The First Member Is Selected.

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The next morning,I woke up to a sleeping Tessa. I grinned as I leaned over and kissed her.
She grinned as she yawned and stretched as she woke up. "Morning, Daniel." Tessa smiled.
"Morning, Tessa." I replied.
"So, what's on the docket today?" She asked.
"Well, we're supposed to be at a meet and greet today. Then we're going to a house show in Oklahoma City. Then it's off to Dallas for Smackdown." I told her rattling off our schedule before the Royal Rumble this Sunday before I sat up as did she.
"Same old Daniel. You've always been a walking calendar. Never forgetting anything important." She leaned over and slid her arms around my neck and kissed me.
"I remember someone used to find it annoying." I looked down at Tessa who had a very cute puppy dog pout on her face. "But not anymore apparently."
"No. I sometimes found it cute and adorable." She smiled.
"Well as much as I want to say I don't believe you. I can't do anything else. Besides at least you didn't add the kitten eyes to the dreaded puppy dog pout."
"Still have a weakness to the 'false face' huh?" She asked. I nodded. "Ah, my poor Enforcer. I'll have to remember that."
"Ye..." We both giggled. "I should really keep my mouth shut." I kissed Tessa as we both got up and I headed to the kitchen of our room and got started on cooking breakfast, while Tessa took a shower.

When I finished cooking breakfast, Tessa came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body with her hair slowly drying in the air. "Well. Someone's been busy." She grinned.
"Let's see. I cooked bacon. Blueberry pancakes. And some scrambled eggs and eggs sunnyside up."
"Ahh, you remember." She smiled.
"Kind of hard to forget when my roommate kept putting me in a headlock when I told her that we were having scrambled eggs and she just had to deal with it." I chuckled.
"Sorry about that." She kissed my cheek.
"It's okay. I can't hold a grudge forever. Not even with my diamond girl." I kissed her lips.
"You've been waiting to call me that for a while haven't you?" She giggled.
"Yes, yes I have." I grinned. She walked back into the bedroom to change for the day. When she came out of the bedroom in casual clothes ready to eat I had a plate full of bacon, pancakes and eggs sunnyside up on a plate for her. She took it and kissed my cheek, then sat down on the couch with her breakfast and I told her, "I'm going to get a shower in."
"Okay, baby." She smiled.

I went to the bedroom and grabbed a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom for my shower. Which was a quick one and got dried off and dressed in a flash then took my sleep wear to the bedroom and put it in my suitcase.
Once I grabbed my breakfast and started eating I looked over to Tessa who was reading magazine from the coffee table of the room. Trying to act like she was interested in the article she was reading. I just shook my head and continued eating.

After breakfast, we packed our bags, put on our jackets, grabbed the keycards, and I grabbed the keys to the rental car and followed Tessa out of the hotel room, dropped the keycards off at the reception desk, and made our way to the meet and greet that was scheduled. We were greeted by Bayley, Sasha, Charlotte, Ember, Becky and of course Bray and Seth along with the Viking Raiders. Becky and Bayley both stormed up to me and Tessa. "Something wrong guys?" I asked.
"Yeah, you can say that. Rumor has it that there will be a resurgence of the Four Horsewomen and Bayley and I won't be part of it." Becky growled.
"It's true and the reason you and Bayley won't be part of this cross brand renewal of the Four Horsewomen, is because you two are already champions and your egos are bigger than the group already." I told them
"And the last thing the group needs to start out is a pair overly indulged champions." Tessa added.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Seth asked.
I stood in his way as he approached Tessa. "She means that if the new Four Horsewomen group is to get the proper respect. There can be no egos to start. And Bayley and Becky have egos to make Ric and Tully's in the Horsemen's hayday, look like cakewalks."
The Viking Raiders and Bray stepped between me and Rollins. Even Charlotte and Ember got between us. "Now you two behave." Ember said to both me and Rollins. We have a lot of people that came here to see all of us. And I don't think either of you want to disappoint them."
We looked at Ember and I sighed as I said, "Good point. But this Monday. You and I are going to have a serious talk about butting into business that has nothing to do with you, Rollns." I growled.
"Anytime." He walked out with Becky and Charlotte. Sasha and Bayley walked out with Bray and Ember. The Viking Raiders also walked out to the waiting crowd. When it was Tessa and I's turn we got the biggest ovation of the entire event.

