24. A Way Out

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Shane reanimated and Carl shot him.

Neither Nell, Carl, nor Rick has said a word since then.
They all silently walk back to the farmhouse with the bright moon high in the sky and the crickets chirping so loud that Nell can't even hear her own thoughts.

"Are you bit too?" Carl says, looking up to his dad his dad and breaking the silence.

"No," Rick simply answers.

"Shane was," Carl says, watching his feet drag on the ground.

No, he wasn't.
Rick killed him.

Nell wants to say something, but she doesn't want to make Rick angry. He's probably angry enough.

"That wasn't Shane, you know that," Rick says.

Rick looks scary with half of his face covered in blood.
Nell can't tell if the blood belongs to him or Shane. It's probably best if she doesn't find out.

"Used to be," Carl says.

Rick continues walking, not saying a word.

He sorta looks like a walker, Nell thinks. The blood and the dirt and his blank expression make him almost identical to the terrifying creatures that roam the woods.

"What happened?" Carl finally asks, knowing there is more to the story than what he is being told. "You guys attacked? I mean- I heard a gunshot, but I didn't see any walkers nearby."

Carl pauses for a moment.
"How did Shane die?" He asks his father as he stops walking to ensure that he gets an answer.

Rick stops walking too and then Nell stops once she realizes the boys are no longer next to her.

Rick sighs and looks down at the small space between him and his son.
He stares at the grass for a long while, trying to come up with the right words to say.
How will he explain to Carl that he is the one who killed Shane?

While Carl and Rick stare at each other in silence, Nell notices a low growling sound coming from behind them all.

She is the first the turn around.
And what she sees leaves her speechless.

Nell has killed a total of three walkers in her lifetime.
The two walkers in the woods and the walker that killed her brother.
She has never faced more than one at a time.
It was even a struggle for her to kill just one.

Let alone hundreds.

But that is exactly what Nell sees. A herd of hundreds of walkers marching towards them.

Rick is the next one to turn around, but he quickly turns back to grab Carl and Nell.

"Oh my god. Go, go, go..." Rick whispers to the kids.

Nell and Carl run side by side with Rick right behind them, pushing them along.
They run to a tree and stop.

"We- we gotta get to the house," Carl whispers, freaking out.

"We'll never get through that. Can't go around," Rick whispers as he looks around for a way out of this situation. "Carl, Nell, stay close. Go!"

Carl takes off, running towards the barn.
Nell looks back at Rick, who nods in Carl's direction, telling her to follow him.
Nell starts running, trying her best to catch up to Carl.

They all make it to the barn within seconds, their adrenaline fueling their speed.
Rick nudges Nell and Carl inside the barn and slams the huge double doors behind them.

The growling from outside the barn grows louder and louder until the barn doors begin the shake.
The walkers are trying to break in. They will break in.
It's a matter of seconds.

Nell looks up at Rick for a solution with fear in her eyes.
If the walkers break into the barn, they're done for.

Rick runs to a corner of the barn and picks up a huge container of gasoline.

"All right, get behind me," Rick says as he starts dumping the liquid from the gasoline container all over the hay on the floor.

Carl and Nell walk backward, keeping their eyes on the walkers who are now ripping pieces off of the doors and sticking their ugly faces through the holes.

"Up there, hurry!" Rick yells and points to a ladder that leads to the second level of the barn.

"Well, what about you?" Carl asks his father.

Nell runs towards the ladder and starts climbing up to the next floor. When she makes it to the top, she looks down at Carl and Rick.

"Drop the lighter when I say," Rick says, handing Carl a small lighter. "We'll stop some of them from reaching the house and distract the others, so at least we'll have a chance.
Hey, hey... you got this," Rick pauses for a quick moment.
"Carl... I love you," He says, looking into his son's eyes.

Nell feels like she is intruding on the bittersweet moment, but then again, she can't help thinking how they are getting out of this situation.
Rick must have a plan, but if he plans to set the barn on fire, how are they gonna escape if the walkers are surrounding the barn?

"All right, go, go, go," Rick says and gives Carl a shove in the direction of the ladder.

When Carl reaches the end of the ladder, Nell holds out her hands and helps him to the top. Yeah, she may hate Carl, but in life-or-death situations like these, Nell doesn't care about who she hates anymore.

"Hey! You want some?!" Rick starts shouting and pulls out the wooden plank that is barricading the doors. "Come and get it! Come on! Come on!"
And then Rick swings open the double doors and walkers immediately start piling in.

Rick runs to the ladder and slowly climbs up while still yelling at the dozens of walkers.

"Carl, now!" He yells.

Carl flicks the light on the lighter and drops it into the pit of walkers below, just like his dad said to do.

A huge flame erupts and spreads on the ground level of the barn, lighting all the walkers below them on fire.

Nell, Carl, and Rick slowly walk to an opening on the back wall.
Nell can see the chaos all around them now. Walkers everywhere. Gunshots. A van speeding towards them.

"Hey! Over here!" Rick screams at the van and points to an open spot on the grass in front of them. "Put it right there! Come on!"

The van pulls up the ledge that Nell, Carl, and Rick are standing on.
They are gonna have to jump.

Rick jumps first onto the roof of the van. He steadies himself before spinning around to hold out his arms for Carl.
Carl leaps off the ledge into his father's arms and safely onto the top of the big van.

They both turn to look at Nell.

"Nell, jump!" Rick yells and holds a hand out for her to grab onto.

Nell's breathing gets heavy and she freezes up when she looks at the ground beneath her.
Tons and tons of walkers reaching up to grab her.
If she falls, she's dead.
It's a big jump for her little legs.

"Nell, we gotta go!" Rick yells at the girl, his arm still out, waiting to catch her. "I won't let you fall."

Nell shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath.
She is trusting Rick with her life.
Trust no one until trusting someone is the only way to live.
This is the only way out.

She looks back at the inside of the barn. The flames are rising to the floor she is standing on.
The whole barn could cave in any moment now.

Nell runs and jumps through the air with her arms out, ready to grab onto anything nearby for support.
She feels herself land on a hard surface with two arms wrapped around her, steadying her to her feet.

When she opens her eyes she finds herself on the roof of the van with Rick looking down at her.
He gives her a small nod and then climbs down from the van, shooting nearby walkers as he jumps down.

"Carl, Nell, now!" Rick yells, still shooting his pistol at the dozens of walkers.

Carl climbs down the ladder first and then Nell.
When they both reach solid ground, Carl pulls out his pistol.
Rick and Carl both start shooting at the walkers, leaving Nell feeling helpless with nothing more than her knife.
And no way is she getting close enough to one of those things to stab it in the head.

She trails behind Carl and Rick for protection, clutching Snuggles close to her, and silently praying she won't end up like her dad and her little brother.

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