Part 31

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Reposted: November 16, 2021


Jumping right into Sirius' trial, which is fairly dialogue-heavy, fyi. I read a few fanfics where Sirius received his trial to help me write this, so I hope it turned out okay

Madam Bones had to bang her gavel several times to call order to the court as Sirius Black was dragged into the room. The shouting died down, though muttering could still be heard.


"Death Eater."


And those were some of the nicer words Sirius heard thrown his way as he sat down in the chair. His eyes quickly sought out Remus, who was sitting off to one side. Remus gave him an almost indiscernible nod of encouragement, his eyes were reflecting the apprehension Sirius felt.

Madam Bones continued once the muttering fully ceased. "Sirius Black, you have been accused of serving the Dark Lord Voldemort and murdering twelve Muggles and Peter Pettigrew. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty."

The murmuring started up once more, filled with disbelief and hostility.

"Very well. Unspeakable Bode, please administer the Veritaserum."

Two drops were given, and Sirius' eyes grew blank.

"State your full name," Bones said.

"Sirius Orion Black."

Madam Bones nodded and began the questions. "Were you the Secret-Keeper for the Potters?"

"Originally, yes."

"Please elaborate."

"James asked me to become the Secret-Keeper. I accepted," Sirius began in a dazed voice. "But it became apparent that I would be the obvious choice since most people were aware of my friendship with him. So I suggested we switched out but didn't tell anybody."

"Who became the new Secret-Keeper?" Madam Bones asked.

"Peter Pettigrew."

"What happened that night of the Potters' deaths?" Madam Bones inquired amidst the ripple of surprise.

"I arrived to see the house completely wrecked. James and Lily were dead." Even in his trance, his grief and despair were evident in his voice. "Harry was in his crib, alive but bleeding from his forehead. There wasn't much I could do for James and Lily, so I took Harry out, intent on bringing him to Remus.

"Hagrid had just arrived and convinced me to hand Harry over. I thought he'd be safe, so I did and went after Peter, eventually cornering him. He shouted at me, wondering why I have betrayed my friends before blasting the entire street and turning into a rat and disappearing down the sewer. I was too shocked to realize what had happened, which was why I was found laughing like a maniac."

The courtroom had been silent throughout the retelling. When Sirius paused, they erupted in shocked yells.

Even Madam Bones was having a difficult time keeping her composure. "You said Peter Pettigrew turned into a rat? Do you mean to say he is an Animagus?"

"Yes," Sirius said. "He, James, and I became one to help Remus with his transformations."

"Are you unregistered?"

"Yes, but we intended to register after the war."

"How did you know Peter was alive?"

"I saw him in the Daily Prophet when Fudge came down. When I looked at the youngest male in the picture, I saw the rat on his shoulder. He was missing a toe, the same one as Pettigrew's finger."

"One last question: Have you ever supported Lord Voldemort?"

Several wizards flinched at the name.


"I see. Unspeakable Bode, please administer the antidote while the Wizengamot confers."

Sirius slumped in the chair as soon as the effects wore off. He had stated the truth; there was no way they'd find him guilty, right?

He could have almost cried in relief when Madam Bones stepped back up and announced, "Mr. Black, you are hereby found not guilty. You will be given two million Galleons to compensate for your time in Azkaban, and any medical treatment required will be paid for in full by the Ministry. This session is now closed."

The Wizengamot began to disperse, murmuring among themselves.

None of them were more shocked than Sirius, who stood up from the chair and slowly made his way over to Remus. They faced each other in silence for a few seconds before Sirius flung himself at Remus. "I'm free," he rasped, tears soaking Remus' robes.

"You're free," Remus echoed, holding him tightly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Madam Bones coming their way.

"Mr. Black," she began, "I would advise you to go to Gringotts. I can have an Auror go with you, as no one will know of your innocence until the papers come in."

"That's fine." Sirius looked at Remus. "I'll see you later," he said, slightly uncertain.

"I'll be fine." Remus gave him a quick kiss, knowing what Sirius was implying, before leaving. Once out of the Ministry, he Apparated outside of Hogwarts.

Remus walked through the corridor, mind still reeling. Sirius was free, he was finally free. His mate would not suffer any longer in that horrid place. He couldn't wait to tell Harry.

"I take it it went well?" Severus' voice made Remus look up. He had just passed Severus' office.

"Yes. Sirius is free." He didn't think he'd get tired of saying that anytime soon. "Now we just need to get Harry away from his relatives," Remus added.

"Why do I have a feeling that won't be as simple?"

"Because it probably won't be," Remus replied. "But for now, I'm just glad we accomplished something."

