I guess Sarah's a cannibal now?

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"Fix it!"

"It's a ransom note: I don't care about grammar!"

"There is no excuse for bad grammar!"


"So, you think there would be hidden meanings now?"

"Maybe... unless they're really writing for Satan, and not Santa"

"But what if you book instead of cook?"

Sarah thought about this for a while, and then started crying.

All that time she spent baking cookie letters might have taught her how to spell, but it could not make up for her inability to create proper sentences. Baking cookie letters was one thing, and writing full blown sentences with grammar was entirely another thing. And yet Sarah had thought they were the same thing. Maybe that was why her Mom gave her a strange look when she announced she would write a book made of cookie letters.

Sarah had filled the entire fridge with butter and eggs for her cookie letter attempts, and they no longer had room for bacon.

"Mom, can you fry some bacon for breakfast?" Sarah's brother asked.

She passed him a plate of cookie letters spelling out the word bacon.

Sarah's brother scrunched his nose and stared at it with utter confusion and disgust. But little did he know that when the cookies formed words, they took on characteristics of those words.

The crisp coloured letters which spelled the word "bacon" turned to a reddish tint, just like real bacon. They had a bacon flavor, but unfortunately Sarah's cookies tasted awful with bacon flavoring. Then again, maybe something else was mixed up in it that made it taste like that?

Seeing that the bacon cookies worked, Sarah began plating cookie letters to spell out the word "poison."

"Whatcha got there?" Sarah's mom asked, though she knew the answer.

"Nothing," Sarah said too quickly.

"Remember, Sarah, mothers see and hear everything." Her mother offered an oblivious smile, as if she was trying to fool herself.

"Would you like to try my cookies?" Sarah asked innocently.

"No, I know you poisoned them."

After her mother said that, Sarah's brother started choking on her cookies

"You already ate like seven of them, you pig!" Sarah said. But her brother had turned into an actual pig from eating the bacon cookies.

Sarah stared at what was in front of them, looked at her mother's face of disbelief, and deadpanned, "Yay, more bacon." She stared at her cookies, wondering if forming "human" could bring her brother back. But he had such a cute little pig snout that Sarah just had to boop it instead. Their mom did not look too happy with this though.

"Sarah, if you know how to reverse this, then do it! Your brother still owes me twenty dollars for letting him meet his silly friends yesterday!"

Sarah should get some sort of 'human' ingredients that could potentially bring her brother back to being human. But deep down, she just wondered how human flavored cookies would taste like. No one wanted her brother back because they actually disliked him, but she would bake them anyway for her own curiosity's sake.

Sighing, Sarah looked at her brother, and his beady little pig eyes staring back at her, and really wondered if she should be baking these cookies for him. But she glanced at her mother, and she was still throwing those glares, so perhaps she should do this.

After making the cookies, Sarah gave one to her brother and one to herself. As her brother was about to eat his, she snatched it and ate both. Her brother oinked obnoxiously, but Sarah could not tell if he had oinked in confusion, frustration or anger, or anything at all. She wondered what went on in the small mind of a pig. But human flavoured cookies were so good, she couldn't help but keep munching on them.

Sarah was deeply disappointed to discover the fact that she hadn't changed, and was still human. But now she was fully human.

To her utter horror, she turned and saw that her mother had made some cookies of her own, and they did not look like anything she had ever seen before.

"Mom, no!"

"Silence, Sarah!"

Then, her mother slipped one piece of the strange looking cookie into her mouth and transformed into whatever her mother had put in it.

Sarah's mother became a horrifying monster. The monster that was once Sarah's mom glanced at both Sarah and her brother in pig form as if picking which to go for first. Sarah's brother had opened his mouth, but was it to oink again, or to say something else entirely?


Apparently the cookies didn't work very well, as Sarah's brother was part cow.

Sarah's mom stared at the pig and asked, "Will you taste like steak or ham?" So she made plans to go to a slaughterhouse.

What should Sarah do now that there were no more human cookies to turn either of her family back to normal?

The next day, the family found out that the brother tasted like ham steaks.

The End.

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