Flying Knives, Goodbyes and Sarahs in Disguise

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"He hadn't meant to kill her."

TW/ multiple "deaths" and violence, cheating, returning evil dynasties, endless narratives and sleep-deprived editing.


It was his emotions that caused it; a terrible, emotional, accident. How could you blame him when he did his best? He tried, and tried until he was too weak to hide his dark side. Everyone is a moon, with a dark side they never show anyone. But her family were here to confront him now. There was tension building, and scattered whisperings in the walls. He just stared at her family as his mind went numb, his mouth went dry.

What have you done, Casper?

And why did you pretend to be Sarah? another voice in his head chipped in. He sat on the floor, utterly confused by his own thoughts but shook them off. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"I wonder who it is," Casper mumbled to himself, standing up. He edged towards the door and carefully grasped the knob turning it.

"Lea?" Casper gasped, shocked to see his past lover. He stared at her, as it had been a while since they'd seen each other. He wondered if they were even a couple anymore after he'd caught her with another man.

"Did you just kill my sister?" Lea questioned, pulling out a dagger. Casper backed away, looking for something to defend himself as Lea seemed primed to kill him.

"I- I..." he stuttered, eyes darting left and right across the room, searching for a potential shield or weapon. But it was too late; the weapon flew across the room, stabbing him in the chest. Casper's eyes widened at the sudden force, but the knife had failed to injure him due to the reading book he kept in his pocket. He sighed in relief, knowing that he'd get to live another day.

"Why won't you just die?" Lea sighed, taking out a rifle.

"Lea, calm down for a second and let me explain!" Casper shouted, using his powers to disarm her and pin her to the wall. He pulled the knife out of his favourite book and gripped the handle as he stalked over to Lea.

"One pretty lady stuck on the wall~" Casper said in a sing-song voice, his eyes glowing a dangerous red hue. In that moment, an ominous aura rose up around Casper and another form emerged— one so much more terrifying that Lea began trembling helplessly at its mercy.

"Aww, aren't you just adorable?" The deathly sick note in its voice made Lea flinch away. Before she knew it, the figure started getting bigger in size.

"C-Casper?" She asked, unsure if the man who stood before her was truly Casper himself.

"Casper is no longer here," came the raspy voice, with a smile. The rest of Lea's family members at the other side of the room made squeaking noises at the sight. "Quiet, gremlins!" The man who'd taken over Casper's body demanded.

Once they toned down, the unknown man turned his attention back to Lea, who flinched at the way he looked at her. "Now where were we?" he asked. The figure used the blade to lift her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes. She glared back defiantly, her trembling voice full of rage.

"You... killed my sister."

"Only because she killed me all those years ago— now she's suffered the same fate as I and is cursed to roam this Earth as a demon!" he spat bitterly.

"Killed you? What are you talking about..?"

The man only chuckled at first, followed by an eruption of hysterical laughter. "Oh, Lea... my pretty little Lea..." he trailed off, emphasizing the last four words.

Lea thought of Casper— perhaps this person had taken him over? She had to bring Casper back! Despite their recent distance, it pained her; but how could he have allowed this demon to let him forget their son, their lives, their promise formed not so long ago?

"Give my husband back," Lea demanded.

"Oh, how sweet. If you want him you'll have to take him!"

At this, Lea plunged forward and struck a sword into his chest.

"Oh, darling Lea. Did you really think it would be that easy?" he said.

Which is when Lea realized it was just a hologram.

And they all died! The end.

...but then, they all realized that only a mod could end the story, and they all came back to life.

Menacing laughter filled the dark room—the demon could be anywhere, hiding in the shadows.

"Don't worry, Casper, I'll set you free... somehow." Casper's unconscious body suddenly reappeared from a thick cloud of red smoke, falling on top of Lea.

"Casper!" she screamed in a mix of delight and relief. But he was unresponsive, breathing slowed. He didn't have much time.

Suddenly, the floor broke and they all fell down. Lea landed with Casper firmly in her grip. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the bright, red lights and focused on the towering figure behind the glass wall.

She gently set Casper on the ground, lifted a nearby rock and got ready to hurl it at the shadowy figure. But the figure grabbed a knife and stabbed Lea.

"Hands off my wife... Jasper."

Casper's eyes were open at last, burning with fury.

