Chapter 3: A Legendary Rematch

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Chapter 3: A Legendary Rematch

"So you've actually battled that guy And you even managed to beat that Darkrai!"

Ash could tell that Korrina was still somewhat in a daze after her battle with Tobias. Fortunately, her spirits were still high, helped by the fact that Nurse Joy was making sure Lucario was doing okay and he didn't seem to be badly hurt. For the most part, Korrina seemed to be as excited about such a strong opponent being at the festival as Ash was and she was just eager to know more about Tobias, since Ash was one of the few around there that knew about him.

"It helped it was a full battle," Ash admitted. "I was able to wear it down a bit and figure out the way it worked with Tobias." He sighed, remembering the difficult battle and what had followed after all the hard work to defeat Darkrai. "And then that Latios came out. Pikachu managed to draw with it but...we'd already lost all our other Pokemon. I just wonder what would've been third."

"If you're going to battle Tobias again, you should make it more than a one on one!" Goh suggested. "I want to see what else he has!"

"Yeah, that would be so cool!" Bonnie said excitedly. "Please Ash! Will you try?!"

Ash grinned, looking out towards the stadium where Korrina's battle had taken place. Tobias would be waiting there. His Darkrai had been treated very quickly. It seemed as though he felt it unnecessary to outright ask Ash for a challenge. He knew Ash would approach soon enough.

"I'm all for a bigger battle. I'd love to see what else he's got!" He rubbed his chin, thinking about the two Pokemon he knew Tobias had. Of course, it could have changed beyond Darkrai, but he had to make a plan. "I need to make sure my team is ready for this, though."

"Goodra's been on fire so far!" Goh exclaimed. "You have to keep going with him."

"It'll be tough to handle Darkrai's Ice Beam with him being a dragon type," Ash said thoughtfully. "But he's usually able to take some hits like that. Dark Void is tough, though. My Heracross had Sleep Talk so that helped us weaken it a lot early on last time. But Goodra..." Suddenly, an idea came to him. "I've got it!"

"What?!" his friends all seemed to ask at once.

"I can't spoil it now!" Ash said, grinning widely. "You'll have to wait. I think I've even got the perfect choice for my second Pokemon, too. I'll need to plan some more if I need another, though..."

Their time waiting for Korrina's Lucario passed by fairly quickly as they debated Ash's options. Goh seemed mostly satisfied with Ash's choice of Goodra, largely because he hadn't seen him before, but he and the others varied greatly on suggestions for Ash's other potential options. Even Chloe got into the debate, suddenly very excited about the idea of planning for a battle.

"Well, if he has a Latios, Gengar would be useful," she said. "Wouldn't his ghost attacks be effective against a part psychic type?"

"Pikachu has to battle!" Bonnie added. "You said nobody had managed to even beat Darkrai, but Latios must've been even stronger and Pikachu tied with it!"

"That Dragonite of yours is pretty impressive," Korrina murmured. "Of course, if you've got a Lucario now..."

"I agree with Chloe about Gengar," Clemont said, "but you do need to consider the potential of a different Pokemon. In that case..."

Once Korrina's Lucario was finished at the Pokemon Centre, Nurse Joy saying he would be just fine, the group headed off once again to the arena, and Ash couldn't help but laugh. If he hadn't been forming a plan in his head already, his mind would've been spinning with all the suggestions he'd been given. He still appreciated what his friends had offered, though. He'd already even thought of few ways to implement some of the things they'd said.

As they rounded a corner, the arena only a little ways ahead, Ash noticed an excited group up ahead, murmuring and pointing up at something atop a nearby building. He and his friends paused, glancing up curiously to see what the fuss was about. It was fairly bright, though, and the sun was in their eyes, making it hard to focus.

"What's all the excitement about?" Korrina asked the group as they approached.

"Some kind of Pokemon was up there," a guy near the front said. "It was jumping from building to building! I wonder if it belongs to that guy with the Darkrai!"

Ash's eyes widened in excitement and he couldn't help but look up again, focusing as best he could on the building everyone had been looking at before. He still couldn't see anything, but for some reason, he felt like something was watching him. He felt compelled to shift his gaze a bit, and for a moment, he did think he saw a flash of blue on another building out of the corner of his eye. He supposed it was probably the reflection of the sky in the window, though.

"'re here."

Ash jumped in surprise, turning around quickly at the sound of the voice behind him. He smiled quickly, though, seeing Tobias staring back. "Tobias! Hi, how's it going? That was an awesome battle you had with Korrina."

"It was quite interesting," Tobias said, nodding and glancing at Korrina, who was watching curiously. She smiled as Tobias looked at her, though. "Mega Evolution has fascinated me for awhile. I was hoping to test my Pokemon against it." He focused on Ash once more. "Do you have any Pokemon that can Mega Evolve, Ash?"

Ash smiled awkwardly. "Um...well..."

"Pikachu can Gigantamax!" Goh offered, stepping forward to stand next to Ash. "He can only do it in Galar, though. It's a big power boosting transformation, too, though!"

