they had resulted in their ancestor's deaths.

Miracle-Bean had a sunburn. He could not handle the effects and therefore ceased to exist. And so remains the pitiful sight of burning flowers.

But sAraH who was watching everything from behind the bushes started doing her happy dance happy she could finally rule the world without any plants trying to kill her or and Sarah, SaraH or Sara trying to defeat her. Sadly, sAraH was a figment of Grandmaster Elmo's imagination, and she vanished from existence.

Along came a fluffy kitten, who was secretly a bloodthirsty beast. A mysterious man stood in the corner, waiting for the kitten to fulfill its promise. The man screamed, as the kitten grew larger, with its coat becoming black as ash.

After the kitten's transformation, it had grown larger than the Earth itself, and the Earth cracked under the pressure of this gigantic beast. Each of the Earth's 49 pieces were then conquered by a bean, and all the bean leaders started an intergalactic war. The beans were able to come to a noble conclusion; dominate or become refried beans, and nobody liked refried beans.

The random contributor in the corner piped up and said, "But I like refried beans!"

And so it was settled, refried beans they would become. So, the newly refried beans roamed the 49 pieces of Earth, engaging in wars and battles of chess to see who would become the ultimate ruler bean.

All but one of them. This bean had taken the competition too seriously and he crept around the other beans, stabbing them in their backs every chance he got.

A confused person reproached the bean and turned it into a re-refried bean. A less-confused wolf approached the re-refried bean and turned it into a re-re-refried bean.

The gigantic beast huffed in the scent of these beans. And he devoured them all out of hunger and bloodlust.

The End.

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