"So... he speaks," Jasper threw his hands into the air, multiple overlapping fangs protruding from his wicked grin.

Then a bowling ball fell from the sky and landed on Casper's head. It broke in half, not phasing the determined dog-man.

"I said... HANDS OFF!" Casper growled through gritted teeth, the blade digging into his flesh as he gripped it too tightly. Scarlet drops of blood fell to the floor.

Just as the damage was about to be done, Sarah walked in. Jasper grabbed a bazooka from his pocket and shot everyone, turning them all to dust. But Casper was beyond him, as what was once a dog-man became a wolf clinging to his wife as she dissipated. Casper fly-kicked Jasper in the face, having dodged the shot from the bazooka by jumping to the ceiling. With a howl, Casper's all-powerful abilities morphed the dust back into the room around him, destroying Jasper's bazooka.

"Tsk... so you've not only regenerated but leveled-up, huh?" Jasper squinted at Casper as he attempted to pull something from behind. It was a baby knife.

"Who took my thousand-year-old cursed sword—"

A volcano exploded somewhere, shooting lava and burning everything in sight. Sarah, who had just walked in, burst into a rendition of Katy Perry's "Roar", feeling female empowerment pulsing through her veins. She bent and drank some lava, adrenaline rushing through her system. Glorious, glorious lava!

Jasper fell in love with the way the lava was shining, so he jumped in— and died. The lava morphed into a molten dragon, inhabited by Jasper's soul.

"Let me tell you something, Jasper," Casper's body shook as he spoke, and his nerves bulged with undeniable rage. "Not once throughout my years have I gotten this upset about something like you, and now you're going to pay for it!"

Jasper, who was now a lava dragon, snickered; "What are you gonna do, huh?" He soared through the air, doing loop-the-loops at his own will to fulfill his childhood dreams. "I've always wanted to be a dragon!"

Then Casper also jumped in the lava— and died of death. Until he rose from the ashes with a powerful aura that could outshine all the multiverses. Lea stared in confusion, wondering what had happened to Casper. Sarah, after gulping down the last of the lava, spat it over Jasper like a fountain, and burnt him to a crisp. But he was completely invincible to lava now.

"She may be your wife," Jasper said, "but she's also my sister!"

"Just joking," laughed Jasper, continuing, "She's my girlfriend."

Suddenly the entire room overflowed with lava and everyone in it drowned violently, burning to nothingness.

Fortunately, Casper has already gotten Lea out of there. Sarah ran out before the lava filled the room up, but not before it ripped her human skin off, revealing her true form and identity: a mystical unicorn named Shinibimikimilimimimi. Shinibimikimilimimimi decided her name was too long, and changed back into Sarah. But then she decided on a fusion name— Shinirah!

"I'm glad you're alright, Casper. After all, your safety is my purpose." But then she got annoyed at Casper, and changed her name back to Sarah!

They traveled the world together before Shinibimikimilimimimi realized that her true heart lay in the clouds of Unicornia. So she kissed Casper goodbye.


Swiftly was the Angel of Death's descent, as he swept all who remained away with one mighty movement of his hand.

"Your lives are over."

Casper's eyes widened under his father, the Angel of Death's, gaze.

"Father... Why art thou here?"

"Oh, Casper. I am Death and your mother is Life. But have you ever wondered what you are?" he asked, while soaring through the sky with them cupped in his hands.

"I am a being. One that lives, and one that dies," muttered Casper, sighing, "Thou art forever dead, my mother is forever alive, and I am somewhere in the obscure middle."

"Thou art right, but there is one thing thou hast missed: I married thy mother because I was simply infatuated with the concept of her and the offspring we could produce. While thou can love all the same," Death paused for breath. "We are two separate lands, and thou art our bridge. which is why we need you now."

"..Now?" Casper hesitated, slowly turning his gaze to Lea.

"That's right — my infatuation has resulted in a terrible punishment for creating you; your child is something that should not exist. I'm afraid Lea would have to die with you in order to come, as we have to dispose of you in either Heaven or Hell. A judgement must be made."

"There must be another way! My son and wife are among the only mortals important to me," Casper dipped his head.

Lea clutched Casper's arm, "It's alright, you have to fulfill... your duty."

"If I was a mistake, then why didn't you get rid of me before I formed attachments here on Earth!" Casper cried through tears. Lea's own eyes welled up as she witnessed his distress.


