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Shadow's POV:

I woke up with a need. A desperate need. I need that I'd rather not name. I needed to wake Amy up now before it was to late. I slowly sat up the best I could and turned to face Amy. I put my hands on her side and tried to shake her. "Bahhh!" I yelled. "Mmmmm 5 more minutes..." Amy mumbled and turned over. I was getting more desperate, if she didn't get up now then she would pay the price sooner or latter. I started to fake cry in order to get her attention but soon enough it turned into a real cry. One of my and others worst fears is to pee your pants in front of other people. "Alright, alright I'm up" Amy said as she turned over and noticed me crying. "What's wrong?" She asked. I put my hands in between my legs to indicate what was wrong. "Oh..." Amy said catching on. She scooted over to me and put on a sorry face. What was wrong? "Listen Shadow, I'm very sorry to say this, but... I can't help you have to go in that..." she said gesturing to the makeshift diaper. WHAT!? She expects me to go in this!? "Bu bu I can't (but, but I can't)" I say rocking back and forth to help control myself. "I'm sorry Shadow, but there's no other way" she said as she pulled my hands away from my crotch so I would stop trying to hold myself. The urge was getting worse and worse, I couldn't hold it any longer. I put my head down and stoped resisting and slowly let myself go. I kept my head down the whole time. My entire face went red, my ears folded down against my head. I started to cry, I had never be more embarrassed in my entire life. 

"Oh Shadow don't feel to bad, we all have done it before" Amy soothed as she pulled me into her lap. I berried my face into her stomach and continued to cry. When I had finished crying, Amy lifted me up and carefully carried me into the bathroom to change me. On the way grabbing another t-shirt. 

Once we were inside she shut the door and put me on the counter. As she was changing me, I put my hands over my red face to try and hide my embarrassment. "Don't worry Shadow, this is the last time we have to use a shirt. I'll go into town today and get some actual diapers and baby things, like food and clothes" she said as she finished. "And if it makes you feel better I won't tell anyone" she whispered in my ear as she picked me up. I nodded with my head against her neck to tell her that I would like that. "Ok then, it will be our little secret." Amy said as she walked out the door to go over to Sonic's shack. Throwing the shirt in the wash in the way out.

Once they had gotten to Sonic's shack Amy held me in one hand and knocked on the door frame and waited for Sonic to answer. We didn't have to wait long before Sonic zoomed to the "door". "Hey Ames" said Sonic as he welcomed us inside. "I see you have made Shadow a diaper" Sonic said pointing to the Obvious shirt around my waist. "Yeah, but that's why I came over. I was wondering if you could take care of Shadow until I get back from the store, I'm going to get some actual baby stuff?" Amy asked. "Sure, I don't have anything else to do" he replied taking me from Amy's hold. "Ok, see you in a bit boys" Amy said as she walked off leaving me alone with Sonic. 

Sonic's POV:

I took Shadow out of Amy's hold and put him on my hip. "Ok see you in a bit boys" she said as she walked off. I lifted Shadow off my hip and up to my face. "So it's just you and me now" I say and rub my nose against his. "Mmm" he hummed as he returned the action. "Have you eaten yet?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Ok let's get your some breakfast" I said as I brought him to the kitchen and set him on the counter. 

"Now let's see, what would Shadow want to eat?" I asked myself, looking around in my frigid. "What do you think Shadow?" I asked him as I lifted him over to the fridge so he could have a look. "Storbeewee! (Strawberry!)" Shadow squealed, grabbing the fruit. "Ok then" I said as I grabbed about 5 strawberries and brought them and Shadow back over to the table. I set Shadow down and got a bowl and a spoon, I put the strawberries in the bowl and slightly smooshed them a little. Not to a paste, but just enough that Shadow could naw on them without hurting himself. "Here ya go" I say as I pushed to bowl towards him. "Ya!" He cheered as he picked up a berry with 2 hands and began to chew on it, drooling all over it as he ate. "Hey, slow down there baby, you don't want to choke" I said, and scratched behind his ear. Shadow stoped at the sudden nickname I had given him. "Baba? (Baby?)" asked Shadow, unsure about how to respond to the new nickname. "Yeah, I think it suits you well" I winked at him. Shadow pondered on the name for about 10 seconds until he turned to me and gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face. "Baba! (Baby!)" he squealed throwing his sticky hands up in the air. 

