43: Calmly™

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Reposted: December 3, 2021


Last edited: April 17, 2021

We always say the book version is the best version of that moment™, but no one talks about this version brought to you by Roman Sanders

(fivenamereveals— aka me— on Tumblr)

Summary: Remus kicks ass (although not literally, unfortunately); Harry avoids practically everyone

Numbness began to settle in Harry's stomach. This could not be happening. Voldemort was dead. There was no reason for his name to be called. He turned to his friends, who stared back equally shocked.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called once more. "Harry! Up here, if you please!"

Harry shakily stood up and began walking forward.

"Well... through the door, Harry," said Dumbledore.

Harry moved past, still unable to speak.

The other champions were huddled in front of the fireplace.

"What is it?" Fleur said. "Do they want us back in the Hall?"

Cedric was watching Harry, comprehension dawning on his face.

Harry confirmed the unasked question with a small nod, causing Cedric to blanch.

Ludo Bagman came running in.

"Extraordinary!" he muttered, squeezing Harry's arm. "Absolutely extraordinary! Gentlemen... lady," he added, approaching the fireside and addressing the other three. "May I introduce— incredible though it may seem— the fourth Triwizard champion?"

"Evidently there has been a mistake," Fleur said. "He cannot compete. He is too young."

"Well... it is amazing," said Bagman, rubbing his smooth chin and smiling down at Harry. "But, as you know, the age restriction was only imposed this year as an extra safety measure. And as his name's come out of the goblet... I mean, I don't think there can be any ducking out at this stage... It's down in the rules, you're obliged... Harry will just have to do the best he—"

The door opened and in came the Headmasters along with Severus, Remus, and McGonagall, and Crouch. Remus and Severus immediately went to stand by Harry's side.

"Madame Maxime!" said Fleur. "They are saying that this little boy is to compete also!"

Madame Maxime had drawn herself up to her full, and considerable, height. The top of her handsome head brushed the candle-filled chandelier, and her gigantic black-satin bosom swelled.

"What is the meaning of this, Dumbly-dorr?" she said.

"I'd rather like to know that myself, Dumbledore," said Professor Karkaroff. "Two Hogwarts champions? I don't remember anyone telling me the host school is allowed two champions— or have I not read the rules carefully enough?"

He gave a short and nasty laugh.

"C'est impossible," said Madame Maxime, whose enormous hand with its many superb opals was resting upon Fleur's shoulder. "Hogwarts cannot have two champions. It is most injust."

"We were under the impression that your Age Line would keep out younger contestants, Dumbledore," said Karkaroff, his steely smile still in place, though his eyes were colder than ever. "Otherwise, we would, of course, have brought along a wider selection of candidates from our own schools."

Remus swung his head around and glared at him. "Harry has never been interested in the tournament from the moment it was mentioned, and if you think otherwise, clearly you haven't been paying attention."

Karkaroff sneered. "And you're so sure of this?"

"I know him better than everyone else in this room, so I'd suggest you listen."

"I don't have to listen to a werewolf!" Karkaroff spat.

Remus' eyes flashed, but he did not otherwise react. Severus, however, was not so forgiving and took a menacing step forward.

"Enough," Dumbledore said commandingly before he could make a vicious retort. He turned to Harry. "Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" he asked calmly.

Harry refrained from sighing. "No."

"Did you ask an older student to put it into the Goblet of Fire for you?"

"No," Harry repeated. Again with the lack of common sense. Who in their right mind would want to risk death for a thousand Galleons and glory?

"Ah, but of course he is lying!" cried Madame Maxime.

"He could not have crossed the Age Line," McGonagall said sharply. "I am sure we are all agreed on that—"

"Even if I could, I wouldn't have," Harry said through gritted teeth.

At Karkaroff's derisive scoff, Harry added, "I can prove it. I'll make a vow."

"That won't be necessary," Dumbledore said. "We know you wouldn't lie."

"No, no," Karkaroff said, baring his yellow teeth in an ugly sneer. "If Mr. Potter is willing to risk his magic, let him swear a vow."

"I swear on my magic that I am telling the truth," Harry said before Dumbledore could say anything. "I did not put my name in the goblet, nor did I ask for someone to do it for me. Lumos," he said. His wandtip lit up, proving his words to be true.

It was silent for a long moment. Karkaroff was no longer smiling.