Casper faced Lea, his tears falling nonstop, "I don't... want to leave you!"

"If our faith is strong, our souls will go on together forever," promised Lea.

"And what about our son, will we just leave him behind?" Casper clenched his fists, but it didn't prevent him from weeping between words.

"I don't think we can do anything to save him, Casper," Lea admitted, hanging her head down in defeat.

"He will move on, as all who experience loss do. He will be looked after in foster care." came his father's horrific words.

Casper grit his teeth. Was there really no other way to resolve this without having to completely succumb to the consequences of his father's selfish past?

Casper turned to his father with a melancholy smile, about to make an impulsive decision. He plunged a hand through the Angel of Death's skeleton, and wrenched his father's heart out.

"Our son may be a consequence of father's mistake, but he's a precious mistake," Casper boldly stated as he looked at the love of his life.

"Besides, who is your father to bring upon us his punishment?" Lea added, raising a brow back at him.

"I see that you don't understand the gravity of the situation, nor what this means for you: so long as I am the Angel of Death, you both will serve your time."

"You fail to make sacrifices for those you love— or for your mistakes as you put them— that is where I come in, to right the wrongs you fail to correct." Casper said.

"Antrasformacia Euest!" Casper chanted.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU FOOL? YOU CANNOT REPLACE ME! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" yelled his father, petrified and in pain.

As the worlds began to twist around them, Casper looked back to Lea and began to shout, "Lea, chances are this universe will be destroyed, so I need you to take the portal and go!"

"But what about you?" Lea pleaded. Casper casted a small, genuine smile at her, his eyes expressing all the love and the honesty in him.

"I'll come back to you, be it in the form of a human, or the next Angel of Death. I promise I will always be with you!" he yelled, as the world around him fell apart— both literally and figuratively.

"I love you, Casper. Please don't leave me!" she screamed, holding out her hand.

They were like a whole heart,
being torn apart.

Casper's solemn but genuine face shattered; he couldn't do it— he still wanted to be with her. But it was too late now.

"Look at me, Lea."

Lea shook her head, unable to muster even a single word.

"Take this with you," Casper said, placing his wedding ring on the palm of her hand. "Remember me by this, Lea: I may not be able to visit you as either a dead man or Death's successor. So consider this an eternal ode to our love."

"Th-thank you. I'll cherish this until the day we reunite," she promised, slipping it onto her finger, though it hung loose.

Casper kissed her on the forehead and began slowly rising into the air. The ground tremoured as the end of the world grew near.

"Now head to the portal before it's too late!"

Without a second thought, Lea ran for her life, refusing to look back as her heart could not bear any more.

"Goodbye, Lea..." Casper whispered under his breath, a sad smile slowly finding its way to his lips.

Casper, holding his father's heart, watched his father's skeleton as it crumbled to dust. He was hit harshly with freezing shadows and a darkness that crept its way into his soul. Time stopped, the crumbling world around him freezing in place. It seemed that the Angel of Death wasn't so easy to kill after all.

"This is the order of existence. And now you will suffer," a deep and hellish tone echoed in his head.

"What does... this mean?" Casper drifted away into the depths of his pitch-black mind. Slowly but surely, he succumbed to the darkness.

Inside the void he met the prettiest anti-angel called Legna. He was unsure whether he was conscious or still dreaming. She was beautiful.

Meanwhile, Lea had run to and opened the portal. She fell onto the grass of planet Earth. Home... It smelt like home. Her hands gripped the green fronds, tears welling up

"But it doesn't feel completely right. It's an incomplete home with him missing. And where is my son?"


The sister she never had came forward, a lump of cloth nested in her hands.


"I was worried sick — we were worried sick!" she yelled, glancing down at Lea's son in her arms. The little baby slept peacefully, unaware of the chaos that loomed over them. Lea took no time to hug her sister, before she gently took her child from Elinor's arms. Tears slipped down her cheeks.

"My precious baby..."

He awoke and beamed at her presence.

"I'm sorry, my sweet Haven— but I'm here now," she whispered, adorned by the gleeful response of the babe in her arms.

"Come," began Elinor, "let's head inside. It's cold out here."

Lea dragged her feet toward the house with the baby in her arms, sparing just one last glance to the place where the portal had been.