After the meet and greet, Tessa and I made our way to Oklahoma City for the house show the next day. When we arrived in Oklahoma City. Tessa and I checked into the hotel and just went out for a nice long walk around the city. "So who are our opponents tomorrow night, baby?"
"Well, your supposed to go against Kairi Sane and I'm supposed to be facing Andrade." I told her as she slid her right arm around my left.
"What about for Smackdown?" She asked.
"Let's see, I don't think we have a match for Smackdown. I think we're supposed to do a special promo where we actually pick the first member of the new Horsewomen." I smiled.
"Well then, who should be the first one we choose for the new Four Horsewomen?"
"I thought we could choose Sasha Banks." I answered.
"That would be a great wat to start the group baby." She grinned as we continued our walk. We stopped at a diner and had dinner before returning to the hotel for the night.

At the house show the following night, in our locker room we talked about what we would do after the house show. "We could go to a night club and have some fun." She suggested.
"Sounds good to me, Tess." I told her as she kissed my cheek. "Plus, I need to redeem myself from the infamous drinking contest we had before you left for Impact."
"You want to redeem yourself, eh?" She smiled. "Okay. I accept your challenge, sir."
"Good," I kissed her lips and continued. "This time. I'm going to beat you."
"Tough talk from a guy that got beat by a girl in a drinking contest." She giggled as she finished lacing up her right boot.
I smiled as she laughed. "Oh, you can laugh now. But I will have the last laugh later tonight."
"Doubt it." Tessa grinned as I approached her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.
"What should be on the line for this drinking contest rematch?" I asked.
"Well, if I win, you serve me breakfast in bed for a solid week and if you win," She turned in my arms and kissed me. "Then you can do whatever you want to me for a week. And I know you want to go on a date first. But we've kown each other for a long time. Of course we barely spoke since I signed with Impact. But I want to make it up to my Enforcer." She smiled.
"Deal." I leaned down and kissed her and we soon heard a knock on our locker room door.
'Your up, Tessa.' A tech said.
"Be right there." She replied. I grinned as we shared a quick kiss and headed to the gorilla. Kairi and Asuka were already out in the ring waiting for Tessa to make her entrance. Once 'This Time I Want It All' started playing Tessa made her way to the stage, she turned around, her back to the audience and after a moment turned at the waist and gave the camera her usual smile and turned around completely and walked down the ramp with me a few feet behind her. When she got in the ring, she passed her vest to me and I put it gently under the bottom turnbuckle.
She slid her upper body between the top and center rope and kissed me and grinned it was in that moment I could hear a lot of male and female fans crests falling and hearts breaking. Due to the fact that Tessa was now taken as was I.

35 minutes into the match, Kairi was really giving Tessa a real fight. I was cheering and yelling advice when I saw an opportunity, but I mainly kept an eye on Asuka as she had adopted the trick of spewing green mist in her or Kairi's opponents faces. When Kairi started to distract the referee, I ran over to Asuka's corner as she was standing on the apron and pulled her feet from under her making her hit the apron face first, I then returned to Tessa's corner and grinned as Tessa was on the top rope waiting for Kairi to turn around from distracting the referee, and once she did, Tessa performed Magnum and covered Kairi for the one, two, three victory. She slid out of the ring and hugged me before she grabbed her vest and we made our way to the back. "Great match, Tess."
"Thanks, Dan." She grinned. "So when is your match up, babe?"
"After Charlotte's and Liv's match." I grinned as we headed to catering and just sat and watched Liv and Charlotte's match.

