8. Enter the Colosseum

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The training area of Idassar Academy consisted of a circular hall branching off to six paths. The two on the west led to the Colosseum, the other two on the north led to the Meditation Chamber and the Sparring Room, while the rest on the east led to the Hunting Grounds. A guard post stood before each path.

Since his graduation, Leon had only visited the Colosseum. The newbies in the Meditation Chamber often sought seniors to help them meditate properly and travel to their GSs' realms, which would remind him of how his big bro mentored him a decade ago. Moreover, Leon could hardly find a sparring partner for the Sparring Room, while incompetent mercenaries often roamed the Hunting Grounds and ruined someone else's hunt.

There were two types of Colosseum: the Beginners' and the Experts'. Unfortunately, only the Beginners' allowed Leon to fly solo because the foes in the Experts' were too dangerous to be faced alone, or so they said. Even so, the guard post staffers would always stop a lone mercenary and persuade him or her to team up, unless nobody was around or wanted to be in the group.

Mr. Burke really has to change the rule for the Colosseum, the scowling Leon thought as he strode westward. Fighting alone is much better than fighting alongside morons.

"Heyo, Leonhardt!"

Leon recognized that rather thin voice and hissed. If the guard post staffer saw Neil stick around with him, she definitely wouldn't let Leon in until either he and Neil trained together or Neil grew tired and left. Knowing how stubborn this rooster head could be, Leon was sure as hell that the latter wouldn't happen.

Problem is, I'm going on a special mission with him tomorrow. If Neil and I get in a fight and end up with a strained relationship, not only Mr. Burke will be disappointed, but our inability to work together will also screw up everything.

"Let's rock the Experts' Colosseum together!" Walking beside Leon, Neil cracked his knuckles. "Can't wait to kick some mechanical ass!"

"Okay," Leon muttered. Admittedly, Neil isn't that bad as a partner. In combat, he's so noisy that my roar won't affect him.

"Awesome! I'm gonna book the Colosseum for us ASAP!" In a flash, Neil slipped through the wandering mercenaries like a mouse and stopped in front of the guard post.

Leon quietly followed Neil's trail. That rooster head had so much energy that it was annoying, but at least he wasn't just all crow and no peck.

Approaching the guard post, Leon pulled his wallet out of his pants pocket and unfolded it to take out his ID card. Similar to the free meal policy, the guard post staffer had to scan the card to prevent a mercenary from entering the Colosseum more than once in a day.

Sitting in front of a computer, the staff asked with a quirked eyebrow, "Leonhardt? You're finally entering with a partner?"

"Yeah." He handed the ID card to the staffer lady. Wish I don't have to.

The lady smiled. "That's great!" After scanning the card with a handheld scanner, she returned it to Leon. "Mecharex is a dangerous training robot."

"What?" Eyes widening, Neil placed his hands on the guard post counter. "No Mechadominus?"

Mechadominus, a training robot based on Indominus Rex from Jurassic Park, a popular movie series in the other world. Indominus Rex was primarily a T-Rex, but genetic engineering had given it the traits of many other dinosaurs.

"Mechadominus is now restricted to the Hunting Grounds." Leon kept his ID card and wallet. "The rule was changed about two years ago because it caused a number of casualties in the Colosseum. At least in the Hunting Grounds, you can find many hiding spots."

"Correct," the lady added as she typed on a computer. "By the way, please enter the Colosseum."

"Oh man!" Neil rubbed the back of his neck. "Things sure have changed a lot in five years."

"Not really." Leon strode past the guard post and towards the open doors of the Experts' Colosseum. "The head of the training center is still Mrs. Lilly Moore."

"Oh, Mrs. Moore! All the training robots are based on dinosaurs because she loves those dinosaur movies from the other world." Neil walked beside Leon. "What's the name again? Jurassic Park?"

You really have a bad memory. Leon kept walking. "Yeah."

Once Leon and Neil stepped into the chamber, the entrance doors slid shut. They wouldn't open until the mercenaries either defeated all the foes or were in danger.

The Colosseum was a chamber with the size of a football field and many lamps and a few aircons on the high ceiling. Its concrete wall and floor, despite looking ordinary, contained magical enchantments that rendered them nigh-indestructible.

"We still got some prep time just like in the past?"

Leon nodded. "The first wave is still a squad of Gunmechs too."

"Oh, those guys!" Neil reached out his hands, and a pair of metallic nunchucks materialized in his grasp. Grinning, he swung his weapon around like a pro martial artist. "Can't wait to smack some bullets back at 'em!"

"Stay away from me during the fight, get it? Don't want your light and fire to melt my metal."

Neil stopped swinging his nunchucks and playfully saluted at Leon. "Aye aye, cap'n!"

How annoying. Leon summoned Beast King's Claws. "Whatever."

"Cheer up a bit, buddy! Prove 'em that ya ain't Sir Frowns-A-Lot!"

Sighing, Leon reached out his free hand. Silver ethereal energy radiated around his forearm, and a metallic tower shield materialized. Wielding a spear one-handed would mean less control and power, but if he went on without any protection, the barrage of bullets would wound his legs and shut down his footwork.

A short whistle echoed, at which Neil laughed. "Thought they changed it into something fancier than a referee whistle."

"Save your breath for the upcoming fight!" Leon snapped.

"C'mon, these gunslinger robots are just a warm-"

Pillars of light emerged in the distance, at which Leon hid behind the shield. The training center's technicians had begun teleporting the training robots.

Gunshots rang, followed by countless plinks. Leon charged and drew a deep, hearty breath. Then he stopped in his tracks, lowered his shield, and roared. The sonic blast blew away the incoming bullets and smashed the horde of Gunmechs to smithereens.

