Chapter 59

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A couple days before Luella Davis' arrival

"We have accumulated numerous mysterious reports and allegations that have been made by orderlies, nurses, and former patients.

On the small scale of the plethora of phenomenon have been the whispered voices. The voices, in question, have not seemed to be hostile or aggressively demanding in nature. There have even been a few records of a witness or two claiming that it sounded like the whispers they were hearing were saying 'help.'

However, on the large side of the spectrum have been the mysterious bruising and victimization of some of the witnesses involved. A few former patients ended up with bruising on their arms and/or legs. Two members of staff had resigned from their job after they claimed they had been dragged down the hallway by their hair. When they were released and able to turn to face their attacker they had both claimed that there was no one there.

We fear the phenomenons might become even more aggressive and have shut down parts of the hospital with the most paranormal activity for the time being, claiming we are working renovations. We are asking you to send a team to investigate as soon as you can, and because of the short notice you will be heavily compensated."

Luella put the typed up email back in the file. She folded it close and held it tight to her chest. "Yes, this will do nicely." The file would be her excuse for flying off to Japan, but there was no way that Martin would let her travel alone (especially on a case that sounded as dangerous as this one). She smirked as she headed down the hallway to the office of her willing co-conspirator.

She almost laughed when she found Madoka sitting at her desk with her legs propped up, her chair tilted back, and a pen balancing between her nose and protruding pursed lips. "Well, I can see your education and salary are being put to good use." Luella teased.

Madoka nearly fell out of her chair as she corrected her positioning and let the pen fall from its precarious position. Not caring at the moment that the writing utensil had probably tumbled to that hard to reach spot just past the cut out cubby where her desk chair sat. "Luella! You startled me!"

Luella's cornflower blue eyes twinkled with a mixture of glee and mischief. "We are going on a case overseas. I need you to handle booking the itinerary."

"Is Dr. Davis coming along?" Madoka was quite used to Luella's clever scheming so the question was more rhetorical than anything.

In fact the pinkette wasn't surprised at all when Luella's response was. "You let me handle my husband." She dropped the file on Madoka's desk. "This is the case we will be working on."

It only took a second for Madoka to scan the contents. It was when her eyes lit up that Luella knew she had found their destination. The elder woman almost giggled aloud when the younger stood up and squealed with glee. Luella picked the file back up and headed out the door. She found herself replaying Madoka's reactions as she walked down the hallway toward Martin's office. She had expected the pinkette to respond that way, but the gratification to see her expectations to play out always surprised her.

She straightened her shoulders and continued heading toward the only person who could attempt to circumnavigate her plans. Once she opened the door she didn't even pause to greet him when the door shut behind her. No, with this situation the direct approach would work best. "Martin, Madoka and I want to spearhead a team for this case."

Luella put the file down in front of her husband and watched as his mustache twitched left and right with the movement of his mouth. He had been growing the facial hair in for the past year or so, and she still hadn't decided if she preferred it or not, but it was rather comical to watch his pensive expressions now. His face became animated far more than before he grew the mustache. Perhaps that reason alone would be enough for it to grow on her. Maybe she should start a pros and cons list regarding his mustache. He would definitely appreciate the effort.

"You can't fool me on the reason you chose this case in particular." He sighed as he closed it and sat it down. It took him only another more moment to admit what he had been considering. "I was planning on sending an extra team to assist Noll and Gene already. I can't oversee it myself because I am still getting the paperwork finished regarding our last case." He glared at the offending pile of papers to the corner of his desk.

Luella tutted in sympathetic understanding. "Yes, that was quite the conundrum we faced." She walked around the desk and placed her hands on his shoulders. She kneaded the tight muscles, coaxing his body to relax.

Martin groaned in gratification and patted her left hand lovingly. "You don't have to butter me up anymore, dear. I already made up my mind to let you and Madoka go. But, you aren't spearheading the operation. Noll won't stand for it, and he is quite capable to command leadership over both his own Japan team and the British team we will be sending over."

Luella veiled her enthusiasm. "Of course, dear."

A few hours ago...

As the door opens to the tall lanky Chinese man Madoka throws her whole body at him. The kiss the lovebirds share is definitely heated, as the two obviously missed each other, but not something either would commonly partake of in public. So to save the two any more future embarrassment Luella clears her throat to remind Madoka of her presence, and alert Lin that she is also there.

He pulls back, although somewhat reluctantly, and steadies himself. He blinks his eyes and clears his throat, making an effort to taper down his emotions and pretend the liplock the two had shared in front of one of his employers hadn't happened. "Not that I am not pleased by the visit. But what are you two doing here?"

Perhaps she could have explained it herself but watching Madoka illustrate their purpose for being in Japan with flailing pantomiming limbs was much more comical. Plus there was the gleam in Lin's eye, and the smile quirking at the corner of his lips he was fighting while the woman, he quite obviously adored, verbalized the answer to his question.

Once the explanation was over Luella had a question of her own. "So, we stopped next door first and no one answered. Any inkling where my sons might be this early in the morning?" Their plane touched down at 5 am and they arrived at the side by side condos at 6. So, her sons should have been at least just stumbling out of bed. If not still lounging about, but Noll at least was a light sleeper so he would have heard the boisterous knock on the door.