Once my match came up, Tessa and I made our way to the gorilla and waited for my cue as Andrade was already in the ring. When '6 Gun Quota' started playing Tessa and I made our way to the ring. Once I got in the ring. I took off my jacket and handed it to Tessa, then rotated my arms and just waited for the bell. Once the bell rang I just tore into Andrade and didn't let up once.

25 minutes into the match, Andrade was in control of the match and took his eyes off me for just a second and screamed at the crowd, 'This is The Enforcer everyone is so afraid of?!' I pulled myself up, using the ring ropes and when he turned around and tried to hit me with a double axe handle. I kicked him in the gut and nailed him with an Old School DDT. I was laughing and smiling as the ref started his ten count for one of us to get up. After a moment, I kipped up onto my feet. I looked at the downed Andrade and looked to the crowd and slid my left hand to the right side of my neck and with the thumb extended slowly moved it to the left signaling that the end was near for Andrade. I picked him up and tossed him in the ropes and did a pop up spinout spinebuster and immediately went for the cover. A three count later I rolled out of the ring and joined Tessa on the ramp as she raised my left arm up in victory and handed me my jacket back.
Once we made it to the back, we decided to just leave the show and go to a nightclub like we planned. We ended up going to Coyote Ugly and had our drinking contest. Which I'm sad to say had to be called a draw as we were both really tipsy by the time we had our fortieth shot of Jack. I drove us to the hotel, carefully and I don't know how we didn't get pulled over but we somehow made it back to the hotel without incident.
When we got ready for bed. Tessa and I drank two cups of water and took a few aspirin so we didn't have that much of a hangover when we woke up the next morning.
Before we fell asleep, Tessa asked, "Hey, babe? I know that it was a tie. But. I'm proud of you for matching me drink for drink. A lot better than the last drinking contest we had."
"Thanks, Tess darling." I smiled.
"Your welcome, babe." She kissed my cheek as she laid her head on her pillow.
"I'm still going to serve you breakfast in bed for a week." I yawned.
"Awww, babe. Then, I think it would be fair, if I let you do whatever you want to me for a week as well." She yawned.
"Alright, sounds good, goodnight, Tess darling." I kissed her forehead before I laid my head on my pillow.
"Goodnight, Dan baby." She grinned as we fell asleep.

When Tessa woke up the next morning, she looked around the room. "Babe?" She called. Then heard the bedroom door open and I walked in holding a tray.
"Breakfast darling." I grinned as did she. "Eggs sunnyside up, crisp bacon, and hash browns. For my Diamond Girl." I set the tray in her lap before sitting beside her.
"So, what is the schedule for today?" She asked.
"Nothing. We're free for the today. But we do have to be in Dallas for Smackdown tomorrow night." I replied.
"Okay." She and I talked about how we would come out during Sasha's match against Lacey Evans and evaluate the possibility of her joining the new 4H. Once she was finished eating breakfast. I took the tray to the kitchenette of the room, leaving Tessa alone in the bedroom. I washed the dish, utensils, glass and even the tray itself as Tessa walked by and headed to the bathroom to get her shower in. Once I was finished with washing, drying and putting the tray, glass, etc. away. I approached the bathroom door and lightly knocked. "Come in, Dan baby." So I opened the door and walked into the steam filled room, and closed the door behind me. I smiled as I saw Tessa in all her glory. "Well, are you just going to stand there watching or are you going to join me?" I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower behind her. "That's better." She cooed as I slid my hands up her back and over her shoulders and down her chest and stomach. She leaned back into me as she said, "Use me any way you see fit, baby."
I spun her around and kissed her with enough heat and passion that she snapped her arms around my neck and returned the kiss in kind. It evolved into a very hott and steamy makeout session, which evolved into a three hour round right there in the shower.
After we washed off the fresh layer of sweat off our bodies and dried off, we headed to the bedroom to change into some clean casuals, then just put our sleepwear into our suitcases. Then just gathered our bags and just got on the road to Dallas.