Tobias frowned. "Hmm..." He looked as though he was considering something. Ash couldn't help but sense the disappointment emanating from him. "Well, I suppose you've proven you're quite capable without such things, haven't you, Ash? I'd be very interested in battling you once more. What do you say?"

"Of course!" Ash said happily. "That's why I came back here! Do you think we can do more than a one on one?!"

Tobias smirked, looking amused. "If you think you can beat more than one of my Pokemon. How about a three on three?"

"You're on!"

And with that, the two trainers turned to face the arena, while a shadow from above moved over them.

The crowd was larger for this battle than it had been for Korrina's. Ash could feel the ground beneath him shaking from the movement of people heading to their seats and the noise of their murmurs of excitement. Word of Tobias' Darkrai had spread, and people were eager to see him battle. Some even seemed to have heard it would be a rematch of an old League battle, too, from some of the whispers Ash had heard as they'd headed in and officially arranged the match.

"This is it, Pikachu," Ash said, taking a deep breath as things began to finally quiet down after a few more minutes. "We can see how much we've grown since we were back in Sinnoh. That was a tough loss back then, but I think we can win this time!"

"Pika!" Pikachu said excitedly in response, nodding and smiling as he looked out across the field towards Tobias, who already had his pokeball in hand. The Rotom-drone was now flying over him and as it announced the official rules for the match, the announcer got the crowd further riled up.

"Folks, this will be a good one! It's a three on three between our fierce and mysterious competitor with the Darkrai...Tobias!" The crowd roared in excitement as Tobias appeared on a large screen off to their right. "And we also have the winner of the first ever Alola League, Ash from Pallet Town!" This knowledge seemed to excite the crowd a bit, and the murmurs grew louder. "This match is more than just a battle between strong trainers, though! This is a rematch! Ash and Tobias battled way back in the semifinals of the Sinnoh League. Tobias emerged victorious, but of all challengers, only Ash managed to make a dent in Tobias' powerful team. Perhaps we'll see more of that today. Now let's get started!"

"You can do this, Ash!"

"Good luck!'

"I know you'll win!"

"We're rooting for you!"

"This rematch is yours!"

Ash grinned as he looked across at Tobias, the Rotom-drone now in position and waiting for them to select their first Pokemon. It was certainly strange to be facing off against the mysterious trainer once more, but he couldn't have felt better doing it. He had improved a lot since then, and he loved a good challenge. And with his friends behind him, he wasn't going to let up one bit.

"All right, let's do this!" he shouted, raising his arm. "Goodra, I choose you!"

"Darkrai, let's go!"

Two flashes of light lit up each side of the battlefield, and a moment later, each Pokemon appeared, ready to battle. There was another collective gasp from the crowd, with many seeing Darkrai for the first time. Even Ash couldn't help but look at it with a little bit of surprise. It was stunning to be going up against it, even if he'd already done it once before.

He had no more time to think on it, however, because in that moment, the Rotom-drone's voice rang out. "Let the battle begin!"

Both Ash and Tobias had the same idea to start things off. "Ice Beam, let's go!" they both shouted, their voices loud and clear as their commands rang out throughout the arena.

"GooooDRA!" Goodra cried out, while Darkrai's eerie grunt echoed back. The two jets of icy energy crashed together at the centre of the field, a large block of ice forming quickly before each Pokemon stopped their attack. Ash was the next to act, though, not wanting to leave anything to chance as he began to enact the best plan he could think of for this matchup.

"Goodra, Rain Dance now!" he ordered, the Dragon Pokemon nodding immediately, before a large, grey cloud began to rapidly form above the field. A moment later, droplets of rain began to fall, eventually becoming a steady downpour.

"An interesting move by Ash!" the announcer called out. "I wonder what this Rain Dance could be setting up for!"

Tobias frowned, looking as though he was wondering the same thing. Ash just hoped he wouldn't pick up on it too fast. He was quick to call his next move, though. "Darkrai, keep up on the offensive with Dark Pulse!"

The Pitch-Black Pokemon responded immediately, darting higher into the air, before unleashing the swirling purple and black energy. It exploded against the block of ice at the centre of the field and immediately sent dozens of large shards of ice rocketing towards Goodra. Ash responded just in time.

"Goodra, use Bide!" he cried out, urgency creeping into his voice.

"Draaa!" Goodra answered, a white aura suddenly shooting up around his body just as the shards began to hit. He grunted in pain, but he stood strong and tall, taking each hit as well as he could, a brief glow of white passing over him as he did so.

"We won't allow it to counter!" Tobias called out loudly. "Darkrai, use Dark Void!"

Ash smirked. He watched as Darkrai fired off the dark orb. It struck Goodra immediately, and the Dragon Pokemon began to slump a bit, but mere seconds later, his body glowed again. This time, it was not from Bide, but from the rain, his Hydration ability keeping him safe. He straightened up, looking more than ready to fight back.

"Incredible!" the announcer cried out as the gasps carried through the crowd at Goodra's defensive tactic. "Ash and Goodra have found a way to get around the very dangerous Dark Void and Dream Eater combination that makes Darkrai very difficult to beat. It will still be a tall task, but they may have what they need to win this battle!"