~time skip~ 

 Once Shadow had finished eating, I had brought him over to the couch, but he'd been acting strange, he keeps Making strange faces and noises. I'm kinda worried. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" I ask sitting down next to him. His response was a gurgle and a unhappy face. "Are the strawberries not agreeing with you?" I asked, pulling him on to lap and rubbing his back. "Uur!" Shadow whined flapping his arms up and down. "Shhh, shhh, shhh" I whispered rocking him back and forth. 

"Hey Sonic" I heard a familiar voice say my name. "Hey Tails" I replied "what's wrong with Shadow?" Tails asked, referring to the obvious whining hedgehog on my lap. "I don't know, I feed him some strawberries earlier, but now he's being fussy" I replied picking up the hedgehog and walking over to Tails. "Was he resisting the berry's before?" He asked. "No, he was eating them right up" I said looking down at Shadow who was now...gagging? "Did you remember to burp him?" Tails asked. "Did I remember to do what now?" I asked, not knowing what he was talking about. Tails gave a deep sigh before taking Shadow off me and putting him over his shoulder. "After feeding a baby, it's important to burp them. Like this" he informed and started to gently pat Shadow on the back. Soon, Shadow let out a small burp and relaxed. "See?" Tails asked as he handed Shadow back to me. "Yeah I get it!" I said holding up Shadow who was now much more relaxed and bubbly. 

"Hi guys" Amy said walking into my shack with a bag full of baby things. "Hey Amy! How was trip to the store?" I asked and went over to help her put the bag on the table. "Great! I found lots of things that would look great on Shadow!" She said and began rummaging through the bag. "Ahhh there it is!" She said and pulled out a light pink dress. "I don't think Shadow would want to wear that" Tails said looking at what Amy had pulled out. "Of course he will!" Amy said and walked over to Shadow. Amy dressed Shadow up in the little dress and stood back to admire her work. "I think he likes it!" Amy squealed looking at Shadow who was not liking it at all. He had his arms crossed and a pouty lip. "I don't think he dose..." I say and walk over to Shadow and pulled him out and dressed him up in a light blue onesie instead. He seemed more fond of this outfit. He didn't seam to want to rip it to pieces like he did with the dress. "That's better" I say. 

~time skip~ 

3rd POV:

A few hours had went by, knuckles and Sticks had come over to try and bond with Shadow more...well knuckles did, Sticks, not so much. They all were sitting on the couches talking, they had put shadow on the floor so he could play with his new toys. All was well, until Shadow felt a  slight pain in his mouth. His mouth had never felt like this, and it was quite uncomfortable. Shadow wanted to get rid of this feeling as soon as possible. Shadow had crawled over to the couches were everyone was sitting. He was looking around to find something to get there attention with. And that's when Shadow saw them:


They. Were. Perfect! Soft and silky. And there was 2! 

Shadow crawled over to Tails and say down next to his tails. Slowly, Shadow reached up to the tails and slowly put one is his mouth. It was amazing. The feeling of the fur on his gums was perfect. It help with the pain and it was fun the play with. On the other end, Tails was not happy with it. 

"Uh guys...there's something or should I someone on my tails" Tails said and moved his tails and Shadow around so they could see Shadow sucking and chewing on them. "He must be teething" Amy said and went to the freezer. "Luckily I was prepared, I bought teething toys for him" Amy said and pulled out what looked like a frozen ring of some sort. She walked over to Shadow took the Tails out of his mouth and replaced them with the ring. She then picked him up and took him over to the couches to keep an eye on him to make sure that he didn't choke on it. As Shadow was chewing, he was drooling a lot. Of course he didn't care...but the person next to him who was being covered in spit did.