Once in Dallas we checked into the hotel, and just spent the rest of the day just being tourists. We even called Tully, well Tessa did as we got some dinner at a bar and grill, and I grinned as she invited Tully to Smackdown for the go home show before Royal Rumble this Sunday. He said he'd be there. And once he hung up Tessa and I cheered as we would possibly make Tully happy that Tessa and I were finally together and giving being a couple a chance.
We spent the night in our hotel room just holding each other and watching some of her old matches along with some of mine. When we got ready for bed, "Babe?" She asked.
"Yeah, darling?" I asked in reply.
"Would you think it's too soon if we moved in together?" I looked at her and she was looking down as if she was embarrassed by the question.
"Tessa." She looked at me as I sat at her feet. "You and I have been waiting for the right person to come into our lives. To make ourselves feel more complete. And I believe that we." I chuckled before continuing. "Not to sound too cheesy here. But I believe that we were destined for each other." She 'awwed' at my statement. "So no I don't think it's too soon if we moved in together." I grinned as did she.
"Love you, babe." She folded her legs under her and kissed me.
"Love you more, darling." I smiled as I kissed her in return. When I slid under the blankets and turned off the lights, Tessa cuddled closer to me and laid her head on my left shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep.

The next morning, after I once again served Tessa breakfast in bed and eating breakfast myself while Tessa was in the shower. And after washing the dishes I and Tessa used. I went into the bathroom and smiled as she looked behind her and saw me stripping my clothes off and just sliding into the shower behind her. And slid my arms around her waist and she held my arms with her hands. "You seem a little nervous baby. Want to work some of that stress out?" She asked.
"Mmmm, I'm happy just holding my Diamond Girl." I kissed her neck making her giggle. After a nice relaxing shower with Tessa. We grabbed a couple towels, she wrapped hers around her body and I wrapped mine around my waist, we grabbed our sleep wear and headed to the bedroom to change into casual clothes. Once we were done changing. We changed out the clothes in our clothes in our arena bags, grabbed our phones, keycards and the keys to the rental car and headed to the rental car and headed to the arena to use the arenas gym.

Three hours later, just thirty minutes before showtime. Tessa was putting on her red and black attire as I was just putting on my jeans, shirt and jacket. We headed to catering and chatted with Alexa Bliss, Nikki Cross, Lacey Evans and The New Day.
Pretty soon Tessa ran to the entrance to catering and hugged Tully. "Dad." I stood up and approached them.
"Daniel my boy. Heard you were back." He grinned.
"Nice to see you too, Tully." I smiled as I shook his hand.
"Well dad. Daniel and I have something to tell you." She started.
"And that is?" Tully asked.
"Daniel and I are a couple." She slid into my right side and rested her head on my shoulder.
"As in your finally dating?" He asked. Tessa and I nodded. "Well, its about time." He chuckled as he hugged both me and Tessa. "Congrats guys."
"And to add to the festivities. Or good news. Tonight we're selecting the first member of the new Four Horsewomen." I told him.
"Their trying again, huh?" He asked.
Tessa and I nodded.