"Hmm, I wondered about that ability," Tobias admitted. "A clever strategy, Ash. But no matter. We'll win with force. Darkrai, Ice Beam!"

Darkrai grunted once more as he fired off the icy energy, hitting the still Goodra once again. Goodra's white glow brightened as he was hit, and despite staggering back, Ash knew he was ready to fight back. He clenched his fist as his dragon type straightened up, and then gave the order as Darkrai finished his Ice Beam, looking surprised to see Goodra managing to take it.

"Let it rip, Goodra!" Ash yelled, pointing ahead.


A blinding white light burst outwards from Goodra, and the crowd gasped and roared with approval as it rushed towards Darkrai. Ash could only just make out the shocked expression on Tobias' face as Darkrai was hit. He heard it cry out briefly, but he had to wait until the light dimmed to see it face down on the ground, shaking with the effort to rise, the attack having done a great deal of damage. Unfortunately, Goodra was showing signs of fatigue from taking the ice type hits as well, along with the effort of the Bide. He was breathing heavily, but he seemed quite satisfied with his attack.

"Not bad, Ash," Tobias said with a smile. "But Darkrai can handle it!" As if in answer, the Pitch-Black Pokemon rose up from the ground, shaking itself and readying itself for the next stage of the battle. "Now, Dark Pulse!"

With Goodra still recovering from his attack, he had no counter as the swirling black and purple energy hit him square in the chest. He staggered back, wincing as the crowd cheered in response to the quick counterattack by Tobias. Ash knew he had enough in him to fight back, though, and as the Dragon Pokemon glanced back at him, he grinned in response.

"Dragon Pulse, let's go!"

"Fly up to dodge!" Tobias countered, smiling in satisfaction. Clearly he believed Darkrai had an easy way to avoid danger. He was wrong.

"Use your tail!" Ash shouted quickly.

At that, the crowd gasped again, stunned as both Darkrai and Goodra shot into the air. One floated upwards, while the other was propelled upwards by slamming his tail hard in the ground. The move lined him up perfectly with Darkrai, leaving the latter completely vulnerable as the shining, dragon-shaped beam of energy rushed towards him, exploding in bright lights at the centre of the battlefield.

Goodra landed on the field with a loud thud, smoke billowing outward from where his attack had struck above. A moment later, a shape fell to the ground, hitting the field with a much softer thud. Darkrai didn't move, and the Rotom-drone darted forward, scanning the Pitch-Black Pokemon while the crowd watched in stunned silence.

"Darkrai is unable to battle! Goodra is the winner!"

"I don't believe it!" the announcer cried out. "Goodra defeats Darkrai and Ash is up by one early on in this incredible battle! I wonder how many more surprises are in store for this one. An incredible use of Goodra's defensive strength and his raw power to give Ash the edge in this one!"

"Indeed!" Tobias called out, smiling as he recalled his Darkrai. "That Bide attack did a great deal of damage. If I hadn't been intent on using Dark Void, I might have been able to wear Goodra down further, but he managed to take the attacks Darkrai did land, and use the power to its fullest." He smirked as he pulled out his next pokeball. "But as you know, Ash...I have much more in store for you. Latios, let's go!"


The crowd went wild as the Eon Pokemon emerged, darting high above the battlefield, before shooting back to the ground and stopping with perfect precision in front of Tobias. Ash, who was feeling confident after his first win, couldn't help but swallow nervously at the sight of the powerful dragon and psychic type. It had been too much for him last time, even if Pikachu had managed to draw with it in the end. He would need to be smart.

"Goodra, you take a rest for now," he called out, raising Goodra's pokeball and recalling him inside. "We'll go with our own flying dragon type!" Ash said, smiling as he pulled out another pokeball. "Dragonite, I choose you!"

"Burrrurrr!" Emerging in the rain from Goodra's Rain Dance, Dragonite spun in midair, flapping his wings and sending the droplets flying all around him, sparkling in he light streaking through the grey cloud. He was often a very friendly Pokemon, but he looked fierce as he prepared to battle, sensing the tall task in front of him.

"Yeah, go get 'em, Dragonite!" Ash could hear Goh yelling. "You can do it!"

As the signal came to begin the match, Ash was quick to call the first move. "Dragonite, get in there with Dragon Claw!"

"Burrurrr!" the Dragon Pokemon cried out happily, taking off towards his opponent with a flap of his wings, his claw immediately glowing green and extending outwards. Tobias was just as ready, though, appearing to quickly sense himself that the pace was picking up much more for this battle.

"Latios, Luster Purge now!"


As Dragonite shot forward, nearly within reach of Latios, the Eon Pokemon unleashed a massive, shining beam of light that rocketed straight towards him. He managed to hold up his claw to block it, but he couldn't seem to force his way thought, Latio holding firm in its attack. A moment later, though, Dragonite staggered back, just as Latios released the beam, both Pokemon panting from the effort of fighting off the other's assault.

"Incredible!" the announcer shouted to the stadium. "It certainly looks as though Ash's Dragonite will have just as much fight in him as his Goodra. I doubt many Pokemon can go head to head with a Latios' Luster Purge like that!"