Then everything blew up, and all that was left was darkness (and Elmo dancing in a corner). But it turned out that the bomb that blew them up had actually teleported them to an alternate universe, so they were still alive and unharmed. It also turned out that that alternate universe was filled with sarcastic Caspers.

Suddenly, time spun back to when Lea was in the house, no longer blasted by the ridiculousness that was the recent turn of events!

Time got tired of constantly sticking its neck out for others and decided to take a hiatus, which erased the possibility of Lea, Sarah, Casper, or Elinor ever existing. That is until a magical wolf named Cy told Time to get back to work, and everyone existed once more.

That fateful night, something monumental happened. Time met his best bud, Procrastination, and they created a plan to eliminate Sarah for good.

But Sarah wasn't so easy to kill.

The world was still itching to explode. But since it couldn't, it imploded, and gave way to a flipped multiverse where everyone was a chicken. These chickens didn't cluck; instead they croaked. And then out of nowhere, they all turned into carbon copies of Sarah, constructed with vibranium and indestructible!

Except indestructible was the new destructible, so all the Sarahs exploded. They were wiped from the face of the multiverse, never to be seen again. Though the multiverse got pretty annoyed as its face was covered with the blood of all the Sarahs. So it decided to explode.

This time nothing— and I mean NOTHING could reverse this, and all that remained was the cold grasp of death.

"I CAN!" yelled Jeffery, the middle finger.

"Can what?" asked Jim, the index finger.

Jeffery paused before admitting; "I, uh, didn't think that far ahead."

"Typical," sighed Tom, the pinky.

"Oh, like you're the genius of the hand!" exclaimed Jeffery.

"I may be the smallest, but I surely pack a punch!"

"Shut up! All I ever wanted was a cool entrance but you had to ruin it, didn't you?"

"Well, now everyone is stressed out. So much for a cool entrance!" growled Jessy, the thumb.

"Oh my God, you guys are so annoying. I can't believe I have to be on the same hand as you all!" Melissa, the ring finger, yelled.

"You're just jealous because I'm more popular— I have a game named after me and you don't even have a ring on you," Jessy smirked.

"Shush, I'm TRYING to have a peaceful sleep!" Sarah yelled at the hand.

"Who the finger-licking Doritos are you?" the fingers said in unison.

"Are you the tooth fairy?" Jim, the index finger piped up.

"No, I'm the fairy tooth!" Jessy yelled.

"You are joking, aren't you?"

"Do I look like I'm joking? I steal teeth from my fairy friends when they're sleeping, and leave them under the pillows of children."

"Why are you doing such silly things, huh?"

"Me? Silly things? Never."


"You're just jealous," smirked Jessy.

"Me? Jealous? You're the jealous one, you literally flicked my ring off of me!" Melissa pointed out.

Life got tired of watching from the sidelines and restored the multiverse to Casper and Lea's original timeline. But then they turned into Sarah!

But then, Life turned everything back AGAIN.

Lea was now safe inside the house with her precious baby. Everything was normal, and Life and Death were working together to give people sanity and common sense.

Until common sense became best friends with Craziness, and they decided to have a baby: Crazimon! Crazimon popped out of Craziness' head like Athena.

Then Crazimon died because someone wanted the story to make sense, and not get stuck in a random loop! Inside the loop, there were musical notes clashing with each other, and they made strangely magical sounds.

Anyways, Lea realized she needed to find a job so she could take good care of her baby. The baby suggested that he could work as a child model for Pampers, and quickly began outdoing the average school teacher's wages.

Lea, a single mother lost in a dystopian world without her husband, found great pride in her son, who resembled his dear father. And soon, thanks to her son's natural modeling talent, Lea was a millionaire living in her own mansion. But she knew her life would never be complete until Casper returned.

On the other side of the Multiverse, Casper had lost his memory, and didn't know how to get home. But luckily for him, a gentle spirit could guide him. The spirit told him the story of his life and what he must do to get back, and that Lea was waiting on him. Casper looked at the spirit, disbelief warring with peace across his features.

"Yes, Casper. It's true," it said, "You must return to your love."

"But...I love Jefferey," Casper said, glancing at his fingers.

The spirit spluttered, "What? I give up!"

Casper looked up from his fingers, tears glittering in his eyes. Then it came back to him! He had to return to Lea, and his son.

