Chapter 2: Photo

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Previous chapter:

Just your average day for the students in Cornbury middle school. There goes the teachers, students, classes, work. Average? You can say that...
I turned to Amy and nodded. She smiled, which obviously made me feel butterflies in my stomach. My face felt hot again. Stop! I let my head fall to the desk... and ouch did I regret that. I heard a few giggles from my classmates, mostly Shope.
"Nosy much?" I laughed. She just gave me a look with no expression. We got our stuff from our lockers, and began to walk. As we were walking I told them about how Amy had invited us to her party. They agreed that it was gonna be great. Well good for them, cause I don't think I'll be going. It's Amy's party. My crushes party. But I feel that if I go, I might ruin something, or just get in the way...

No One's POV (6:39 A.M.)

Morning. Time to wake up! Le school is waiting for you.

The noobs met up in the same place every morning before school. The bus stop, where only two other kids would wait there too.

Tyler's POV (7:17 A.M.)

Kevin and I were waiting at the bus stop, for Shope and Roach. The bus was normally around 7:30, and with now being 7:17, they still had time. But Shope is always here before us. What happened?


(7:43 A.M.)

The bus came late, yet Shope didn't make it. Roach is here sitting next to me, while Kevin is in the back sleeping. The Roach and I looked at Kevin.

"Hehe, Kevin," Roach gave out a laugh. I soon felt my phone buzz... please be Shope! Shope! Don't let me down!


Mom: Did you bring your lunch?


Really -_- Mom... me here trying to calm down from this panick attack. Why?

"Was it Shope?" Roach hopefully asked getting back to the normal position, facing forward. He knew I wanted Shope to text me.

Psychic? I shook my head and showed him my mom's message. He began to laugh, which I guess made me laugh, so we both burst out laughing.


(7:51 A.M.)

Amy's stop. We are here. As she walked in, I covered my face. I could heart her say 'hi', but she won't be getting one back.


Shope's POV (7:52 A.M.)

So late, so late, SO LATE!! I swear I had my alarm set up! Nope Shope don't sweat, ... and now you're talking to yourself... great...

"Jennifer. What were you doing? Do you know what time it is? You missed the bus, and now your dad will drop you off, causing him to be late," my mom stated. I don't know what I was doing last night, all of it was just a blur. So yeah, don't blame me... Now heading on to school!

(8:01 A.M.)

Doors open! Your student has arrived... and apparently early? Where was everyone? I looked back, as my dad's car drove away, I saw the bus reach the school bus's parking area.

"Shope!" The guys exclaimed running towards me.

The bell rang and with that we all went our seperate ways.

Tyler's POV (2:58 P.M.)

Just two more minutes!! Why am I happy?!

Kevin's POV (2:58 P.M.)

Draw,doodle, and waste time! My plan is so totally working out!!

Shope's POV (2:59 P.M.)

Just a little bit more, I only need to copy down the notes. No one else is cause they've packed, but whatever, this just makes me special!

Roach's POV (2:59 P.M.)

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, the clock seems to have gotten louder...

All POVS' (3:00 P.M.)

School's over!!!! I headed to meet the rest where we normally do.

No One's POV (3:06 P.M.)

Shope, Tyler, Kevin, and the Roach met up at the auditorium, where they saw Amy and her friends.

"Uh, I have to go," Tyler said as he left of. The other noobs just look at him leave. Amy walked closer to the noobs to greet them.

"Hey, where's Tyler?" Amy asked. The noobs shrugged. Now it was time to get ready for the party!

Kevin's POV (4:22 P.M.)

Just wear something casual... not too casual... wait I only have one shirt... guess that'll do. I went out and walked to Roach's house.


(4:34 P.M.)

I waited outside of Roach's house to meet up with Shope and Roach. I still wonder why Tyler didn't come....

Crush butterflies?

More like moths in his stomach.

Cause apparently it didn't bring him a good feeling.


I began to laugh at my thoughts, cause I know I'm funny!! Sorta!

"Great! Let's go!" Shope exclaimed running to where I was. The Roach was already outside, so we decided to leave. We walked to Amy's house, it wasn't that far, but still not that close...


No One's POV (5:03 P.M.)

Ah yes, parties, the place where most mistakes are made...

"Yay, now let's make some memories!" Amy smiled as she dragged the noobs inside. The place wasn't really crowded as for Amy wasn't really popular at school.

"Yeah, we'll go hang over there," Shope said pointing to a corner of the room that they were in.

"You know, this place isn't as fun as I'd thought it be," Roach sighed.

"Well of course not. Tyler isn't here," Shope replied.

"Tyler isn't the life of the party. I am!" Kevin yelled with a tone of jealousy.

"Oh great then why don't you make yourself a life of a party somewhere else? I'm gonna start reading," Shope said looking for a book.

"Ok maybe I will," Kevin said as he brought along Roach to the punch area.

"Yum. Juice," Roach smiled drinking some from the bowl, instead of a cup...

"Awesome!" Kevin did the same, from another bowl, duh.

"Memories!" Amy jumped in, only to surprise Kevin and Roach.

"Memory obsessed?" Shope asked joining in. The Roach wondered off to the middle of the room and began to dance to the song that was playing.

"Yeah! Let's take a pic!" Amy exclaimed taking out a camera. She handed it to Kevin.

"No pictures!" Kevin and Shope yelled in unison. Kevin turned to Shope and looked confused.

"You're beautiful Shope," Kevin said shoving the camera.

"You too, but I don't see you taking any photos," Shope said pushing the camera back.

"Come on guys! Memories!" Amy exclaimed.

"No pictures!" Kevin and Shope's yelled as they ran out of the room.

Kevin's POV (5:17 P.M.)

What did I just say? 'Your beautiful Shope,' I started to blush. And I noticed Shope beginning to slightly blush too, I mean, she did say the same to me...

Shope's POV (5:17 P.M.)

After I ran out of the room we were in, I just stood there, Kevin in front of me. I recalled him saying I was beautiful, and uhhhhhh, what did I say? 'You too?!" I felt myself begin to blush.


In the Next Chapter:

She took a hold of my hand, and we went running to a place we knew no one would find us. Especially Jock.

"I have something to tell you," she started off.

"Uh... so do I," I replied.

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