Lin nearly frowned. If he told the woman where the twins more than likely were it would get the woman riled up. Not in a negative way but she was quite gung ho about playing matchmaker to anyone (especially her own sons). Lin muttered, "Your boys are young men now, and I am not their keeper."

Madoka smirked and nearly snorted at his comment. "Technically, you kind of are paid to be their keeper."

His avoidance gave Luella a sense of clarity as she realized what Lin was trying hard not to say. An exuberant grin popped on her face just before she verbalized her realization. "They didn't come home last night! Oh, they were both on dates weren't they?!?" Her eyes began to twinkle, and if she had been alone she probably would have hopped around in joy.

"Oh, Luella I know you are going to just adore Mai!" Madoka squealed. Luella and Madoka had discussed Mai a bit on the plane and the elder woman was definitely intrigued to meet this young lady that had turned her stoic son's head. She was of course ecstatic to meet Gene's love interest too. Atsuko she believed Madoka had said? But since the pinkette didn't know her like she knew Mai that particular part of the conversation had been quite a bit shorter.

Luella offers to make breakfast for everyone while they wait on her missing sons to finally come home. The conversation turns to discussing a bit of the case over breakfast. But between sips of coffee and nibbles at the courses on their plates the conversation doesn't really dive past the surface of the details they already have. When breakfast is over and Lin has put the dishes in the dishwasher Luella makes a decision. "You have a spare key to their place don't you, Lin? Could you give it to me? I could just wait over there. That would give you two some time alone."

While Lin did want to spend quality time with Madoka he knew leaving Luella alone in the twins' apartment was a bad idea. As if she hadn't said anything at all Lin asked her about the team she brought with her.

Luella listed three names Lin wasn't familiar with. They must have been newer to the company but when she listed the fourth he groaned. "Did you just say Olivia Wyckes?"

Luella frowned. "Yes, I did. Why?"

Madoka was confused also. It sounded like there was a problem with Olivia Wyckes being on the team. But she had no clue why.

Just wait until the twins hear about this. Neither of them will be happy. Not at all. Lin thought to himself.

Lin heard the car doors shutting outside. He quickly strode to the window and looked through the pane to see who had arrived. The twins began walking to the door, both looking a bit rumpled from their impromptu stay with the girls. I better intercept them and warn them of their mother's arrival.

He had only managed to catch his breath when he realized the warning he was about to mutter would be too late.

"There's my boys! Where on earth have you two been? I've been here for hours now."

A breath poured through Gene's mouth before he leaned down to greet her. "Hi mum!" He kissed her on the cheek.

Noll didn't pause to greet his mother with a kiss either. But once he pulled away he did frown. "Mother, what are you doing here?"

Luella could have pulled the whole 'fine way to greet your mother' routine. But honestly that wasn't who she was. She also knew that Noll wasn't actually displeased to see her. No, he may have been a tad annoyed at her spontaneity but there was still an almost indecipherable twinkle in his eye as he looked down at her.

"We have a doozy of a case. Martin even insisted that Madoka and I come over with a British team to assist."

Noll wasn't a fool. He knew his mother was embellishing the truth. But he didn't call her out on it either. "Let me get a shower, and after I want to look at the case file."

Luella scanned her boys from head to toe. "You two both look quite rumpled. Where have you been?" She asked as if she didn't already have her suspicions.

The twins' cheeks both blossomed in color. (Gene's perhaps a deeper shade than Noll's.) They both cleared their throats and attempted to avoid eye contact with their inquisitive parental unit.

"Oh come now. I'm not an ignoramus. I know you two are both just coming home after a night out, and I can guess from the looks on your faces that the night was quite eventful." She chuckles at both her sons' expense and the joy that they have found love in their lives. "So, when do I get to meet your better halves?"

Noll arched an eyebrow. "Better half?" He played up his arrogant side but Luella saw right through him. He actually agreed with the sentiment. He cleared his throat. "Well I am sure we will be wanting to discuss the case in detail and the sooner the better." He attempted to mutter a groan. "So, I guess that means you will probably be meeting them tomorrow morning."

Luella and Madoka cheered.

"What hotel are you staying at mother? Shouldn't you be checking in?" Noll attempted to change the subject.

"I was going to stay in your spare room."

A snicker sounded in Noll's head. You had to have seen that coming.

"Oh, but the rest of the team are staying," she rattled off some hotel name that Noll didn't honestly care to remember.

"Oh, who did you bring with you?" Gene asked.

When the name Olivia Wyckes came up both of the twins froze.

Well shit! Gene mentally exclaimed.

Shit, indeed.

I guess we are going to have to call the girls and fill them in. Gene sighed. He was not looking forward to explaining the role in their past that Olivia Wyckes had played, but at least his side of the story was easy. Noll's was a lot more complicated.

I wish I could avoid it, honestly. But there is no way I am going to be able to keep this from Mai. It's fruitless to even try. Plus, she deserves to know.

Yes, she does. Gene glared at his brother for even considering keeping it from her.  

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