A life to be happy with

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A dark and bloody day beneath the ground where all the bad angels hang out with their all powerful ruler Satan and his side kick the grim reaper. On January 14 Satan found out he was going to be a dad. He was crying and crying and crying for the past 6 days but it wasn't tears of sadness. It was tears of joy. Satan been waiting months for his 2,640 child to be born. While Ms.Satan was ready to have the baby, Satan felt scared that he might not be a great father for his other 2,637 kids. He was afraid that his child might look like a big red monster with horns. On September 21, 5pm Satan wife gave birth to not just one but three kids. A female name Heartless (5:04pm), male name Starch (5:09pm) and another male name Luis (5:14pm). When Satan walked in to see his triples he was surprised they came out different than he thought. Heartless and Luis have horns and Starch has his mom sharp teeth. On that day Satan became the most happiest demon ever. (16 years later)

"Dad can I please get a puppy. If you let me get one I promise ill give it food and water every week for 2 days", Heartless begged. " No my little mice, we cant get a puppy", Satan said while going threw his Facebook. "But why". Satan took a deep breath and turned his head looking at Heartless. " Because if i get you a puppy then it will die in 20 minutes from breathing in all the smoke and if that doesn't kill it then your brothers will eat it. "You never let me get anything", Heartless said with a mad face. Heartless stormed up stairs to her room until her little brother wasn't paying attention and bumped into her. " Watch where your going horn face", Starch said with all his front teeth showing. While Starch was busy yelling at Heartless she noticed a little tattoo in bold letters that said SHELBY on his waist. "You got a tattoo?". " No i don't. Do u need glasses because I see your having seeing problems. Just stay the fuck out of my way", Starch said. Starch ran down stairs into the bathroom looking sweaty and nervous. Heartless knew from what she saw she can get him to do what ever she wants. Satan has a no tattoo rule while living in the house. If your caught with a tattoo he will make you live in the fire pit for 2 years and he will remove your tattoo with his sharp black claws. Heartless went into her room and jumped on her pink skull bed thinking "What would it be like to be a human?". Its 10 pm and everyone is asleep. A little red minion flew into Heartless room and smashed into her dead idle magazine collection. He got up coughing and three magic dust on her face, then flew away threw her window. (Spark Spark)

Its 7am in the morning, and Heartless is getting out of bed. " Ehh what another day with my lame ass family", Heartless said in a depressed voice. "Kids come down for breakfast. I made blue berry pancakes and bacon!", Ms.Satan said. " That's weird my mom never cooks food for us". Heartless putted her robe on and went out of her room and down stairs. All the wallpapers where different. Even the baby pictures. When she walked into the kitchen her mom was starring at her with a big smile holding a extra large bottle of syrup. "How was sleeping sweetie? It sure was a beautiful night", Ms.Satan said with a smile. Heartless just starred back at her and said " Yeah living in hell is surely a beautiful night". Heartless went and sat at the dinner table and asked her mom "Where did you get all these unusually furniture?". Right when she was about to answer her two brother came running down stairs. " Eww whats wrong with your guys face?",Heartless said. They both walked past her and sat at the far end of the table. "My face is perfectly fine", Starch said. "Ha, if your face was perfectly fine then you wouldn't be able to get your girlfriend taken from a guy who plays volleyball", Luis said while choking on bacon. Starch and Luis started arguing and kicking each other under the table. Heartless got up and ran into the bathroom and slammed the door (Pow). "Whats going on, why is everyone look and act different". Heartless splashed warm water on her face and looked into the mirror. " Woah I look so good". Her hair was dark blue and really long and when I say long it was long it went all the way to the top part of her butt. She had no horns and no pointy fingers. Heartless now noticed what was going on. "When I wished to be a human my wish came true and now I'm living a normal life". What she doesn't know is how different the world is.

" HEARTLESS GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW", Satan said in aggressive voice. "Oh what now". Heartless opened the door and walked into the dusty living room. " What is this?", Satan said. Heartless took a look and saw it was a busted TV. "Um is it a broken TV". " Yes and for you breaking this TV that cost $5,000 your grounded for two weeks and that means no electronics and no desert young lady". Heartless was confused. "What your not going to send me to heaven for a week", Heartless said. Oh wait this a human family not a demon family. " Never mind dad ill accept the punishment". Heartless walked up to her room and put dark tunes on. "Well she's acting weird today", Satan said. Its 3pm and the phone is ringing. " Ill get it", Starch said. Heartless felt curious so she went into the kitchen and answered the phone. "Hey Shelby you wanna hang out at my place tommorow?. We can watch a movie together and cuddle a little if you want, but if you want the full package then your gonna have to get freaky", Starch said with a smile. "If you want me to come over to your poor house then you have to give me your signed guitar from Steven Oakhomes", Shelby said. " Fine ill bring it to your house later around 6pm". Starch hanged up the phone and went outside to play hockey at his friends house. "Well this is something I can get him in trouble for many months but for now I need to explore the new world", Heartless said while throwing her hands up in the air.