"That's true," Tobias acknowledged, his eyes lit up with the excitement of the battle. "You've improved a great deal since we met last, Ash. These are fine Pokemon you have as well. This may indeed be quite a close battle."

"I plan on it!" Ash said, grinning as he locked eyes with Dragonite. Both of their eyes drifted up to Goodra's rain cloud. It was beginning to fade, but the rain still fell. It was enough for one good attack. "All right, Dragonite, let's try Dragon Claw one more time!"

"Very well!" Tobias called out. "We'll go head to head! Giga Impact!"



Both Pokemon launched themselves forward, the crowd going wild at the speed they each demonstrated. As a white light surrounded Latios, Dragonite swung forward with his claw glowing in a bright green light. They clashed at the centre of the field, a shock wave of energy rippling outward and surprising the first few rows of fans in the crowd. Ash could see quickly that Dragonite didn't have enough strength to handle the collision, though. A moment later, he was sent spinning back, wincing as he quickly righted himself, while Latios hovered, panting.

Perfect, Ash thought, knowing Latios couldn't attack now, with Giga Impact having been used. He just had to hope Dragonite could pull off the attack himself now. "Let's go, Dragonite! Use Goodra's Rain Dance and fire off the best Hurricane you've got!"

"BURRURR!" Dragonite cried out, flapping his wings as fast as he could. Ash could see the surprise in both Tobias and Latios' eyes as wind swirled rapidly around in front of Dragonite, seemingly absorbing the rain, before shooting forth. It slammed into Latios like a wall, whipping the Eon Pokemon around in a circle before sending it crashing hard to the ground, just as the rain began to dissipate.

Ash wasn't done yet, though, and as the crowd murmured excitedly and the announcer shouted his surprise, he called for a follow up attack, knowing Dragonite was ready. "Hyper Beam!"

The Dragon Pokemon flapped his wings once more, shooting high into the air and aiming his sights on the feebly stirring Latios below him. Then, he opened his jaws wide and unleashed a massive blast of shining yellow energy. It struck Latios head on, just as the Eon Pokemon attempted to fly away, sending it crashing down once again. As Dragonite began to slowly drift back down to the ground, panting and unable to move too much after the Hyper Beam, the damage he had inflicted on Latios was evident.

"An amazing assault by Ash and Dragonite!" the announcer cried out. "Fighting back after being overpowered by Giga Impact, Dragonite has managed to strike Latios with a vicious Hurricane and Hyper Beam combo! Can Tobias turn this around?!"

"Latios, use Recover!" Tobias then said, smirking as instantly, a glow came from the Eon Pokemon.

Ash gasped along with the crowd, seeing many of the scrapes and bruises immediately fading away as Latios slowly began to hover in the air once more. It looked refreshed, and even though it was giving time for Dragonite to recover from Hyper Beam, it had managed to make his attacks far less damaging than they had appeared moments before. Ash knew they would need to attack quickly to get the advantage back.

"Quick, use Hurricane once more!"

"Light Screen!" Tobias countered, narrowing his eyes as he watched Dragonite.

Briefly, it almost appeared as Latios had been covered in a glass coating, before the glow disappeared a moment later. Ash knew the defensive protection was in place, but he couldn't let it stop him and Dragonite. He would just have to keep chipping away. He called out encouragement to Dragonite and hoped the Hurricane attack would land without the aid of Rain Dance.

"Brrrurrr!" the Dragon Pokemon cried out, unleashing the swirling wind. It definitely didn't have the control and strength of the one aided by Rain Dance, but fortunately, it went straight for Latios. The Eon Pokemon seemed a little startled by the attack striking so quickly, but the Light Screen did seem to protect it from the worst of it. Latios was sent staggering back, wincing briefly, but otherwise it remained safe from too much harm.

"Luster Purge, now!" Tobias then shouted, appearing to decide it was his chance to go on the offensive.

Latios didn't hesitate. It shot forward like a cannon, and before Ash or Dragonite could respond, the distance between the two Pokemon was closed. A moment later, the shining light blasted outward, slamming into Dragonite's chest with full force. He crashed down towards the ground just as Latios had done earlier, but Ash was worried, knowing Dragonite had no chance of using a move such as Recover.

"We'll need to hit back with everything you've got, Dragonite!" Ash shouted. "Power up with Dragon Dance!"

"We won't allow it!" Tobias answered, smirking. "Latios, Luster Purge, once more!"

Ash grinned as Dragonite took off high into the air, Latios giving chase but keeping a safe distance. As the Eon Pokemon took aim, firing off the shining energy, Dragonite began to spin, swirling upwards and elegantly evading each beam that headed towards him. Ash could hear the stunned gasps from the crowd and the laughs of delight from his friends.

"What an incredible way to evade an attack and increase power at the same time!" the announcer cried out. "Impressive move by Ash and Dragonite!"

"And it gets better!" Ash shouted. "Dragon Claw, let's go!"

"We have no choice, Latios!" Tobias called out, sounding somewhat frustrated. "Giga Impact!"

