Of Golden Toasters and Mickey Mouse

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"I sold my farm and replaced it with a toaster."


"You finally went through with it, huh?"

I lifted my toaster proudly and nodded. The light glinted off its golden sides.

The man nodded slowly in response, pondering something. "New job, or ...?"

I shook my head. "It's the Ultra Super-Mega Toaster One Billion, the best toaster in the world."

Mr. Paul slapped his forehead. "Lilia, you know the farm was also your home, right?"


"You sold it for this... toaster."

Reverting into the third person, Lilia shrugged. "What's wrong with selling the farm?"

Mr. Paul sighed, shaking his head. "Well, now you don't have any money for bread."

"I don't need bread. What I need is love."

"But you also have no outlet to plug the toaster into!" he replied.

"I don't need an outlet either!"

"Then why did you buy the toaster?!"

"Because... well, I don't know." A bright smile was plastered onto Lilia's face, her eyes were sparkling with joy, and her black pupils reflected the golden image of her beloved toaster. The scent of toasted bread oozed from it and throughout the room.

Then the toaster got set on fire.

"Well, now you've got no farm and no toaster."

She scratched her head awkwardly, realizing what she's just done. Yet she still loved the toaster with all her heart. She picked up the ashes left by the now-disintegrated toaster and ate them, so she would forever be one with her one true love.

Despite her disguises, breadcrumbs, extra cheese, and butter, she was the best sweet sandwich that the toaster couldn't toast or roast like a chicken toast. And the toaster would never know the amazing woman behind his toasted death. A truly tragic death.

"So where are you going home to?"

"Yours," she said, morphing into a scary creature. Then she started laughing like a maniac. She laughed so hard that some birds got scared and flew away.

"You sure about that?" Mr. Paul asked, raising a brow.

"Uh, yeah?"


"This is Contribution Story. I can do whatever I like."

"Yes, let's do Whatever You Like! There's a song title."

Mr. Paul then banished the toaster lady from the story. Then Mickey Mouse shot Paul out of curiosity, and he died.

"I can really do whatever I like, wow!"

It was the world of impossible possibilities; therefore, Sarah walked in.

"Who's Sarah, disembodied voice?" Mickey Mouse asked.

"Who is Sarah? Sarah is Sarah."

"Why is Sarah?"

"Sarah does whatever Sarah likes!"

"Can I murder Sarah slowly and painfully and then toss her lifeless body to a hungry shark?"

"No!" Sarah appeared out of thin air.

"Stop giving me an identity crisis," she said. The Sarah was Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, and another Sarah.

Mickey Mouse got confused and started crying. Minnie Mouse fell from the sky to see him, but the fall was way too high.

"Ruh roh, Mickey, she's read," Scooby shouted out.

A group of tourists watched in horror from the sidewalk of the zoo, safely separated from the chaos by the glass habitat walls. Mickey realized that he was just entertainment for the people visiting the zoo all this time and was enraged. So he went back to Disney land and murdered everyone after taking a picture with them.

Then the story shifted to focus on her. She was sweet, cute, kind and had one of the most amazing hearts he ever read, but she didn't know who she was. She was the legendary leader of the Kingdom of Thania.

"No, I was talking about her maid, the sweet one."

"Ahhhh, you were talking about Anastasia."

"Nope, I was talking about Cinderalla."

A random dragon burped.

The director flipped through the script, confused. The dragon burped again. The tourists were also confused.

"IT'S MY LIFE: IT'S NOW OR NEVER!" a random person shouted.

"But is it your life if you let others control you like this?"

The director nearly burst into tears. "Can we go back to the actual story?"

The words on the script continued to constantly, randomly change. Then the script spontaneously combusted, leaving only a streak of ash and a nasty burn on the director's hand. But the burn wound magically healed, cause why not?

And so everything reverted back to the time when Lilia was about to buy the toaster. The dragon ate her and the toaster and gave one last burp before falling into a deep slumber. "Goodbye, my beloved..."

The End

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