"Awww! That's disgusting!" Knuckles hissed as he scooted away from shadow for the 5th time. Shadow has chosen to lean against Knuckles for this activity because:

1. It pissed him off

2. He was the closest

 3. He was the biggest

"Knuckles you need to be patient with him" Amy scolded. "He can't tell right from wrong yet" she pointed out. "Well maybe it's time we teach him right from wrong!" Knuckles said standing up and banging his fists together. "Knuckles!" Amy yelled standing up. "I agree!" Sticks shouted also standing up. "Sticks!" Sonic yelled joining the group of people standing. "Guys chill out!" Tails yelled standing up and trying to get the others to stop. "Quiet Tails!" A stressed out Sonic yelled back at him. Making Tails made and join the argument.

...all while a little hedgehog watched...

Shadow was growing scared from all the shouting. He'd try to make sounds to help calm them down, but they were drowned out by all the yelling. Eventually, Shadow reached his breaking point and silently started to sob. Completely forgetting about the ring, he dropped it and covered his ears trying to make the noise stop. Unfortunately, it did nothing to help. He could still hear all the shouting. So he did the next best thing...Hid...

Shadow slid off the couch and crawled under it. Making sure to go far enough so that they could grab him. 

"Um guys?" Tails asked looking around, and then back to the group. No one listened, so he tried again. "Ummm GUYS?" he asked a little louder. Still no one heard him. Tails took a deep breath and then screamed. "GUYS!?" "What!?" Was his answer. "Has anyone noticed that shadow is gone?!" Tails asked pointing to where Shadow should be. "He's gone?!" Amy shirked. 

Everyone started racing around, trying to find the little hedgie who had wondered off. "Shadow!?" Amy yelled, lifting up a lid of a basket. "Buddy?!" Tails yelled searching onto top of everything. "Baby?!" Sonic yelled as he ran around searching for him. "He's not in here" Knuckles said eating some cookies out of the cookie jar.

"This is all our fault..." Amy mumbled, slumping over to the couch. "Don't give up hope yet" Tails said Walking over to Amy. "We still need to try one more thing!" Tails announced putting one finger in the air. "And that is?" Sonic asked, also walking over to them. "Listening" Tails replied. "Baby's can't stay quiet for long, he'll start getting fussy soon. So all we need to do is stay quiet and keep looking" Tails whispered. They all stared at each other for awhile before their ears started to pick up something. "Do you hear that?!" Sonic whispered. "Yeah! But we need to find where it's coming from" Tails said and looked around. "Oh! It's useless!" Amy cried slumping onto the couch. But when she put her weight on the couch a little cried was heard. Amy stood straight up and then bent down to look under the couch. "SHADOW!" Amy yelled, upon seeing him curled up in a ball. Everyone rushed over to her, bending down to see Shadow as well. "Oh baby there you are!" Sonic rejoiced, sticking an arm under the couch to reach him...only to find out he couldn't reach. "Hmmmm!" Sonic hummed trying time get his arm further under the couch. "I can't reach him!" Sonic concluded, pulling him arm out. "Well, if we can't go in and get him. Then we'll have to make him come to us" Tails said and put his head on the floor so he could see Shadow, the others copying. "Hey buddy, we're sorry for all the yelling earlier. We promise to be more careful." Tails cooed putting his arms out in hopes it would make Shadow more comfortable. Shadow looked up and flicked his ear, before looking over at Amy and Sonic to see what they had to say. "Baby, I so sorry for hurting your feelings and ears. Please come out so I can help?" Sonic asked/whispered. Shadow looked at Amy. Amy slowly nooded her head, implying that she agreed. Shadow slowly uncurled and crawled out. As soon as he was out, Sonic scooped him up in his arms and hugged him. Putting one hand under him bum and the other on his head. Amy and Tails walked over and scratched shadows ears in comfort.

"I promise that will never happen again...." Sonic whispered in Shadow's ear.

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