Chapter 62

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Gene smirked at his brother as he handed him the outfit he selected. The rumpled look wasn't completely foreign nor was the lingering lust, which was made apparent by Noll's dilated pupils. It was the contentment that infused itself within the two combined looks that was fairly new. Gene immediately felt a surge of happiness swell within him for his brother and Mai. "Seems like you have enjoyed your morning a bit." His eyes traveled further down the hallway. He couldn't see her door from this angle but he knew where he was heading next. "Perhaps, I can seek out my own woman and do the same." In response Noll promptly shut the door on him; both physically and telepathically. Gene only chuckled in response.

Atsuko was running behind, really behind. She edged out the shower and grabbed the plush mint green oversized towel she favored. She dried herself off quickly and wrapped her dew kissed body in the terry cloth. The fabric wrapped around her almost twice. It was one of the reasons she loved it so much. She grabbed another normal sized towel, flipped her head upside down, and coiled the cloth together to secure her hair tightly before she rightened herself.

While she was regaining her equilibrium from the brief bout of dizziness caused by her temporary overturned position there was a cheerful knock on the door. Did she deem it cheerful because of the audible tone, or was it more likely that her extra senses she gained from her empathic abilities lent to the ability to easily decipher the mood of said knock? She shook off that consideration as she immediately was able to perceive, via her empathic abilities, who it was standing just behind the door.

She looked down at herself as if she had already forgotten her state of undress. She probably should at least put on a robe. The dilemma was the only one she owned that would cover her up appropriately was currently in the laundry. She chewed on her lower lip as another knock sounded from the opposite side of the door. This one not as cheerful sounding. It sounded both impatient and concerned. She sighed, feeling slightly defeated in her current predicament caused by her state of undress. "Gene, I know it's you out there. I am going to open the door but then I am going to immediately rush to my bedroom. I have fallen exceptionally behind."

She realized her faux pas immediately when her hand touched the door knob. She should have said she would answer the door after she got dressed, but she couldn't exactly just leave him on the other side of the door when she just said she would open it. So she rotated her shoulders and gathered the courage to do exactly what she said she would. She should have counted on Gene's quick reflexes however.

Gene definitely didn't anticipate the visual delight he immediately discovered when she opened the door. He was a gentleman of course. But, even that fact, didn't stop the carnal instinct that had him grabbing her by the wrist as she went to turn around and pulling her closer to him.

Atsuko gasped and immediately reacted by pulling away. The action had the corner, that was tucked in to keep the towel secure, trying to inch apart at the careless movement. Luckily she noticed and was able to readjust the terry cloth before gravity took over, and it ended up a puddled mass on the floor. A blush climbed up her chest and settled in her cheeks before she managed to mutter a soft, barely there, "excuse me."

Once she shut her bedroom door behind her Atsuko leaned against it and pressed her palms to her cheeks. The warmth radiating from them had her reliving her embarrassment all over again. The time that the two of them had even been remotely intimate Gene had been blind and her own eyesight a bit shoddy. So being basically naked in front of him was essentially putting them back to square one, or at least that was how it felt to her.

She was exceptionally thankful that she had already picked out her outfit for the day. Her mind was mush and not ready for any kind of intellectual decision making process, even if it was as simple as what garment she would slip on. She took a deep breath and proceeded to get ready, hoping that Gene was able to keep himself entertained on the other side of the door.

Considering what he might be doing had Atsuko focusing on his emotions again. She felt the hefty dose of lust he was feeling begin to trickle away as it was being replaced with another emotion, or rather emotions. He was now starting to feel guilty, worried, and overwhelmed. A part of her wanted to confront and console him but over the recent years, since working with the kids, she learned that sometimes when a person was going through an overabundance of emotions all at once it was better to wait it out and let them try to reign in their own focus. She could only hope that if those emotions somehow involved her that he wouldn't hesitate to talk to her about them.

Gene had began pacing after a few minutes of being left alone in the living room. At first his lust had consumed him as he had wished he could telekinetically rip the towel from her body. Granted a hands on approach would have been more gratifying but that would have to wait. Unfortunately after a few minutes his mind began to wander and he had unintentionally dredged up a memory of a similar situation. Only this one involved a voluptuous leggy blonde.

He groaned outwardly. He somehow totally forgot to mention Olivia to Atsuko, and unfortunately there was no time for that lengthy conversation before the meeting. That meant emotions would be going exceptionally cattywampus in that meeting area. Emotions? Maybe I can convince Atsuko to not attend the meeting because of the onslaught of emotions ricocheting off the walls of the room.

That sounds like a bad idea, brother.

Do you have a better one? Olivia is going to be in that meeting, and unfortunately I totally forgot to verbally open up that can of worms with Atsuko.


From Noll's single word outburst Gene easily deciphered that he had forgotten to tell Mai about Olivia also. Seriously?!? I at least will probably get by with a modicum of understanding because of Atsuko's empathic abilities. Mai is going to, more than likely, lose her shit!

Their telepathic conversation was cut off when Atsuko reentered the room. The pink hue of her cheeks had Gene once again revisiting the towel scenario. This created another complication regarding the tightness of his trousers. He veiled his groan of sexual frustration. Instead, he sighed at what he was about to attempt to do.

"Perhaps you shouldn't go to this meeting." Gene saw that she was about to interrupt him so he continued his thought process. "I know for a fact that the emotions are going to be going completely crazy in that room. My own emotions included." He sighed, once again, when she gave him a hurt, confused look. "I unintentionally neglected to tell you something regarding this case, or rather regarding one of the British team members that will be joining us on this case."