Ash clenched his fists nervously, watching as each Pokemon rocketed towards the other. Dragonite lashed out with his glowing green claw, while Latios responded with a charge surrounded by a white light with all its power. They crashed together with resounding force, and Ash heard both Pokemon cry out in shock and a moment later, each staggered back, breathing heavily. Fortunately for Ash and Dragonite, Latios' move had forced it into a more vulnerable position.

"Now, while it recovers from Giga Impact! Hyper Beam!" Ash yelled, punching the air triumphantly.


The shining beam of energy blasted outwards, striking Latios as its eyes widened in surprise. The air shook from the blast and smoke surrounded Latios. A moment later, however, the crowd cheering at the exciting turn of events, a shape began to fall from the sky. It hit the ground and lay still as the Rotom-drone zoomed forward.

"Latios is unable to battle! Dragonite is the winner!"

This time, the crowd was silent, having halted their cheers as Latios fell. The surprise was felt in the very air. Ash couldn't even blame them as he stared ahead at Latios' still form. He barely even registered it as Tobias recalled it to its pokeball. Only the voice of his opponent snapped him out of his daze.

"Well, Ash, this is certainly unexpected," Tobias said, and Ash was surprised by the smile on his face. "Defeating Darkrai is rare enough, and only a handful of opponents have brought Latios down. You've defeated both...and it's not even your first time doing so. And now...doing so without losing a Pokemon. Truly quite incredible."

Ash smiled sheepishly. "Uh...yeah. It's kind of crazy." He looked at Dragonite, who was panting. "Couldn't do it without my Pokemon, though."

Tobias nodded, giving Dragonite an appraising look. "Indeed. They are something special." His gaze hardened as he looked to Ash once more. "But now you see my best, Ash. The true battle begins now." He pulled out another pokeball and held it reverently in his hand. "I am stunned to be in this position. To use this Pokemon..." He smiled. "We'll see how you fare. Zeraora, let's go!"

Finally, the crowd's silence broke. As the light from the pokeball faded, a Pokemon somewhat resembling a Lucario emerged. It was yellow, with feline-like features. Electricity sparked along its bushy fur while its tail lashed back and forth. Darkrai had been intimidating. Latios had been awe-inspiring. Zeraora was both.

"Tobias does not stop with the surprises!" the announcer called out. "Somehow, it appears he has something even more impressive up his sleeve than Darkrai and Latios! Ash will need to make use of every bit of strength and skill he and his Pokemon possess if they are going to finish this off!"

Ash narrowed his eyes. There was nothing like a challenge to inspire him and his Pokemon. "All right, Dragonite, let's do this!"

As the signal came for the match to resume, Tobias made the first move. "Zeraora, use Iron Tail!"

"Counter with Dragon Claw!" Ash shouted, punching the air with the order, excited to see the clash with Tobias' final Pokemon.

It was apparent immediately that Ash's first impression of Zeraora was incorrect. It was stronger than he expected. It was on Dragonite in a heartbeat, the Dragon Pokemon only just bringing up his claw to block the Iron Tail coming for him. Unfortunately, no matter how much he strained, Dragonite couldn't match the force behind the attack. After a moment of desperate straining, the Iron Tail broke through, striking across Dragonites chest, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Electro-Web, now!" Tobias ordered, clearly ready to take advantage of Dragonite's vulnerability.

"Zerrr!" Zeraora cried out, spreading his arms wide, before suddenly a massive web of electricity formed above him and he sent it down on top of Dragonite.

"Burrurr!" Dragonite cried out as the electricity engulfed him and the web pinned him to the ground.

"Hang in there, Dragonite!" Ash called encouragingly. "Hyper Beam!"

Somehow, the dragon type managed to raise his head. With all the effort he could muster, he opened his jaws and unleashed a massive beam of bright energy. Ash heard the crowd gasp and saw the electric net explode around Dragonite as the attack shot up towards Zeraora.

When the light dimmed, and Dragonite was revealed, panting but having managed to stand, Ash expected Zeraora to have been knocked down. Instead, the Thunderclap Pokemon still stood, looking dismissively at his shoulder, where the fur appeared slightly singed. He raised his arm and flexed it, showing little sign of being hurt.

"Plasma Fists," Tobias ordered calmly.

The arena was silent as Zeraora burst forward, fists glowing and sparking with blue electricity. With Dragonite unable to respond after using Hyper Beam, there was no defence. The Rotom-drone zoomed forward before he had even hit the ground, ready to scan him.

"Dragonite is unable to battle! Zeraora wins!"

"What an incredible show of power! That Zeraora is going to be very tough to beat! Will Ash go back to Goodra, or will he use his final Pokemon?!"

Ash wasn't too sure about that himself. He wasn't even quite sure who to use for his third Pokemon. Pikachu could probably match Zeraora's speed, but his electric attacks wouldn't do much damage. Lucario might be strong enough, but even Korrina's had a hard time against Darkrai when Mega Evolved, and Zeraora was at another level. He would have to hope Goodra could wear it down a bit more to give him some time.

He recalled Dragonite to its pokeball, thanking it for its effort, before pulling Goodra's back out. "Goodra, I need your help again. I choose you!"

