Chapter 31

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Noll's typical nocturnal routine was always thrown asunder on any case. Often during a case he would be awake throughout the nighttime hours and only get a couple hours rest here and there during the daytime. Last night he chose to have a different sleep pattern because of the lack of any physical or paranormal activity. Instead of taking a mid-morning nap he instead chose to sleep through the night. He trusted that Lin would have woken him up in the middle of the night if there had been anything suspicious to report. The fact that Lin hadn't had reason to disturb his slumber bothered him a bit. Not that he would openly admit it.

Noll and Lin switched spots for a couple hours so Lin could get a nap himself. It was rather amusing to watch the tall Chinese man try to fit himself on the couch behind him. It took a lot of twists and turns and bending this way or that. But once Lin seemed to get situated to a point he was comfortable Noll turned back toward the computer screen and began to pour over his notes from the night before. He frowned at the scarce amount of written remarks.

There had been some audible disturbance in the troublesome northeast quadrant. But the decibels apparently were too faint for the microphones to discern anything specific. He quickly jotted down to have someone run that through the sound software he recently installed on both Mai's laptop and his own.

Noll was about to wake Mai up with a call from his mobile phone when Gene and Monk walked in. He carefully considered what his next course of action should be. There really wasn't much new information to be had from the scarce amount of notes on the document before him. Perhaps he should use his investigative skills elsewhere for the time being. "Monk, could you please observe the cameras here for now while Gene and I go over the case file again?"

He didn't wait for a verbal affirmation before he quickly got up from the computer chair and vacated the base heading down the hall towards the conference room. Noll? Do you fear we have overlooked something?

Perhaps, I just know that every facet of information is crucial. We aren't getting anywhere with the minimum observations we have been able to make.

John squinted his bleary blue eyes up at Noll when they walked into the conference room. The former young man of the cloth rubbed at his eyes and rolled out of the cocoon of blankets that were the materials that fashioned his make shift bed. "John, once you are wake enough could please do the routine temperature checks this morning? If Ms. Kimura is awake feel free to have her accompany you."

Once John left the room Gene turned back to his brother. "I honestly don't believe those temperature checks will do us any good."

"Yes, but you and I both know that if we don't conduct things routinely we are liable to overlook something." Gene nodded his agreement to his brother. "Now let's, once again, go over both the police case file and our own interviews with those who were employed here."

Mai woke up feeling as if she got very little rest. When she looked into the mirror of the trailer's bathroom she wasn't at all surprised to see that very little rest reflected in her appearance. The spots underneath her eyes were exceptionally black and blue from poor sleep. There wasn't enough foundation in the world to cover them, and if there was some cosmetic trick to hide them other than applying mounds of foundation and coverup she didn't know of it. So after she brushed her teeth she only applied one fine layer of coverup, foundation, and powder all over her face. She wasn't terribly upset that the shadows were still noticeable. Her physical sleeplessness would merely prompt others to ask about her dreams right away.

The other two women stirred as she walked through the main living area. She knew it wouldn't be long before they too awoken.

Mai was thankful the walk between the factory building and the trailer wasn't a long one. The morning breeze that met her as she opened the door was blustery and chilly. The clouds in the sky a deep shade of gray that hinted at a coming storm. She frowned as she worried over the temperature the factory warehouse would be and the idea of being in a big metal building during a storm. Thunder and lightning didn't per say scare her but when the thunder was loud enough it still would make her jump. Amplify that sound by the metal roof on the building and she wouldn't appear to be the nearly fearless young woman she considered herself to be.

Because she wanted a cup herself and she knew Naru would be demanding one she stopped at the kitchenette to make some tea. Her mind drifted off to her dream again as she was waiting for the kettle to whistle. Unlike most of her dreams this particular one didn't seem to give her much information. It honestly seemed more like someone's scare tactic than anything else.

Once the tea was ready she stopped by the base to drop some off thinking Naru would be at the computer. She frowned to find he wasn't but quickly smiled Monk's way. "Gene and Naru are in the conference room. I am sure once he knows you are awake he will be demanding his tea."

Mai stuck her tongue out at Monk and left in search for the twin brothers in question. She nearly laughed at how she found them both. They sat on either side of one of the long conference tables. They each had papers almost haphazardly strewn about the table on their side. Apparently while they were going over the information they had each pulled their hand through their hair since both had a few strands in disarray.

Noll rubbed his eyes and lifted them away from the paper. "I'm not seeing anything different here."

"Perhaps some tea and a new set of eyes will be beneficial?"

It took about fifteen minutes for Mai to go through all their research on the case. Once she was done looking through those papers she switched sides and took over the research that Gene was going through. The case file seemed nearly a mirror image until one particular interview caught her eye. She read the interesting material aloud. "When I asked her if she heard the whimpering some of the others had mentioned her response was similar. She also noted the whimpers and moans except she also included that in addition to those sounds she also heard a menacing voice cackling maniacally."

"What's her name?" Naru's mask of calmness vacated from his face and an expression of desperation and anger took it's place. To attempt to placate his emotions rapidly Mai flipped back to the first page of the form.

"Mihara Himeno," Mai looked directly in Naru's face. The anger dissolved while the desperation lingered. She could only assume the other emotion was panic as she watched his dark blue eyes widen.

"She wasn't one of those we interviewed. We need to find her and interview her. See if we can piece together why she has different information than the others."

