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Y/n's POV
Its been a while since I've met these bittie's and i kinda felt worried for them they never approached me
Or even asked me when i cook i make sure i made food and leave it at the table for them too eat and
After making food and leaving it i felt like i was about to get attacked from behind i walked in my bedroom and felt like their in my room i was bored so i drew a skeleton two skeletons and i fell asleep after i woke up i looked for my pills and didn't find it i didn't mind cause it might have ran out and i felt something tugging my pants i looked down to see the sansy bitty i looked at him confused and i asked"need anything?"i said looking at him he then said"lookin for this?"he was holding my pills with magic and i said"yes"
He looked at me shocked he then started to read the label and said"these are pain killers"i looked at him nervously and i just froze and took the pills and drank/ate(idkkk English is not my country language)he looked at me shocked and then i walked in my room and started drawing again but it was different i was drawing my dreams cause it felt weird and interesting..

Few hours later

I was going to go get some food when i saw sammy running she just came back when she went to go something i saw she was holding a bitty and i was stunned when she said"sis get the aid kit!!"she said screaming i nodded and ran to find it and came back holding the aid kit and ran towards sammy
And gave her the aid kit we were so worried on what she had found i knew she will have a bitty in the future and i stared at the bitty she was holding i wanted to know what kind she was holding in fact i didn't get many days to find the bittys clara took and gave to me just one day and found them i didnt really want to scare then and i just wanted to see what kind they where
Im lazy kay?
Word count:387

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