Meanwhile, across the multiverse his son grabbed the zipper on his head, revealing that he was actually a... platypus in a skin suit? And who in all the multiverses named their son Sarah?

Just then, Medusa made a cameo, and Sarah turned into a pile of rocks. But the rocks quickly evaporated.

"Bleh, bleh, bleh! I want to suck your blood," said Elmo, the vampire.

"What! Will I die today? Is it my last day?"

The narrator then wiped the slate clean, threw the unnecessary characters and events into the void, and returned to the original Clea timeline.

"Let me take revenge on Rocko for taking the cookie I wanted!" Elmo yelled at the narrator, who died in a horrible car accident. The spotlight swung back to Elmo the vampire puppet and his revenge.

Elmo then attacked all the rocks in the planet, destroying and shattering every last one of them. And so, when Elmo finally got his revenge, Lea and her son were left in peace in their own little corner of the universe.

But the Universe didn't want to share its corner and nudged the events back to Elmo.

"Me want warm milk as well!" Elmo screamed. He sent a meteor that destroyed that corner of the universe, killing Lia and her son. Elmo waited for the same people to come back so he could spoil the story (again), with his snacks.

Unfortunately for him, the entire cult grew tired of their shenanigans and left the chat... for now.

The world outside the chat exploded. After that there were no more Sarahs. But there were plenty of sarahs whose names started with the lowercase letter. And before they knew it, the sarahs invasion began. And then all the sarahs and the Sarahs died, never to return again!

Or so the authors thought, thinking they could get rid of the strongest creature in existence. But they were wrong, because saraHs were still alive and very much kicking.

No one was left in the universe except for the Sarahs, sarahs and saraHs. And then the SARAHS came out and declared war on the Sarahs, sarahs and the saraHs.

A giant Elmo stepped on every sarah, Sarah, saraH and SARAH in existence.

"La la lala, Elmo's world!" bellowed the majestic red king, Elmo.

"Peek-a-boo~" he sang, as he peeked into one of the S.A.R.A.H Ltd. HQ windows.

Elmo shimmied and sashayed while screaming, "Elmo hungry for names that start with 's' and end with 'h'!"

"Jokes on you, my name is S-a-r-a without an h, because h's are EW!" Sara, from Jimmy Fallon's show, announced proudly.

"Elmo is willing to make an exception," he whispered, with a smirk.

So Sara shot Elmo in the eyes.

It was then that Elmo's arch nemesis, Rocko, appeared. Elmo hated Rocko with a passion, and the fact that Rocko got more attention from his friend than he did.

"You..." Rocko growled.

"But Rocko's just a rock, and I already destroyed him!" Elmo complained.

Elmo slapped Sara with his sixth sense and Sara, who turned out to be a bomb, exploded. Rocko the rock died (again) and his debris scattered everywhere in the multiverse, though he had the ability to reform.

Thus, he pulled himself together once more, and summoned more Rockos to make himself into a boulder. Elmo delivered his serious "Series Saitama" (Elmo) punch, and landed a 15-point damage delivery. This reduced Rocko's HP from 100 to 85! Rocko lost some of his mass, and sadly shrunk back to his normal size. He quivered— all he'd wanted was to be loved and taken care of.

Elmo decided to pat Rocko, and send him off with Rockilla, Rocko's future love. Rockilla was a lovely chunk of gneiss, weighing in at about 1.5 lbs. She also couldn't carry a relationship as well as she could carry her body weight, so she always fumbled all over the place.

Rocko was heartbroken when he found her cheating on him with a very average basalt rock. So he decided to call his main man, Elmo, to beat the basalt rock up. Elmo's fist was harder than a diamond, and the force of his punch shattered that little punk-of-a-rock into dust.

"Take me back!" screamed Rockilla, but Rocko would have none of it, and punched Rockilla. Tears streaked her striated surface— she couldn't believe he actually hit her!

Rockilla shouted, "How could you let Elmo kill your brother?"

"The same way you cheated on me!" said Rocko.

"Did I interrupt something?" said Jeffery, the middle finger, popping out of a magical portal.

"Nah, I don't think so. Just same, old same old," one of the Sarahs said, watching all the drama from a chair in the corner of the room.

Casper looked bemused and started screaming the lyrics to "Fantasia" by Rauw. The Sarah in the corner hummed along quietly, plotting her next evil plan.


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