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??? POV
I woke up to the sound of murmurs i looked up and saw a person i was scared that he/she will hurt me
She then saw me and said "hey little one don't worry we aren't going to hurt you" she then cupped me and hugged me to comfort me i started to get tired again and she placed me back in the box

Y/n's POV
I placed the little guy in the box and he fell asleep
My friend f/n(friends name) noticed a box and told Clara(yes i picked a name for her) to stop she stopped and Clara took the box and walked towards us and when she got in she open the box and saw eight bitty's
And they were asleep i placed the other bitty which i found in the box

???'s POV
I woke up to the sound of mumbles and murmurs i open my eyes to see two persons and i started to shake which caused everyone to wake up and they stared at the person and i saw a bitty that was not there before standing and reached at him/her and she picked him up while she placed him at her palm


Im gonna show you what Clara looks like later

220 word count

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