Prologue: Daniel 'The Enforcer' Boyce Marries Tessa Blanchard.

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Boise, Idaho. March 20, 2024

I was so nervous as I was putting the finishing touches on my suit. I was moments away from marrying my best friend and the love of my life, Tessa Blanchard.

Before I continue, I think I should start with a little history before anything else happens. I've been a wrestling fanatic since I was four. My mom cultivated connections in the wrestling business through friendships with neighbors who married into the business, etc. I was lucky as she was able to get me into the Blanchard Wrestling School when I graduated high school. That's where I met Tessa Blanchard. We became friends instantly. When we graduated from the Wrestling School, we both found success in the Indies. She was eventually signed to Women Superstars Uncensored, Shine, etc. Until she went to Impact (now again TNA). She even won the men's division Impact World Heavyweight Championship at Hard to Kill 2020 (which she was later stripped of due to the pandemic travel restrictions as she was in Mexico getting married and also due to the travel restrictions, she wasn't able to appear on Impact TV but filmed videos for them. But not being patient/understanding. They stripped her of the title and promptly released her.) She signed with Women of Wrestling when the restrictions were lifted.
I, on the other hand, found success in WWE (where I got extra schooling and training from Arn Anderson, who taught me the old-school mauler style of wrestling, his DDT, and Enforcer Spinebuster. He also gave me his old nickname. The Enforcer.) When the pandemic happened my mom and sister Katie both got Covid. So I took a leave of absence to take care of both of them. Only for them to take care of me. I returned the Raw after Mania 37 and have been running roughshod over everyone ever since. When I heard Tessa got a divorce. I felt sorry for her and called every week. We even went on a couple of dates. (We even have a little boy together, Trevor Allen Boyce Blanchard. He's about five months old now. Born on November 5, 2023.) This brings us to the night I proposed.
February 16, 2024.
We agreed to meet in Miami for a belated romantic Valentine's Day dinner. I planned everything to the last possible detail. She arrived and everything was perfect. Well, almost. Apparently whoever worked in the kitchen, didn't know an engagement ring was supposed to be baked inside a pastry. And the reason I know is because I was handed the ring before the pastry was brought out. So I just got on one knee and presented the ring. Tessa was happy as was I. Of course, it didn't hurt that the diamonds were in the shape of our initials. Tessa was so happy that she started tearing up as she said yes.
Now a month later, I'm about to marry my best friend and the love of my life. Ooh, I wish I could calm my nerves.

A knock came to the door as it opened and in came Katie and Mom. Katie was holding little Trevor.
"Nervous, Dan?" Mom asked.
"A regular basket case, Mom," I replied with a chuckle. "I see Trevor's behaving himself." I approached Katie and my son.
"He is." Katie smiled as she kissed my cheek. "You look good bro. Tessa's a lucky girl."
"Thanks, Katie. Are you sure you can watch Trevor?" I asked as Tessa and I asked Katie and her partner Angel Cruz to watch and take care of Trevor as we went on our honeymoon in the Maldives Islands(which we wouldn't take until after Tessa did her last appearances for WOW).
Katie grinned as she rubbed my shoulder with her free left hand, "Daniel. Whoa. Breathe." She said as I took a deep breath. "If I wasn't sure. I wouldn't have accepted. Okay?" I nodded in response as I gently took Trevor from Katie and held him. And that oddly enough calmed me down.
Trevor smiled as I gently bounced him in my arms. "Thanks, little man. I needed this." I smiled as I kissed his forehead.
Another knock came to the door and Mom answered it and in walked Tully. "Is he ready?" He asked.
"Just about, Tully," I said as I handed Trevor to Mom as she and Katie left the room. I put on my suit jacket and looked into the mirror. "I'm ready as I'll ever be."
"That's good. Umm, I just wanted to talk to you before you like my daughter make your grand entrance." He joked. "The moment you and my daughter met. I knew you two would end up together."
"Even though you tried your hand at matchmaking on more than one occasion."I replied with a smirk.
"True. You weren't ready then. But I know you two are ready now. I just want to welcome you to the family. Finally." Tully grinned as he hugged me.
"Let's go." I said as I headed to the altar and waited for Tessa.
The moment the wedding march started, everyone stood up and looked up the aisle. Even I did and I was met with a vision of perfection as Tully walked her down the aisle. Her dress was diamond white. And hugged her curves perfectly. Her train was not too long about maybe seven feet, and her veil was long enough to cover her face and neckline. She smiled at me as I did her. I walked to the edge of the aisle, gently laced my left arm with her right, and led her to the altar as the preacher started the ceremony. When it came to the vows. Me and Tessa wrote our vows as we wanted to be honest with every word we said. I went first, "Tessa. Ever since I met you at your family's wrestling school, we've been best friends, each other's practice partner, and closest confidante. Like everyone in attendance, I've been proud. Probably more than I should admit. But there are two I'm especially proud of you. First, is the moment you became the first woman to win the Impact World Heavyweight Championship." She grinned widely as she started to tear up. "And second, the moment you had our little boy." I grinned as we both looked at little Trevor who was asleep in Katie's arms. "The one thing I'm proud of is the moment you said yes. Now we're here. Saying our vows as we officially become a family, and I wouldn't trade it for anything." I finished with, "I love you, Tessa Blanchard."
She grinned as she looked me in the eye, "Daniel, like you. Ever since we met, we've been best friends, each other's practice partner, and closest confidante. And as you said, like everyone in attendance. I too have been proud of you. The moment you became a triple crown champion. Gave me our son. And now we're about to be married." She started sniffling as she teared up more. "I can say that I'm as happy as I ever been. And I can't wait to see what life has in store for us. I love you, Daniel Boyce."
The preacher started to finish the ceremony as Tessa and I exchanged rings. And when no one stood up to object, "Then by the power invested in me by. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the..." I was way ahead of him as I kissed Tessa passionately. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present for the first time publicly, Daniel and Tessa Boyce-Blanchard." Tessa laced her right arm with my left as we left the church to Mom's place for the reception.