"While I am glad Mr. Potter is being honest, there is nothing we can do," Mr. Crouch said. "We must follow the rules, and the rules state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the tournament."

"Well, Barty knows the rule book back to front," said Bagman, beaming and turning back to Karkaroff and Madame Maxime, as though the matter was now closed.

Harry stared at him. Did Bagman not care that his life was at stake? That he was now forced to partake in whatever the tournament held?

Remus' hold on him tightened. "Nothing you can do?" he said scathingly. "Prove it, then. Show me what the rule book says about underage wizards and witches participating."

"Now, Remus," Dumbledore admonished, "I am as devastated as you are of this turn of events, but there is no need to undermine Mr. Crouch's knowledge."

"I'll undermine him as much as I desire to keep my son out of the tournament!" Remus snarled, turning on him.

His declaration was met with silence.

Harry was gazing up at him as if he had never seen him before, a lump in his throat threatening to overwhelm him. He quickly ducked his head before Remus would notice.

"Well," Mr. Crouch faltered, "I'm sure that there's nothing— the rule book— excuse me." He pulled out a large, tattered book and began flipping through.

The room remained in tense silence as he skimmed for anything regarding underage participants.

"Ah, here we go!" Mr. Crouch said. "Any wizard or witch under the age of seventeen must have consent of a parent or magical guardian."

"Which he doesn't," Remus announced. "I am officially pulling Harry out of the tournament."

There was a brief flash of light as magic accepted Remus' decision.

"His name came out of the goblet," Dumbledore said. "That must means Harry has to compete."

"Did you not hear what Mr. Crouch just said?" Remus said in disbelief. "Parental consent for underage wizards and witches."

"Harry's parents are dead," Dumbledore reminded him.

Behind him, the other champions flinched. Cedric was openly scowling at Dumbledore.

A look of pure fury crossed Remus' scarred face.

"Why are you insisting he must compete?" Severus asked Dumbledore suspiciously, giving Remus a warning look.

Dumbledore gave the slightest start of surprise, as if he had forgotten he was not alone. "I am not insisting anything," he said. "I am simply making sure this is what Harry wants."

"He made it pretty clear to me he had no intentions of joining if given the choice," Remus shot back. "Now, if there is nothing else to discuss, I shall take Harry back to his dorm."

Dumbledore nodded, the twinkle in his eyes nowhere to be seen.

With one hand pressing against Harry's upper back, Remus guided him out the door. Severus followed close behind.

"What was that about?" Severus wondered. He had seen the triumph that had flashed briefly in Dumbledore's eyes when he read Harry's name and the anger when Remus turned away.

"I don't know," Remus said grimly. "But Harry's safe now. He doesn't have to compete."

"He shouldn't have had to worry about it to begin with," Severus pointed out.

"No, he did not," Remus agreed heavily.

They reached the dungeons. Remus glanced down at Harry worriedly. He had not spoken since making the vow.


Harry stood up straighter, though he didn't meet Remus' eyes. "I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow." He quickly disappeared into the common room.

"I'll make sure he's settled," Severus said.

"Thank you." Remus smiled gratefully before sighing and turning away, looking years older.

When Harry entered the common room, he saw that everyone was waiting for him.

"What happened?" Draco demanded, running up to him. "Do you have to compete? Please tell me you don't!"

"How did you do it?" one first year asked, a mixture of envy and admiration on his face.

"Of course, he had to pull a stupid stunt," Cassius sneered. "Famous Harry Potter."

"I didn't put my name in," Harry said through gritted teeth.

There were a few uneasy murmurs of disbelief, and that's when Harry's patience snapped.

"I made a vow, Remus managed to pull me out of the competition, I'm not a champion. Now, if you have nothing better to do than stand around gossiping, get to bed!"

The Slytherins flinched at his harsh tone and scrambled to get away. Draco hesitated, but a nudge from Blaise had him going to the dorm.

The anger that had briefly consumed him vanished almost instantly in the wake of the empty common room. Harry sighed, rubbing his face with one hand, and made his way to his dorm.

His dormmates were feigning sleep. Draco sounded as if he was forcing himself to snore; the sound was louder than normal. Not even bothering to change into his pajamas, Harry fell into his bed and let sleep claim him.

When morning came, Harry moved slower than usual, having no desire to speak to anyone. Normally, he was among the first to be ready, but today he was the last to arrive in the Great Hall.