"Goooodraaa!" he roared, emerging from his pokeball and standing tall. He still looked tired from fighting Darkrai, but was clearly ready to do whatever he could.

As soon as the Rotom-drone called for the battle to continue, Ash gave the first order. "Goodra, let's start this off with Ice Beam!"

"Electro-Web!" Tobias countered.

As Goodra opened his jaws wide to unleash the jet of icy energy, Zeraora spread his arms, electricity coursing through them. Both of them released their attacks simultaneously and the stadium shook as they exploded on contact. After briefly shielding his eyes, Ash looked and saw sparking chunks of ice falling all across the field.

"Zeraora, hit them towards Goodra with Iron Tail!"

"Goodra, brace yourself and use Bide!" Ash countered, knowing it was risky but deciding it was the best they could do. Goodra's other attacks just wouldn't do it. Not now.

"Zerrr!" Zeraora then cried out, swinging his glowing tail and sending the electrically charged ice chunks towards Goodra. As they came, Goodra tensed up, a white glow passing over him. Then, they struck.

"Draaa..." Goodra groaned wincing as the chunks hit him. He managed to right himself after the assault ended, but Ash could see he was feeling the pain. His body did glow briefly, however, the Bide powering up. Tobias seemed to sense that too, however, deciding to be more cautious with his next order.

"Prepare for their assault, Zeraora. Use Charge!"

"Zerrr!" the Thunderclap Pokemon cried out, electricity sparking along its body briefly, before appearing to explode outwards. The image brought cries of alarm from the crowd, many sensing the raw power of the electric type.

Ash could see the glow around Goodra brightening, and although he hadn't managed to absorb more power from another strike from Zeraora, he was ready to attack. They would just have to hope it was enough. "Fire away, Goodra!" Ash yelled.

"Plasma Fists!" Tobias countered.



A blinding white light burst forward from Goodra as Zeraora burst forward, fists seemingly bursting with electricity. The Thunderclap Pokemon was hit head on, but he fought through, only giving the slightest wince from the attack. He managed to reach Goodra a moment later, though, and slammed both fists hard into the Dragon Pokemon's chest. He staggered back, crying out and sagging low, appearing nearly ready to fall over.

Goodra glanced back at Ash, and he knew immediately what to do. He wasn't quite sure why Goodra wanted it, or why he knew it was right. Or perhaps some part of him did. There was something he was sensing in that dream he'd had and close by the arena earlier. He just didn't want to let himself believe it. But...perhaps Goodra could help if what Ash was wondering was indeed coming.

"Goodra, use Rain Dance!"


"Finish with Iron Tail!"

As the large, grey cloud formed above the battlefield once more, Zeraora shot forward again. Goodra appeared satisfied, and Ash saw him glance back with a smile just before Zeraora struck. He fell to the ground just as the first drops began to fall.

"Goodra is unable to battle! Zeraora is the winner!"

"And there we have it, folks!" the announcer yelled. "The match is tied! And wow, does it ever look like Tobias has turned the tables here after an impressive start by Ash. Nonetheless, we can't count Ash out just yet. Let's see just what he has for his final Pokemon!"

"I'm curious as to your final choice as well," Tobias said, as Ash recalled Goodra to his pokeball. His Zeraora still looked quite ready to fight, although Ash knew that it had felt a couple of good attacks from Dragonite and Goodra. "Unfortunately, I doubt you will have a Pokemon with you that can match my Zeraora." He glanced briefly at Pikachu, before returning his gaze to Ash. "So, who will it be?"

Ash's eyes went to Pikachu as well, and he knew that even though his oldest partner wanted to battle, he too had sensed something approaching since they'd arrived in the Wetlands. He smiled back at Ash. It had seemed too good to be true, but Ash was ready to believe.

"You're right, Tobias," he said, closing his eyes and focusing his mind on the comforting presence he was sure he felt nearby. "Right now, I might not have a Pokemon with me that can beat your Zeraora." He smiled again at Pikachu. "Well...the Pokemon I'm using that can beat Zeraora isn't with me right now." He looked up at Tobias.

"What are you talking about?" Tobias asked, looking confused.

Ash grinned and closed his eyes again. He felt it now. He felt the presence coming closer. He heard the crowd murmuring excitedly. He heard the gasp from Tobias. He felt Pikachu clutch his leg in surprise. He opened his eyes.

"I choose Greninja!"

The Ninja Pokemon that had been his faithful companion for his entire Kalos journey, before departing to help keep the region safe, now stood before him. He looked back, and Ash could see the joy in his old Pokemon's eyes. The joy he felt himself. Greninja looked as strong as ever, and he looked more than ready to step into battle.

"You were keeping an eye on me, weren't you? You wanted to help us out?" Ash asked, grinning.

"Gren!" Greninja answered, holding up a fist. "Ninja!"

"So you'll fight by my side again?"


"Then let's do this together! We'll get much much stronger!"

As Greninja turned to face Zeraora, Ash felt their hearts become one. He felt the water rushing along his body as a torrent exploded around Greninja. He heard the crowd cheer, excitement filling the stadium at the incredible sight. His friends were loudest among them. And with that, the battle began its final round, with Ash-Greninja battling once again.