It was a sunny and windy day. Heartless seen so much that she never seen before. Dogs chasing cats with out being set on fire. Butterflies not eating spike frogs. " Heartless", Called out Caleb. "Oh hey Caleb, hows your day?", Heartless said with a straight face. " It could be worse since my brother farted in my face, but why are you crying?". "I been starring at this big yellow round thing in the sky and its making my eyes cry", Heartless said while her tears was making a puddle on her shoes. " Well stop it I cant see your pretty light green eyes and plus if u stare at the sun to long you'll go blind but that's what adults say", Caleb said while laughing. Heartless put her head down and started wiping the tears off her pale face. "You look different with out those horns and tail", Heartless said. " Well duh, I was a demon for Halloween. You should had seen my dad, I scared him so bad he almost shot me in the face with his shot gun". Heartless and Caleb started walking together and when I say walking together Caleb just followed Heartless home. "Well I'm home so ill see you later I guess", Heartless said. " Yea cya but can I ask you a question?",Caleb said with his face all red. "Sure", Heartless said. Caleb face started to get red like a tomato and been waiting years to get this close with her."Me and you been best friends since 1st grade and now where in 10th. So i was wondering if you and me would...". " Would what",Heartless said. "Never mind. Ill see you later,bye", Caleb said.

Heartless was walking to her house and Caleb started running while waving at her in a creepy smile. Heartless walked into the house and saw Luis in the living room lifting weights. " Omg you smell so bad i rather smell green shit",Heartless said while covering her mouth. "Shut up. You cant handle the manly body smell I have", Luis said. " Not all girls like guys who work out",Heartless said with a straight face. "Yea and those girls must be ugly as fuck". Heartless went up stairs into her room and started looking at hot male celebrities on the internet. Its 5:36pm and Satan calling the kids for dinner. "Heartless,Starch,Luis come down for dinner". Everyone walked out of their rooms and went down stairs into the kitchen for dinner. They sat at the dinner table. Ms.Satan came out with fried chicken,mashed potatoes and stuffing. She placed them in the middle of the table and everyone started grabbing food and putting it on their plates except Heartless. " Why aren't you eating",Ms.Satan said. Heartless grabbed a plate and got stuffing and fried chicken."I am I'm just smelling this delicious food",Heartless said with a big smile. Heartless picked up the silver pointy thing and took a big chunk of stuffing and putted it in her mouth. The surfing tasted like wet dog so she spitted it out on her hand and threw it under the table. She went to taste the fried chicken and it also tasted like wet dog. She spitted it out of her mouth and threw it behind her. Heartless stomach started growling. She told her parents she wasn't hungry then went upstairs into the bathroom.

Heartless thought in her head "Why can't I eat these foods in this world? Why can't this be a life to be happy with?". Heartless just sat on the toilet seat and thought about the darkness and flames. Its 8:24pm and the night is here. Bang Bang. A loud noise went threw the door and into Heartless ears. She began to wake u and noticed she fell asleep in the bathroom. " Open the door. I need to get my lucky muscle Shirt", Luis said with a high pitch voice. Heartless got up and walked out of the bathroom and in her room. She jumped on her pink fluffy bed and went to sleep. (creck crack creck) Its 10pm and Heartless is hearing a noise behind her door. She started hearing foot steps so she got up and went to go see what it was. She cracked the door open to take a peek. She saw her two brothers dressed in fancy clothing and grease in their hair. Heartless left her room to get a closer look to see what they where up to. "Man I can't wait until are double dates show up", Luis said. Heartless then found out their going on a double date. " Yeah and the best of all there hot twins with big booty", Starch said while brushing his hair. "Don't you already have a girlfriend?", Luis said. " Yeah but if this date goes where i want it to be I'll dump her and date the twin", Starch said. ( buzz buzz) " I just got a text from one of them. They said meet them at the park in Radcliff", Luis said. Luis and Starch started smelling each others breath then walked out the front door. Heartless then started to get a grin on her face. She ran into her parents room and woke up her mom. "Mom wake up the boys are sneaking out of the house". Ms. Satan got out of bed and grabbed her cellphone. Her and heartless walked down stairs into the living room and Ms. Satan called her friend (Police officer) and told him her two sons sneaked out of the house and asked him if he could return them home. Heartless was confused on why she called her friend to come get them. " Mom why are u asking your friend to get them? I know where they are",Heartless said. Ms. Satan friend told her he would find them and bring them home then hanged up. "Because your two brothers are sensitive. When a police officer comes to take them and put them in his police car they will get scared and wet themselves", Ms. Satan said. Heartless then realize her mom is a genus and pretty funny when if comes to destroying peoples lives.