Soon it the cameras were rolling and the first match up was Sasha vs Lacey.
Ten minutes in, Tessa and I walked out and stood in the middle of the ramp and just observed Sasha. Once the match was over. Tessa and I had a small conversation or conference on the ramp before heading to the ring where Sasha was lying on the canvas, extremely tired from the match she just had with Lacey. I walked to the timekeepers side and asked for a mic. Tessa stood at Sasha's head and I stood at her feet. "Sasha," I started. "Look at where you are. You have no allies. Nobody to rely on. I mean, where's Bayley. Your supposed best friend. Truth is," I crouched as I continued. "If she really was your best friend. She'd be out here, with you, next to you. Where, oh where is the anti-hugger now. Answer, she's more worried about The Smackdown Women's Championship than her best friend. But, if you were to join Tessa and I. We would be there, in your corner every match, every interview, you wouldn't be alone anymore. Not when your with us." I handed Tessa the mic.
"What do you say Banks? You can join me and Daniel and trust us to have your back. Or depend on a friend more interested in keeping her title than her best friends well being." Tessa grinned.
I pulled a folded a shirt from my jacket pocket and waited. Sasha held up her hand and I grabbed it and pulled her up then handed her the shirt as Tessa handed me back the mic.
"If you truly accept our offer. Put. The shirt. On." I said as Tessa nodded in agreement. Sasha looked to the crowd and they started chanting, 'Yes, yes' over and over again. Sasha looked to the ramp expecting Bayley to come out and stop her or help her. Tessa and I waited for a couple seconds then Sasha put the shirt on and pulled it down over her top to expose a gold encrusted horse head symbol with sapphire eyes and an emerald '4' over the eye. She smiled and hugged Tessa and me. When we were on the stage. We turned to the crowd a flashed the four fingers. Then continued to the back. Where Bayley was fuming as she was told to stay in the back.
"Why wasn't I asked to join? I'm one of the original Four Horsewomen same as Sasha." She seethed.
"You see that thing around your neck like some retarded pelt or medal?" I asked referring to the Smackdown Women's Championship. She nodded. "The reason you weren't asked is because you are already Champion. Sasha is not because she is cheated out of every title opportunity she rightfully deserves. And when her friend should be there for her. Your somewhere else shining that belt around your neck. She needs people who will worry about her and each other and not themselves. Which is what she's going to get with us."
"Besides. Me and Dan told you and 'The Man' on Tuesday afternoon that in order for this version of the Four Horsewomen to get the respect it deserves. There can be no Champions that are more concerned about keeping their titles and less about the group as a whole. Which means. There is no room for egotistical, pompous blowhards like you and Becky in this version of the group." Tessa reminded her. Tully came up and smiled as he met the first member of the new Four Horsewomen. While Bayley stormed off.
"Sasha Banks. This is one of the Original 4. Tessa's dad, Tully Blanchard. Tully. This is Sasha Banks the first member of the Horsewomen." I introduced as Tully extended his hand and Sasha did the took the gesture and shook his hand.
"Pleasure to meet you." Tully grinned. "Trust me when I say that you'll never have better friends you can trust and that will have your back than these two." Tully told her referring to me and Tessa.
"Oh I believe it." Sasha said.

When the show was over and Tessa and I were on our way to the rental car. Sasha came up and asked, "Hey guys. Umm just have a few questions. One can you guys give me a ride? Bayley left without me. And two, are all the other members shirts going to be as unique as mine?"
I grinned as I said, let me start with your last question first. Yes, all the members shirts are going to be as unique as yours as it will cater to that person's personality or preference."
"Cool." She smiled.
Tessa then said, "And we'd be happy to give you a ride to the hotel." We then all got in the car and headed to the hotel. We made sure Sasha had no problems with Bayley as they were roommates but we gave Sasha our room number just in case she needed somewhere else to sleep tonight. As soon as Sasha was settled into her room. Tessa and I headed to our hotel room and as we got ready for bed, we talked about if we would approach Charlotte at the Royal Rumble or the following night on Raw.
After we batted that around a bit, we slid into bed and before we said, 'Goodnight' to each other. A knock came to the door. I got up and answered it to find Sasha with her bags.
"Sasha, come in please." I gestured past me and she picked up her bags and brought them into me and Tessa's hotel room. Tessa came into the living room area of the hotel room.
"Sasha. You okay?" She asked.
"Not really. But I want to just head to bed and get some sleep." She replied to Tessa.
"Okay. Goodnight and see you in the morning." I grinned as I kissed Sasha's cheek and headed into the bedroom with Tessa.
"Well it seems that Bayley doesn't like the fact that we chose to not have her or Becky in the group." Tessa said.
"Well tough shit. If anyone deserves to complain about anything. It's Ember Moon. She has never gotten a good push or any push at all since she came to the main roster." I told her.
"Agreed. Let's just get some sleep, babe." Tessa yawned.
"Got it." I smiled as we got under the blankets and cuddled close together. And I kissed her as I said, "Goodnight, Tessa darling."
She kissed me and replied, "Goodnight, Dan honey."
We soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

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