So...did the dragon die?

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Be a veterinarian for dragons, they said. It'll be fun, they said.


I groaned as I threw away yet another outfit of clothing.

"Seriously, why couldn't I be a normal vet?" I grumbled, glaring at the cute dragon who was wagging its tail like a dog. It was a cute little blue dragon.

I poked the dragon, and was rewarded with a big fiery sneeze that nearly burnt my nose.

"If you burn my nose again, I swear..." But it was acting so adorably that I just could not stay mad at the dragon.

"Oh fine! Maybe it's not so bad?" I complained to that dragon, as though it could "actually" understand what I was saying.

The little blue dragon hung its tongue out with a toothy grin - well, as much of a grin as it could muster, that is.

I finally found a black shirt I wanted to wear.

"Get out, and play with your dragon buddies and let me change," I said.

I had just finished changing, and was about to call the little blue dragon back in, when one of my workers ran into the room frantically.

"Boss, there's an emergency! You need to come quick!"

In the egg incubation room, a not-so-cute hatchling red dragon was smashing and burning everything it could see.

"Oh my!" I gasped.

I quickly sprinted towards the nearest fire extinguisher, but before I could reach it, the little red dragon tackled me to the ground. I stared into its black beady eyes, and before I could react, it started to lick me. I would have assumed that the little guy liked me, but when you're working with dragons, you have to expect the unexpected. Like clawed-up furniture, burned outfits, and a village chief demanding that you repay him for five missing sheep.

I did not know what it was talking about - was it winks? The dragon saw my wink and licked my eye. Unfortunately for me, dragon saliva burned.

And so I died

At least, I wish I died - that stuff hurt.

I called in someone from my staff to watch the dragon while I rinsed the saliva off in the shower I had installed for this very reason.

Once I was out the dragon was sitting on the staff, wagging his tail as if he'd done nothing wrong.

"Scott, you had one job!" I threw my hands in the air while the dragon sat on my assistant.

The dragon pouted at me. Seriously? I took a deep breath and walked towards him. And he chomped my hand. Squealing, I immediately grabbed my hand back, narrowing my eyes at the dragon. But how could I stay mad when it was so cute?

"Tsk, really? You had to bite me?" I told that dragon, and groaned at Scott as he started to pet it.

"Scott, we need to teach discipline here," I groaned, facepalming myself.

The dragon suddenly started acting strangely.

Oh man, what's it up to this time?

The dragon fell over on the floor, unable to breathe. It clutched it's neck in pain, wishing for the loving embrace of its mother.

I resisted the urge to see what was wrong with it, and just stayed where I'm standing, with my hands on my hips. But I had no self control, so I went to check.

Luckily, I did because the dragon was about to die from lack of oxygen. It was choking on one of my fingers.

The end?

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