Atsuko arched an eyebrow that spoke volumes. She didn't have to verbalize it. She chose to do so anyway so there was no confusion. "I am already running late. So, I'm not going anywhere until you fill me in." Gene seemed to want to reiterate his suggestion so she stopped him before he could do so. "Oh, but make no mistake, I am going to that meeting."

Noll's cell phone rang, and he was tempted to ignore it. But one glance at the display screen told him that this particular person would just keep calling until he answered. "Hello mother." He monotoned.

"Wow! What a greeting! Are you going to leave me waiting downstairs all day?"

His mother had taken the opportunity from him. He wouldn't have the time to warn Mai at all about Olivia. He would just have to bide time before the emotional explosion that was sure to happen. He took a deep breath. "We will be down in just a minute."

Noll had no doubt in his mind that his mother would adore Mai. In fact, that was what concerned him. That she would adore her. It meant a lot of future pestering about their relationship moving at a swifter pace than the two of them might be ready for. He doubted that anything his mother might say would scare Mai away. Sometimes, however, there was no telling how far the woman would go with her shenanigans. (When Madoka and Luella pooled their resources together it was ten, maybe twenty times worse.)

It didn't take long for the elevator to reach the main floor, and Noll wasn't really surprised to find his mother waiting there for the doors to open. She at least had the foresight to stand out of the threshold so the two of them were still able to easily navigate out of the elevator. He turned to look at Mai who was playing with the bell sleeves of her blouse.

To say Mai was nervous would be the understatement of the century. She was beyond nervous. As far as Mai knew this woman in front of her was the one female opinion that truly mattered to Noll. Madoka may have already gave her stamp of approval. It was Luella Davis' opinion that really mattered though.

Mai was surprised to find a smartly dressed woman in front of her. She was slightly taller than herself with honey blonde hair neatly coiled in a bun on top of her head. The few gray strands didn't take away from the visual. Somehow they seemed to add to it. Mai ran her eyes over her choice of outfit which screamed business. She wore a royal blue matching blazer and skirt paired with a crisp white button up blouse. Finally Mai looked directly in the woman's eyes and realized that the outfit was almost an exact match for the color of her irises.

Luella held her hand out, and Mai hesitantly placed her own hand in hers. "You must be Mai. I have heard a lot about you, and I am definitely looking forward to getting to know you better."

Somehow that comment, paired with the smile that danced in the older woman's eyes, put Mai at ease. She didn't realize she had stiffened her shoulders until that moment but now she felt the joints releasing the tension. "I'm sorry we are having to meet during a case. I am sure that there would have been better ways to make a first impression."

"Oh, I don't put too much stock in first impressions. If I had I never would have ended up with my pair of hooligans." Luella pinched Noll's cheek for emphasis. Noll's glare at the act was completely ignored.

"Hooligans?" Mai arched an eyebrow. The single word didn't really fit either of the twins. Maybe Gene a bit more so than Naru but there had to be a reason she called them that.

"Oh, I say that with love and affection. They have never been hooligans per se. But, they were both handfuls in their own way."

The clock on the wall chimed indicating the hour so they all ushered themselves into the meeting room. Ayako manned the desk to take any incoming phone calls and to direct the stragglers to the meeting. Surprisingly, only the three of them were actually on time.

Once seated Noll took on his professional persona. He muttered his annoyance about the tardiness of all the other people who were supposed to be in attendance.

"At least I'm not the one late this time." Mai joked.

Luella caught the smirk on Noll's face before he was able to veil it. "Yes, well, perhaps that is because I was there to make sure you were on time."

Mai gasped in outrage. "I have been quite prompt over the years since starting this business I will have you know! I was in high school the duration of my time employed as your assistant. It's expected for normal teenagers to make such mistakes. It's not my fault that you, Naru, are an exception to that rule."

Noll once again attempted to veil the humor laced smirk from his face. Luella once again caught the expression. Just from the few minutes of being in the presence of the two of them together she knew that Mai was perfect for her stoic son.

Just a few short moments later three members of the British team made it in. A young married couple, Evelyn and James Fields, sat directly beside Luella. It was obvious that they had worked with her frequently as their rapport was easy going and business friendly. The other man that came in with them pulled out a laptop and immediately set to task typing something up. Mai was unsure if he was being tactical or rude. It was when he was introduced as Bennet Patterson and only merely nodded that she grew annoyed with his lack of manners.

Her team, minus Ayako plus Gene, began trickling in and Mai was relieved of her annoyance by introducing the members as they arrived. Atsuko seemed tense and Mai wanted to pull her aside to ask what was wrong. She was interrupted however by a commotion from the front desk. Then suddenly a familiar looking curvaceous leggy blonde was at the threshold of meeting room.

"It's been too long Dr. Davis, Gene." The mystery woman greeted the twins.

It was the familiarity in her greeting that had Mai connecting the dots. She was one of the women in the sea of faces that appeared when Naru thought of his past sexual conquests. But, from the tenseness in Gene's shoulders there had been something of importance going on there also.

"Hi, I'm Olivia Wyckes. I can't wait to work with you all."

Mai glanced at Atsuko. The empath was struggling and Mai knew she would have to pull her aside later to have a private discussion. Then, she glanced at Naru. His facial expression was impenetrable, like granite. But she was determined to make him crack. Perhaps, if she applied enough pressure he wouldn't be able to evade her litany of intrusive questions.  

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