"Cut, let's go!" Ash ordered immediately.

"Iron Tail!" Tobias countered.

It was like old times. Ash could feel it in his very bones as Greninja rushed forward, the watery blade forming in his grip in an instant. As he closed the distance, Zeraora seemed to grow wary, tensing before responding by swinging his tail outwards. The clash shook the stadium, and Ash could hear Tobias' gasp. He hadn't expected an opponent like Greninja.

"This form...what is it?" he asked as the Pokemon pushed one another back.

Ash could feel Greninja's pride. "It comes from our bond. It's something like Mega Evolution's ours." Greninja glanced back at Ash and he felt the devotion in his old friend. "Let's do this, Greninja! Aerial Ace!"


"Plasma Fists!" Tobias countered. Ash was glad to see the excitement in his opponent's eyes.

The two Pokemon charged at one another again, and Greninja's legs flashed at Zeraora, glowing white with increased strength. Zeraora met each blow with fists seemingly bursting with electricity. Ash could hear the murmurs of surprise as Greninja managed to deflect each blow from the super effective attack. The surprise was all the greater as he wore Zeraora down, however.



The Thunderclap Pokemon went flying. Greninja's kick from Aerial Ace had connected with his jaw, sending him flipping over backwards. And, for the first time, the crowd seemed to sense something. The announcer gave voice to it as Zeraora struggled to his feet, panting and rubbing his jaw.

"Folks...I can't believe I'm saying this but...Ash just may be the favourite here! What a performance by him and his Pokemon!" The crowd began to cheer louder, led by Ash's friends who were on their feet.

The noise was almost deafening as Ash called his next attack. "Double Team, and then Cut!"

"Charge, and Plasma Fists once more!" Tobias shouted, clearly not bothered by the announcer's statement and keeping his focus.

"Gren!" Greninja then cried out, copies darting across the field. Ash knew they would be even harder for Tobias and Zeraora to identify with Goodra's rain still falling heavily across the field.

As Greninja multiplied, however, Zeraora's body was engulfed in electricity. Sparks seemed to explode off of him as he absorbed more. Then, he raised his fists just as the many copies of Greninja rushed forward, watery blades in hand.

Zeraora was forced to respond to each copy charging him. Greninja performed Double Team so well that even Ash would've had a hard time picking out which one was him if they weren't connected as they were. So, as each blade swung out from a Greninja copy, Zeraora had to lash out with an electrical fist. Eventually, however, the copies came faster.

"Zer! Zer! Zer!" Zeraora cried out, spinning and twisting desperately but showing signs of tiring. Slowly, Greninja's opportunity came.

As two attackers charged Zeraora from either side, he lashed out at both. However, with attention divided, his focus wasn't good enough. One disappeared on contact, but the other twisted out of the way, causing Zeraora to stagger. Then, Greninja struck, slashing his blade across Zeraora's side and sending him crashing to the ground.

"Now," Ash yelled, raising his arm in sync with Greninja as he leaped up and raised his, "Water Shuriken!"

"Ninjaaa!" Greninja yelled, pulling the shuriken from his back and firing it down on Zeraora.

Powered by Goodra's Rain Dance, the Water Shuriken hit harder than normal. Once again, Zeraora was sent flying through the air, before crashing hard in front of Tobias. The Rotom-drone even made a movement to approach, but the Thunderclap Pokemon did rise.

"Very impressive," Tobias said, narrowing his eyes. "But we are not yet beaten. Charge, once more!"

As Greninja landed from his attack, Ash watched as Zeraora was engulfed in electricity once more. He knew they needed to attack before those Plasma Fists could be properly used. "Get in there with Aerial Ace!"

Tobias smiled as Greninja darted forward. "Too eager, Ash. Electro-Web, now!"


Ash's eyes widened as the electrical web sprang up in front of the charging Greninja, just like a trap from Team Rocket. It ensnared the Ninja Pokemon and froze him in place. He cried out as the electric webbing shocked him, sending him to his knees. Ash winced as well, feeling every bit of it.

"Greninja appears to have the speed and skill to chip away at Zeraora," Tobias conceded. "But, does he have the stamina to withstand an all out assault from the strongest of my legendary Pokemon?" He grinned, clearly sensing victory as the electricity in the web coursed through Greninja once more. "Now, Zeraora, use Plasma Fists!"


The Thunderclap Pokemon slammed his fists together, and Ash saw lightning flash down from Goodra's rain cloud. Electricity sparked along Zeraora's fists as he ran at Greninja. Ash held his breath, knowing there was nothing he could do as yet another jolt of electricity from the web hit Greninja, keeping him vulnerable and on his knees.

Zeraora struck ruthlessly. Each punch was not only hitting with a painful thud, but also exploding with electricity. Ash gasped, feeling each and every one. Lights danced in his eyes. As the final strike came, exploding the electrical web around Greninja, Ash felt dazed, and knew Greninja did, too. It wasn't over yet, though.

"Now, finish with Iron Tail."

