Vegans and the end of the world... (Again)

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In a world where kangaroos have taken over, there emerged one hero with an illegally smuggled rifle. Her name... was GOLDFISH.


Gold(fish) hid behind a tree, rifle poised in her hand.

The reason for her strange but unique name was because she had ears that looked exactly like a goldfish's fin.

She could breathe underwater and even had a goldfish army.

She could command them to attack other marine life, and her army often succeeded in defeating them.

All except—the dolphins.

The dolphins, part of the kangaroos' army, were too powerful for the goldfish army, much to Gold(fish)'s consternation.

Gold(fish) killed all the dolphins.

The puppy army—a hidden organization (until now) came to help the goldfishes.

The goldfishes swam up into the air and turned into golden goldfish crackers.

Alas, that was one of their weaknesses.

The puppies ate the crackers, while the remaining goldfish army came together to make a plan.

"We want revenge!!" the old Goldfish, who was apparently the leader of their army, said in his little old voice.

Revenge was set for the dolphins, who thought they could take over the goldfishes' land.

At night the goldfishes snuck into the dolphins' sleeping lair and sprinkled cracker crumbs into their blowholes.

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," said one of the goldfishes, stirring the dolphin awake.

"What did you call me?" asked Julius the Dolphin.

The goldfish skidded away in fear, farting in the face of Julius to give them a speed boost.

But the dolphins gave chase, rushing towards the goldfish at hyper speed and forcing them to jump out of the water, where the kangaroos were lying in wait.

The kangaroos tossed the confetti bombs they had hidden in their pouches. They also threw the cereal bombs they had.

So the dolphins countered with pancake bombs and they even made the big blue whale join them in the fight. 🐋🔪

The big blue whale blew up because of the pressure, showering all the kangaroos, dolphins and goldfish with whale blubber.

Sarah stared at the group of animals trying to decide which one will be her next dinner.

But a witch swooped in and made Sarah a vegan.

Sarah was angry so she started crying

After a while, she decided to embrace veganism and plucked a carrot out of the ground to chew on.

But the audience didn't like vegan Sarah so they killed her with the power of the readers.

All the vegans cried out in dismay.

Sarah got resurrected as a zombie and started infecting other animals.

The animals went vegan too, they only ate humans who were vegan.

Vegans were ultimately going extinct because of this so they devised a plan.

They all became non-vegetarians.

The remaining non-vegans gathered in a secret base to plot their next move.

Their new plan is to cook and eat all the vegan-eating animals so that they can go back to being vegans afterward.

So they brought out their antique cutlery collection and started stabbing the kangaroos.

The kangaroos happened to secretly be ninjas and threw ninja stars at their attackers.

The hungry vegans just brushed off the ninja stars and started roasting them with a flamethrower.

The End.

And then the world exploded with the force of a thousand vegans.

They decided to take a course of action to make the entire world vegan.

But in doing so they doomed humanity.

Instead of making the world go vegan, it did the exact opposite.

Was this the end of the world? (Again?!?!)

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