Mai nodded. "I'll call Captain Kita again."

Naru grabbed her arm before she walked way. "You might also make a phone call to Yasuhara. Perhaps he can drudge up some information that the police department and owners were unaware of."

Mai wasn't sure of Yasuhara's schedule today so rather than bother him with a phone call she instead sent him a text to call her back to at least let her know when he was available to talk. Then, she groaned inwardly before she called Captain Kita.

Luckily the dispatcher that answered the phone this time had a higher work ethic than the first. She didn't have to wait long before he connected her to the chief's office.

"Hello, Captain Kita. I am sorry to bother you again."

"Did they still not turn on the heat for you? I can get off the phone and get with them right away."

"No, no while it is still a tad drafty in the factory it's not unreasonable. I mean a large metal building isn't gonna hold much heat in it."

Captain Kita chuckled at that. "That's true enough. So, if that isn't the problem then what is it you need me for? Please don't tell me it's the plumbing."

Mai nearly laughed aloud at that. Plumbing was always a nightmare to have to deal with. She remembered the horror of dealing with the plumbing company she contracted when she remodeled the PRI building. "We came across some information in your case files that we haven't been able to get from the sources ourselves."

"Oh? What was the discrepancy?" Mai mentally imagined the captain crossing his arms over his chest patiently trying to decipher the problem.

"There was an employee you had interviewed that the owner didn't introduce to us. Her name was Mihara Himeno."

"Oh well that's understandable. After the case was closed she decided she wanted no part of that factory building. Last I heard she packed up her apartment and moved."

Mai's eyes widened at that bit of news. "Did she happen to leave some contact info behind?"

"Her cell phone number should have been on the investigation form." He sighed.

"Let me go get that form and verify that really quick." Mai walked with hurried steps back to the conference room. The twins were still there halting their own conversation as she entered.

"Are you trying to get a hold of her because of how different her interview was? She was the only one that mentioned the manic cackling was she not?"

"Yes, yes she was the only one according to the research. We are all angry with ourselves to have overlooked her questionnaire." Mai sorted through the scattered papers until she located the form in question. She felt her mouth turned downward as she became exceptionally frustrated. "The space left for a phone number is covered in some purple substance." She touched the spot with her fingers. "It's sticky."

Naru grabbed the paperwork from her and failed at muffling his curse.

"Damn! That paperwork must have been handled by the rookie cadet we had to let go a few weeks ago. His work performance was far less than stellar, and he had a metabolism that required him to eat at all times." The captain let out a pent up breath through the phone receiver. "I bet he was eating a doughnut or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at the time."

Mai was worried she was at the end of her rope. But fortunately she didn't give up easily. "I do have another researcher I can get with that may be able to supply her contact information. But just in case can you see if you can locate that in your spare time?"

"I will do what I can to make this right. We luckily don't have a slew of open cases that require my attention. But obviously I do have to focus on those few I have during work hours."

"Of course! Just get back with me when you can. You have my number."

"From your end sounds like he is going to attempt to get some contact info for us."

Mai nodded. "Yes, but he probably won't get in contact with me until after he has clocked his hours for the day. Since this is a closed case he really only has his free time to assist us."

Naru nodded. "What about Yasuhara?"

"I wasn't sure of his schedule today so I texted him. I am sure he will get back with me when he can. In fact I think I will send him another text. Perhaps he can put some feelers out when he has a slow moment at work."

We need to find out all we can about someone named Mihara Himeno that resided in the area a couple months ago. Get back with me at your earliest convenience. - Mai

"So, now that all that is out of the way for the moment why don't we discuss that dream you had last night." Compared to most of her dreams the one last night barely registered on Gene's radar. But when her heart beat accelerated at the end from fear both the twins had sensed it.

Mai quickly explained the movie theater and the film reel. She explained how she saw each of the victims. But she paused before the part where she heard the scream. "I think what led me to see that piece of information in the police case files was the dream last night. I too heard what I can only assume was the same manic cackle that Himeno did."

"Hmm, very likely." Her dream was very dissimilar to the others she had before. Noll could only make speculations on the reasons behind that. Hence, he kept his thoughts to himself for the moment. When his brother didn't pipe in telepathically to tell him to voice his thoughts aloud he knew keeping it to himself for the time being was the right thing to do.

Suddenly Mai's ringtone for her mobile went off. She looked at it briefly to check the Caller ID. "Yasu, did you find something already?"

"I'm sorry, Mai. I didn't find a phone number or address for you." His voice was very hesitant and not in character of the silly person he tended to be.

"What's wrong, Yasu?"

"I didn't find the info because she too has seemed to turn up missing. The last address on any file is the one from months ago. After that it's like she vanished without a trace."

Mai sighed and relayed all the info to Naru. Before hanging up with Yasu she told him. "Yasu, don't get overly concerned. You still found the information we needed. Even if it wasn't the information we wanted. At the end of the day gathering all the facts is all we can do when we have nothing else to go on."

"I'll see if I can find anything out about the warehouse itself in the meantime."

Once the call ended Mai looked Naru directly in the face. "I guess we are back to square one."

"No, we still had info we didn't before so we are making progress. Just at a snail's pace."

A shrill scream echoed off the rafters followed by rumbling thunder. It had the two of them running towards the northeast quadrant of the warehouse.  

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