Squinting, Ash saw Zeraora's blurry shape in front of Greninja. The Thunderclap Pokemon seemed to smile as his tail glowed and swished behind him. Then, spinning rapidly, he slammed it into Greninja's chest, sending the Ninja Pokemon sliding across the field.

Ash felt numb as Greninja landed roughly, and he was barely aware as the Rotom-drone zoomed forward. He could hear the crowd vaguely, but it was mostly like a buzzing sound in his ears. His eyes only saw blurred shapes. His whole body hurt. Greninja's whole body hurt.

He blinked. There was something else there. Something was beneath the numb feeling, the pain, the exhaustion and everything else. There was something almost burning. It was a good feeling, though. It brought a smile to Ash's face. The more he focused on that feeling, the better he could hear and the better he could see. The pain went away.

"I can feel your determination," Ash said to Greninja, standing as tall as he could. "Let's do this together!"

The crowd roared in approval as the Ninja Pokemon stood, the Rotom-drone darting away quickly. Ash's eyes went to Zeraora and Tobias. Both looked utterly stunned. Ash wondered if they knew that this was where it ended. He spread his arms in sync with Greninja with one last glance at Goodra's rain cloud. It was fading, but it was still raining enough to power up one last water attack.

"Water Shuriken!"


Greninja raised his arm just as Ash did, leaping high into the air and plucking the shuriken from his back. As he held it above him, it began to spin, and as the rain fell on it, the cloud fading more with every second, it grew with every rain drop. As it swelled and as it spun, it almost became a disc, and it began to glow as though it was made of fire as the sun poked through the fading cloud. With a loud cry, Greninja unleashed it on the stunned Zeraora.


The ground around Zeraora seemed to explode with water showering the entire area. The cloud of dust that shot up around him faded fairly quickly, but Ash was surprised to see the Thunderclap Pokemon still standing. However, a moment later, as it tried to take a step, it stumbled. Then, after a glance at Greninja, and a nod of respect to his opponent, he fell.

"Zeraora is unable to battle! Greninja is the winner!" the Rotom-drone cried out. "The winner of the battle is Ash Ketchum! Pokemon World Coronation Series rankings updated!"

Ash stood quietly for a moment, barely registering the cheers and the announcer's voice. A moment later, though, Pikachu got his attention, smiling up at him, before looking to Greninja. Their gazes turned to the Ninja Pokemon together. He was looking back now as well, his form reverted to normal.

They had battled together and had even enacted their special bond, but as Ash walked towards his old friend, it was like meeting for the first time. As he and Pikachu stopped in front of Greninja, they looked each other in the eyes. Ash didn't really need to say anything. Their battle had given them insight into what it meant for both of them to see the other again.

"You were awesome, Greninja. Didn't miss a beat," Ash said, grinning. "It was just like we were on our journey again."

"Gren." The Ninja Pokemon nodded, and for a moment, he looked uncomfortable, but he allowed the happiness of the moment take over. He hugged Ash, fist bumped Pikachu and waved to Ash's friends still cheering in the stands. Clemont and Bonnie looked ecstatic to see Greninja again.

"Congratulations, Ash. That was an incredible battle." Ash and Greninja turned as Tobias approached, holding up Zeraora. Neither appeared disappointed, but rather excited as though the battle still raged on. "That form...your Greninja is quite the Pokemon. And I thought I had rare and mysterious Pokemon!" He laughed.

"Thanks," Ash said, smiling at Greninja. "It was awesome battling alongside my old friend again." His eyes went back to Tobias. "We'll have to battle in the Master Class soon."

"Of course," Tobias agreed, nodding seriously. "But I'll need to catch up to you before that." He sighed, looking around the stadium. Then, he and Zeraora gave one last nod to Ash and his Pokemon, and they departed.

As they left, Ash looked to Greninja, his heart racing. He wanted something, but if it wasn't time yet, he would understand. They would get their chance eventually.

"Greninja, I..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Your mission with Squishy...?"

He glanced up, and saw the gleam in Greninja's eyes. "Gren!" he said, holding up a fist in triumph. "Ninja!"

Ash's eyes widened. He couldn't help but look up to the stands, wanting some kind of additional reassurance. He saw it and smiled widely. Bonnie had a little green blob in her arms and was jumping up and down in joy, the match forgotten. Ash turned back to Greninja.

"Then I have a request, Greninja," he said, the confident, battle-ready smirk coming to his face. "Do you want to join me in the World Coronation Series? There's another Charizard you might want to battle against!"

Greninja didn't even need to answer. Ash could sense it in his loyal Pokemon immediately. He wouldn't miss an opportunity like this. Just like Ash.

The Bond Phenomenon was back.

Author's Note:

And that's that. A bit of an unusual one really, but hey, fanfics should have a touch of that right? Always kind of interesting taking the specific requests for these oneshot prizes and figuring something out. Goodra and Greninja returning in a Tobias rematch with a Dragonite vs Latios fight in there...pretty fun group of ideas. Hope you all enjoyed, and I hope the wait was worth it NS5.

See you all next time with the next Bonnie chapter.

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