Its 10:45pm and someone is knocking at the door. Ms.Satan went and opened the door. " Hello Courtney, I found your two sons at the park with chap stick and breath spray", Donald said. Luis and Starch walked into the house with dry tears on their face. "Thank you so much for bringing them back. Have a wonderful night", Ms.Satan said. " You too knowing your kids would do this". Ms. Satan shut the door and turned around facing Luis and Starch. "Now what am I going to do with you two. I know, you two would either sleep outside in the cold rain for 3 days or have your father deal with you. Which one", Ms.Satan said. " OUTSIDE", Luis and Starch said very quick. " I can't let dad get on my again. I couldn't taste anything for 4 weeks", Starch said. They both went up stair's to change clothes then get their sleeping bags. Heartless was feeling happy but with her stomach empty she couldn't feel anything. Heartless went into her room to find something gross to eat. While she was looking a spider fell on her nose. She picked it up and putted it in her mouth. The dry and hairy taste made her taste buds happy. "Mmmm. That was so good", Heartless said.

Its 8:12am and the sky is sunny. Heartless got up and putted her black slippers on. She then walked down stairs. " I can't believe you snitched on me like a little bitch yesterday. Your ugly", Luis said. "But we look alike except the hair color", Heartless said. " Well your a girl and girls are ugly", Luis said. " So your gay", Heartless said whiling laughing. " No I like girls", Luis said. " But you just said girls are ugly, so that means you don't like girls", Heartless said. Heartless can tell Luis was confused and frustrated so he just walked into his room with a red face. " Oh my jesus", Ms. Satan said. " You have a bad odor. You need to go take a shower. Heartless was confused. " What is a shower?", Heartless said. " Are you joking. You been taking a shower since you was 6" , Ms. Satan said. " Ok mom I'll go take a shower in a couple of minutes", Heartless said. Ms. Satan walked away but Heartless was feeling confused because she didn't know what she meant on a shower. Heartless was walking and feeling her hand. " Bet I'm going to get her to date me first", Starch said. " No your not. I have more muscles than you and I'm smarter than you", Luis said. " When she hears the song I made for her, she will be all over me",Starch said while wiggling his tongue. Satan called us for dinner but of course Heartless didn't go because everything she tasted that was normal food had the taste of wet dog. So she just told her dad she already ate then went outside.

Heartless was walking and it was sunny. She was jolly and happy like Krampus when he's punishing kids on Christmas night. Krampus is my dad older brother, well he was but not anymore. He would visit us sometimes on Christmas and Easter but since there's been an increase on bad kids he hasn't had the time to visit. Cacao Cacao. Heartless started hearing weird noises. She looked up and saw over 20 ravens swirling around in the air. They dived down towards Heartless head with their small claws out. She began to get scared and start running to her house. The ravens took another dived at her and she fell on the ground. The birds kept making the same noise over and over. Then she realized what they where saying. " Get away demon" ravens kept saying. The sky turned dark from the ravens covering the sun. Heartless ran to her house and slammed the door. " Honey are you ok?", Ms. Satan said. Heartless started crying. Every one gathered around her wondering why she was crying. She began thinking " This world is horrible. This world is horrible, I want my old life back". Heartless got up pushing threw her parents and into her room. She locked her door and turned off all the nights and closed the blinds. " I'm hungry, I can't eat in this world. I don't recognized my family", Heartless said with tears flowing down her face. Heartless went to bed. She kept saying " I wish I had my old life back" over and over. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. ( Spark Spark)

Its 9am and Heartless is awake. She got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and splashed water on her face. She than looked into the mirror and saw she has horns again and sharp teeth. She was happy and grateful she had her lame ass family back. " Hey Heartless, you wanna go catch mutant frogs in the blood forest?", Caleb said. Heartless ran to the window and yelled back " Yeah that would be great". She thought about it and realized it was all a big dream and it wasn't real. The little minion was watching Heartless threw her closest. " Or was it a dream", the little minion said while laughing.

The end!

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