This story is 90% dialogue.

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A panicked scream of "Is anybody here a doctor?"

You tentatively raise your hand.

"I'm a Necromancer, if you're willing to wait a few minutes."


"That will do for now!"

However, the doctor arrived just at that moment, completely oblivious to the agreement between you and the person panicking. Your anxiety started to rise as you accidentally released the wrong spell, which ended up killing you instead.

"This is how I die," You thought as the bright light consumed you, but when you opened your eyes, you found yourself in a different world. It turned out that the matrix was real after all.

"And this is how I'm alive."

"The Chosen One has come!" A blonde boy shouted.

That was when I realised that I wasn't a human being anymore. I had turned into a frog.

"Uh oh, am I supposed to kiss a princess now?!" I mentally panicked while cursing this world for reincarnating me as a frog. The blond boy scooped me into his hands and proudly said, "Finally, I can make the Fairytales come true, starting with you."

The blonde boy (also known as Jackson) stared at you in your froggy form with big blue eyes, then kissed you passionately, with sparks and butterflies erupting here and there as the intimate moment perused.

"Hey, that's harassment! How dare you do this. I'm going to sue you for that!" I was very offended and triggered by the boy's unwarranted kiss without my consent.

"Do it. As long as I get to be with you for a longer amount of time," Jackson replied as he smirked.

And I held up a finger to say something, but ended up not being able to say anything and only stared at him with a confused face.

"What'll happen if I fail?"

He sneered and was about to say something, when the roof suddenly broke and something - or somebody - fell from the sky! It was the strangest creature he had ever seen. It was something black, but he couldn't see what it was clearly from a distance. He wished he could erase his memories on what the creature looked like.

At that moment, the world decided to explode.

"Anyone want to fix the world?"

"Eh, no thanks, I have a wedding to go to."

"Wait, what wedding?"

"It's the wedding of my sister's friend's daughter's uncle's son. So yes, I have to attend it."

"Oh I see! I wish them all the best-"

"I also have a funeral to attend after the wedding."

"Oh wow, what an oxymoronic day that'll be, huh?"

"Guess I'm the busiest one here; I have to procrastinate today. Crazy, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry, I really need to let out an atomic fart. It might kill you too, so I'd run away if I were you."

"I want to... I really want to, but I can't seem to get away! My legs won't move since I've started my procrastinating session. It seems that my end has come."


"All I ever wanted to do was to lay down and look at the sky. Can I not even do that now? Oh, so many regrets haunt me day and night because of all the dreams that I have yet to accomplish."

"I hear far too much lexical discourse from someone who's supposed TO BE DEAD!"

"Can you stop talking for a moment?! I'm trying to mourn about how I'm dead over here!"

"Oh schnitzel-"

There was silence for a while, which was calming but also awkward.

"Um, so, do you wanna go somewhere with me?"

"Who are you?"

"My name is Peppa Pig."

"This is my little brother George."

"And this is Mama Pig."

"And this is Papa Pig."

"I think you need a doctor, buddy. It's just the two of us here, there's nobody else."

"But nothing is here because the world exploded."

"But there are more parallel universes in the multiverse"

"Multiverse? Is that even real?"

"Buddy, do you even know where you are right now?"

"Papa Pig's other universe?"

"That's the worst answer I've heard since I told my second grade mathematics teacher that 1 plus 1 equals one hundred and three."

After all the endless dialogues, everybody was muted and the world finally became silent.

The End.

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