Severus nodded in agreement. "Have you told Harry yet?"

"No, I just got back. I was just on my way."

"No need," Harry said from directly behind him. "I'm right here."

Remus nearly jumped out of his skin. "Merlin, you startled me." He turned around but didn't see anyone.

"I'm not Merlin, but I can see where the confusion would be. Shall we?"

Now that he was aware of his presence, Remus heard his footsteps as he walked by, heading for Severus' office.

Remus raised an eyebrow at Severus, whose lip twitched slightly in amusement, then followed him.

Harry cast the wards around the office and removed his cloak. "How did it go?" he asked. He nodded his thanks as Severus handed him a cup of tea.

"It went well, all things considering. Madam Bones was overseeing the trial. She's very fair."

"Is she related to Susan Bones?" Harry said curiously.

"She's her aunt," Severus said.

Harry hummed in acknowledgement. "So where's Sirius now?"

"Last I saw him, he was being escorted to Gringotts. And given that he's been in Azkaban for twelve years," Remus said, his tone slightly bitter at this, "he will most likely be seeing a mind healer for the next month or so."

"I can guarantee Dumbledore will be calling you up to his office soon," Severus predicted. "He will want to discuss Black with you."

"Great," Harry grumbled. Oh, well, it shouldn't be as bad as his second year, when he had been accused of opening the Chamber.

Severus was right. Harry received a note the next morning from the headmaster. Together, they stepped into his office. "You asked to see me?" he said, taking a seat. Behind him, Severus stood by the wall, ready to intervene if necessary.

"Indeed, I did, my boy." Dumbledore smiled at him. "Lemon drop?"

"No, thank you."

Severus only scowled.

"That's too bad," Dumbledore said, popping one into his own mouth. "They are very delicious. Now, I'm sure you are aware that Sirius Black has been cleared of all charges yesterday."

"I have, sir. Why, is there a problem?"

"A small one, admittedly, but it can easily be rectified. You see, Harry, being in Azkaban for long periods of time can cause severe damage to your mental health. You are aware Sirius had been named your godfather, correct?"

"Yes, sir." Harry had a good idea of what he was about to say next.

"Well, if it weren't for the circumstances, I'd be more than happy for you. Unfortunately, given Sirius' current state, I am worried that he will not be able to care for you properly."

Harry wanted to laugh. Dumbledore was worried? When he dumped Harry onto the Dursleys' doorstep without warning and left him there to endure hardship and meaningless punishment? Yes, he clearly was very worried.

"So you want me to go back to Privet Drive," he said.

"Yes," Dumbledore agreed, glad to see Harry understood. "I'm sure your relatives will be very happy."

Severus almost winced. That had been the wrong thing to say. He watched Harry's face become closed off.

"Happy," he echoed. "Yes, I'm sure they will."

Dumbledore frowned. "Pardon?"

"Headmaster, I told you at the end of my first year that they didn't like me. You dismissed me."

"Now, Harry, I'm sure it is all a—"

"— slight misunderstanding," Harry finished. "You said that then, too. However, you have not been there since you dropped me off. You don't know what they were like to me."

"Harry, I've had many children want to stay at Hogwarts over the summer, but that just isn't possible. They, along with you, are much better off with your family where you are loved."

"Well, Sirius Black is my family," Harry said sharply. "And once he gets cleared by the healers, he will take me in."

"And your relatives?"

"Will pay for their 'love,'" Harry said.

Dumbledore sighed. "I see. Very well, Harry, you may go. Severus, stay."

Severus bit back the retort that he was not a dog as Harry stood and walked out.

"Severus, you must speak with Harry," the headmaster said urgently. "Convince him not to press charges."

"And why should I do that?" Severus said. "If Harry feels it is the best course of action, he will do it."

"I'm sure his relatives love him. They are family, after all."

Severus refrained from bringing up his own family. He had asked to stay in the magical world over the summer much like Harry had, only to be rebuffed and sent back to an abusive dwelling. He refused to call it home.

"Please, Severus. Speak to him. Make him see reason. Lily would not want him to take such unnecessary action."

The mention of his friend made Severus bristle slightly. "I will speak to him," he said grudgingly.

Dumbledore smiled. "Thank you, Severus. You may go."

He sat back as the potions master exited, cloak billowing behind him. Well, at least Dumbledore still had Severus on his side.

Or so he thought.

Oh, Dumbledick, stop being such a dore

Buzzfeed article I recently read: "Gryffindors are arrogant and break the rules!"

Me, a Ravenclaw with barely any Gryffindor traits: *sets microwave time to 1 min and 59 sec instead of 2 min* Am I doing this right?

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