Lies and Ohio Oddities

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Week 106

Prompt: On everyone's 18th birthday, they receive a letter from their future selves. Some receive long messages about their future loves or messages about the changes they would have made. Yours contains nothing but a small list of locations and the words, "NEVER VISIT".


This message cannot stop me because I can't read. However, my curiosity has been piqued, so I set out to find somebody who could read in order to find out what my paper says.

"'To myself, Amy?'"

"That's what it says," Amy's friend, Jane, confirmed, pointing at the bottom of the paper. With an evil smirk, Jane said the exact opposite of what was written on the paper.

"So this is a list of places I need to visit?"

Jane nodded, thinking with glee of all the torment this poor woman would endure because of her lies.

"Okay, so, Ohio is first on the list, then Texas, then Russia, then Siberia and so on and so forth," she said and cast a dark look at Amy to stop her from telling on her.

Amy was confused as all these places seemed completely fine and nothing out of the ordinary, but she didn't let that stop her.

"Curious why it's in the list of NEVER VISIT SIT SIT.....huh, an echo?"

"Wait.. Never visit? I thought you said 'To Visit'," Amy said.

"Yeah that's what it says," Jane responded, almost sounding puzzled.


With aggression, Jane snatched the paper out of Amy's hand and landed a clean slap to her face. ''Not my fault you're dyslexic!''

Amy was slapped so hard she flew backward several feet and collided against her closet, which promptly sucked her inside.

It magically brought her to the first place on her "Do Not Visit/Visit/I'm not sure anymore" list: Ohio. Amy actually found Ohio to be quite nice, all things considered. She didn't understand all the memes about Ohio and it being weird; it genuinely seemed like a nice place. She was quite excited to visit this wonderful, family-friendly place.

Wait, Amy thought, but I'm not family... A subtle polyphonic melody of guitars was heard within ear shot. A silhouette of a man slowly approached Amy as the music crescendoed. "Family.....?" a faint voice sang in unison with the guitars. To her revelation, it was Vin Diesel within her proximity. Um.. I should go find another closet, Amy thought as she slowly backed away from the creepy guitar man.

It was then that the list started playing out of why she shouldn't have traveled there. Anyone who isn't family is dinner. And dinner is just about to be—find out what happens next at a random time in a random place where the Dreamers spin the end of this wild tale!

Goooooodbye! (the end)

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