When we arrived at Mom's place and walked into the house which was perfectly decorated for the reception. "It's perfect, baby." Tessa smiled as she looked around.
"That's a Mom for you, nothing is too good for her boy. But Katie also chipped in as well." I smiled. "Let's get ready for the reception." Tess and I went upstairs and went to our guest room and changed. She turned her wedding dress into a more comfortable version of her dress no train, veil, or any other additional piece of fabric. Mom's idea and Tessa loved it. I took off the bow tie and undid the top button around my neck. We heard Mom, Katie, and little Trevor coming into the house. Mom came in holding Trevor who was awake and giggling. "Someone's enjoying himself." I giggled.
"My turn to hold our baby boy," Tessa said as she carefully took Trevor from Mom. "Isn't it, my precious boy?" Tessa asked with a grin which made Trevor clap excitedly. Making Mom, Katie, and I chuckle.
"Any plans on having more kids?" Katie asked.
"Not until Trevor's at least a year old," I said. "We're happy with our little boy."
"Yes, we are." Tessa smiled as she kissed Trevor's cheek.

At the reception, we greeted the guests and accepted their congratulations, we're happy for you and the like. We did the traditional family photos as we posed with her and my family even though there are two of them, my sister's partner making it three, and Tessa's three siblings, her Mom, Dad, and Stepdad made up her family. Trevor was enjoying the attention from his Grandpa's, Grandma's, Aunt's, and Uncle. When it was time for us to do our first dance as a couple. We danced the Viennese Waltz. We danced perfectly. After we were done dancing, we let everyone else dance until it was time for the father-daughter dance, and the mother-son dance directly after. She sat in a chair, lifted her dress skirt, and I slowly pulled off the garter. We soon ate and had the customary toasts, we even cut the cake. And pretty much force-fed each other our slices which we laughed as our faces were covered in wedding cake, which got everybody laughing. Towards the end of the reception, I slingshotted the garter into the crowd of groomsmen, and my friend Malcolm Jacobs (Malakai) caught it and he is married to Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) who was sitting holding their three-year-old girl Anastasia Rebecca Orton. When everyone was seated Tessa and I approached Malcolm's table.
"Hey, guys," I said. "Enjoying the reception?"
"Yes, we are. Although I didn't expect to catch Tessa's garter." He chuckled.
"It's okay, Malcolm. Just don't let it go to your head." Tessa chuckled.
"Ooh, it won't. I'll see to that." Rhea smirked.
"How's little Ana?" I asked.
"F..f..fine, Uncle Daniel." She stuttered and smiled.
"Well, if it's okay with your mom and dad. There's just enough time for one more dance. Would you care to join me?"
" I,," She asked and what made me laugh was she did Puss' begging eyes a moment or two after. They agreed to allow her to dance with me as Tessa retrieved Trevor from his stroller and started dancing with him. I picked up Anastasia and held her as we went from side to side. After the reception, Tessa threw the bouquet. Which Jade caught. We said goodnight and goodbye to all our guests and put some of the leftovers in the fridge. Tessa got changed into some comfortable clothes, changed Trevor's diaper, and fed him as I changed out of my suit and into some comfortable clothes myself. I went to Trevor's makeshift nursery and found Tessa burping him.
"How's our boy?" I asked.
"He's okay. Just tired." Tessa replied.
"He's had a full day. I think we all should get some sleep. What do you think Trevor?" I asked as he nodded. "Alright, let's get some sleep and deal with everything in the morning."
"Sounds good." Tessa grinned as we both kissed Trevor's cheeks before Tessa put him in his crib and he was out like a light. I tucked him in before I joined Tessa in the doorway and dimmed the light. I kissed Tessa's forehead as we watched Trevor a bit longer before she gently closed the door.

We were lying in my old room's bed when Tessa asked, "Baby?"
"Yes, honey," I replied. "What's up?"
"Would you be okay if we tried for a girl?" She hesitantly asked.
"Of course, I'd be okay with it." I sat up and looked at her. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because we agreed to wait until Trevor's at least a year old before trying for another kid." She replied.
"Darling." I slid back until my back was against the headboard, pulled her into my lap, and wrapped my arms around her waist. "If you want to try for another kid, like a little girl?" I asked as she looked at me surprised. "I saw the way you looked at Ana while I was dancing with her. You wanted her or at least a girl of your own."
"It's not that I'm not happy with our son, Trevor. It's just," I ran a hand through her hair as she continued, "I feel like I'm betraying Trevor for wanting another baby."
"You're not, honey. Trevor knows you love him, as do I. And you know you love Trevor. I think we should talk with Trevor about it in the morning. But I'll be right there with you if you decide to try for another baby. I'm not going to stand in the way of anything that makes you happy. Because I love you enough to trust that you'll ask me for help, or comfort, or just be there for you."
She grinned as she kissed me, and tears started running down her cheeks, "Thank you, baby." She sobbed a bit as I rubbed her right arm with my right hand.
"Let's get some sleep, honey." I said as we scooted down and laid down and fell fast asleep in each other's arms.

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