Done. Leon turned to watch Neil, a blazing man bolting across a small group of Gunmechs. I'm not gonna interfere. That rooster head won't get anything if I destroy those guys for him.

Neil's high-pitched battle cry thundered amid the gunshots, explosions, and the crunching of metal. Every blow he landed left behind a fiery blast that reduced the Gunmechs into charred scrap metal.

In a few seconds, all the robots were gone. With his fire fading, Neil landed on one foot and spread his arms. Blood oozed out of the nicks on his legs.

"Don't waste your stamina with that pose," Leon scolded. "We still have two waves."

"Oh man, have you forgotten about the 'Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg' pose?" Neil raised an arm and lowered another. "It trains your balance, ya know? It's also good for stretching your stiff muscles!"

Leon shrugged. "You're hurt, you reckless idiot."

"They're just some scratches, buddy." Neil grinned. "By the way, I just noticed that you may have a prickly exterior, but inside you're-"

Face flushing in anger, Leon snapped, "Shut up, rooster head! Don't whine at me when you get your ass kicked!"

Neil laughed. "Don'tcha worry. The next wave is still a Mechaptero squadron with a Mechaceratops, right?"

Okay, at least he's changing the topic now. Leon exhaled. "It's not always a Mechaceratops now. Sometimes they can send in a Mecharaptor or a Mechasmilo."

"Lemme deal with those robo-pterosaurs." Neil bolted upwards and clung to the ceiling with one leg. "Agility is my forte."

"For once, your words have my stamp of approval."


Leon stared at his tower shield. Heat streamed down his arm, and the object disintegrated. As the metallic dust faded, he held his spear two-handed. A one-handed thrust wouldn't even scratch the light-armored monstrosity in the second wave.

A column of light shot out of the ground, followed by a few smaller ones around it. Then the biggest radiance vanished, leaving behind a saber-toothed tiger. Its eyes burned like will-o-wisps. Light glinted off its metallic body.

A Mechasmilo. A feline opponent. It even towered over Leon.

A surge of energy coursed through Leon's veins, burning him from inside. Sweat dribbling down his body, he gritted his teeth and charged. The flame in him calmed down a bit when he drew closer to the Mechasmilo. The searing pain dissipated as his spearhead tore through the air and towards metal beast's knife-like fangs.

The Mechasmilo swiped the spear out of his grip. And the fire in him roared again.

Lions are so prideful that it hurts.

Heart pounding, Leon clenched his hands and pulled back a fist. Intense heat gathered around his knuckles.

When the saber-toothed tiger sprang, he stepped forward and launched the fist at the gaping maw. His knuckles slammed against the Mechasmilo's throat, and pure energy exploded in the its mouth. Metallic scraps flew everywhere as the headless husk collapsed.

Although the fire in him died out, his hand went limp. Grunting at the stinging, burning pain, he inspected his hand and winced. Broken bones jutted out of his bloody forearm and wrist. Blood seeped into the ragged sleeve of his jacket and ran down his mangled fingers. Damn, the Mechasmilo must've clamped its jaws shut when he punched.

One hand down. He could perhaps force it to work, just like what he'd always done, but if not...

Transformation. Leon recalled his spear and caught it with his good hand. It'll strengthen me a lot, although growing a few weeks older just for training sounds ridiculous.

A shout snapped him out of his reverie. "Holy crap!"

Leon turned to see a shocked Neil and quirked an eyebrow. Did the rooster head bring some potion? Nobody could get out unscathed after engaging a squadron of mechanical pterosaurs in close combat.

"Look at your hand!"

"It's bound to happen. My GS is a prideful big cat who happens to be the king of beasts, so he'll always want to show other felines who's the boss."

Neil fished a vial of healing potion out of his pants pocket and uncorked it. "Here, you can have mine. It'll heal your hand, but not completely. Your wounds will reopen if you aren't careful."

"Thanks." The poker-faced Leon released his spear, took the vial, and drank the potion. I don't like this. Hell, I can actually handle everything by myself, although I'll pass out when it's over.

The cool, lemon tea-flavored liquid gushed down his parched throat, and his broken hand went numb. Snaps and pops echoed as the protruding and disfigured bones across his forearm and hand retracted and realigned themselves. Then new flesh grew to seal the gashes shut, and he could feel his arm again.

"Can I have the vial back? I'll take it to the recycling dept after this. Also, if you have some empty vials in your bag, give me."

Wow, that's so nice of you. Leon handed the vial to Neil. Not that Leon couldn't dispose it by himself, but he'd hate to squeeze through the crowd in the recycling department.

As he picked up his spear, a sharp pain jolted from his healed arm. His grip remained steady, though.

"So, next up is the Mecharex." Neil stroked his chin. "It's immune to Light and Fire. My Flying Kick can probably hurt him, but I might break my leg."

"Then stay back." Leon turned around and held his spear two-handed, ready to fight despite the little creaks from his forearm. "You'll only be a burden."


A colossal column of light emerged from the ground in the distance. As soon as it faded, the creature left behind, a mechanical T-Rex with red and black tints across its metallic body, roared. Louder than the take-off of a jet plane, it carved numerous cracks on the ground.

Leon knew he wouldn't last long with his arm, while Neil was completely useless against Mecharex. So he raised his spear overhead, preparing for Ravage, the deadliest Non-Elemental magic in his arsenal. A pillar of pure energy burst out of his spear.


When the Mecharex charged, Leon screamed at the top of his lungs and brought down the humongous entity. The pillar smashed through the metallic bipedal dinosaur and into the ground; at the same time, the bones of his forearm snapped and pierced through his flesh.

"Leonhardt!" Neil shouted from behind.

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