He heard whispers around him, but the hostility in their voices were not directed at him. Cedric was surrounded by a group of Hufflepuffs, talking in a low voice. Similarly, at the Ravenclaw table, Fleur was conversing with her schoolmates. Several of them were casting dark glances up at the High Table.

Harry slumped into the seat next to Tracey.

"The champions were quick to spread around what happened," she informed him. "Will you be all right?"

Harry shrugged and forced himself to eat. The food, although prepared the exact same way as it has been the past three years, was like sawdust in his mouth.

Draco cleared his throat. "Do you want to, er, read in the library or something?"

Harry shook his head.

"Common room?" Pansy suggested. "Or we could sit by the lake."

"I bet Severus wouldn't mind if you brewed potions with him," Draco added.

"Guys," Tracey said, shaking her head, "not now."

Draco and Pansy fell silent and continued eating.

Word had spread to the Gryffindor table as well.

Hermione was watching Harry. "That could have been really bad if he still had to participate," she said.

"It's Harry Potter," Dennis said, voice filled with admiration. "He would've made it out alive."

"But at what cost?" Hermione shook her head irritably at the lack of understanding.

Ron, who had been very vocal in his desire to put his name in, didn't seem very keen anymore. "Horrible injuries or even death?"

"Exactly. And he's only fourteen years old. At least someone like Krum is used to the more vicious side of competition," she added, remembering the Quidditch Cup.

"Some people are saying Dumbledore put his name in," Ginny said. "Do you think that's true?"

At one point, Hermione would have immediately jumped to the headmaster's defense. Now, though, she just sighed heavily. "Honestly, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised."

Ginny shuddered. Ever since Dumbledore's reputation had crumbled, she had been thinking over her actions. It had been a huge wake-up call when she realized she was being foolish. Harry was never going to look her way as anything more than a passing glance, and that was fine with her.

It wasn't just the students who were unhappy with the headmaster. Professor McGonagall had a privacy ward around her as she shouted at Dumbledore. Professors Flitwick, Sprout, and Sinistra were engaged in hushed conversation, all shooting glances at Dumbledore. Even Hagrid, who was known for his unfailing loyalty to him, avoided looking at him.

When McGonagall was finally finished tearing into Dumbledore, he let out a silent breath of relief. No matter what he said, she hadn't wavered. He looked back at the students and felt a flicker of unease. The students were united, it seemed, and against him. That wouldn't do at all.

Dammit! Why did Remus have to speak up? He was ruining all of Dumbledore's plans.

The glow from the mirror had Sirius hastily closing the book and grabbing the mirror. "Hey, Moony," he said brightly.

"Hey." Remus smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"What's wrong? Is it Harry?" Sirius asked, grin vanishing.

"In a way. Is Tom there?"

"Yes." Tom's voice came directly behind Sirius, making him jump. "What is it? Is he hurt?"

"I can't tell you if you keep talking over me," Remus snapped.

It was rare that Remus lost patience with anyone, so Tom was understandably taken aback. "Sorry."

"No, it's fine." Remus rubbed his face. "Harry's name came out of the goblet."

Tom's eyes widened, but he remembered in time not to make a sound.

"Thankfully, I was able to pull him out, being one of his... guardians." An odd expression crossed his face momentarily. "Dumbledore insisted he had to compete."

Tom gritted his teeth.

"The only good thing that came out of this was that Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are more aware of Dumbledore's reputation," Remus continued flatly.

"Where's Harry?" Tom asked.

Remus shrugged. "Probably in the common room or something. I hadn't spoken to him since yesterday."

"He hadn't come by your office?" Sirius said.

Remus shook his head. "I think he's still in shock," he said, "which is understandable. He's been avoiding most people, even Draco and Pansy."

"What about Tracey?" Sirius asked.

"Severus said he's spent the morning plaiting her hair and sitting with her in silence."

"Just give him time," Sirius suggested. "Talk to him on Monday. I'm sure he'll have recovered enough by then."

"I hope so. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye," Sirius and Tom chorused, watching the mirror go blank.

"I'm gonna tell the other two," Sirius said, standing up. "You coming?"

Tom shook his head. His emotions were all over the place, and if he didn't do something about it he'd explode.

Sirius patted him on the back and left the room.

I thought it would be an interesting twist if Harry WAS able to be pulled out of the tournament (plus, Dumbledore's plans are ruined muahaha)


Soooooo, new readers? What did you think of that twist?

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