Part 67

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Reposted: January 27, 2022


Azure has had a smaller role the further into the story we get... that's not right, but I don't know what to do with her.

Anyway, *pushes update toward you* have this.

Summary: Dumbledore's trial; Harry prepares for his O.W.L.s

Sirius was awoken by someone shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see Severus standing over him. "We have an hour and a half to get ready," he said before retreating.

Remus was still sound asleep in Sirius' arms. Careful not to disturb him, Sirius climbed out of bed and headed out to the living room.

He and Severus ate breakfast quickly and quietly, only speaking to thank their elves and tell them to look after Harry and Remus. Then they left for the Ministry.

As they walked to the courtroom, Severus cast a sidelong glance at Sirius and saw the apprehension on his face. "Are you all right, Sirius?" he asked softly.

Sirius jumped slightly. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Look," he said before Severus could say anything else, "there's the courtroom." He lengthened his stride so Severus had no choice but to pick up his own pace.

Upon entering, they saw many people were there already. Sirius caught sight of Elphias Doge glaring at those around him. No doubt what he'd decide when the time came.

Madam Bones was speaking quietly with Cornelius Fudge and a couple other older wizards. She gave a slight nod as Sirius and Severus took their seats.

At exactly eight, Madam Bones called for the session to begin.

Dumbledore was brought out, looking weary. He raised his head as Madam Bones banged her gavel, his eyes missing their twinkle. They seemed to grow even dimmer as she listed off the charges.

"How do you plead?"


Sirius' eyebrows shot skyward.

He wasn't the only one surprised by the admission. Severus had stiffened beside him, and murmuring had broke out around him. Doge looked like he wanted to protest but held his tongue.

Surprise flitted across Madam Bones' face, but she recovered. "Very well. Please allow for the Wizengamot to make their decision."

Sirius watched Dumbledore carefully. His expression was that of defeat, which was much different than Sirius would have expected. The Dumbledore he knew would have portrayed a calm, confident air even if he did not feel it. What was he playing at now?

Madam Bones returned to her post. "Albus Dumbledore, you have been found guilty of all charges and sentenced to Azkaban for one hundred and fifty years."

Dumbledore merely nodded in resignation and didn't fight back as Aurors moved forward to take him away.

Sirius and Severus remained seated for a moment.

"What in the world was that?" Severus muttered.

Sirius shrugged. "Trying to catch us off guard?"

"He better not be."

They waited a little while longer until the Aurors came back and said Dumbledore had successfully been locked away before standing.

"Let's go," said Sirius, taking Severus' arm. "The others will be waiting."

Sure enough, as soon as they entered Remus' office, they saw Remus, Harry, and Tom inside.

"Well?" Harry demanded as soon as the door closed. "What happened? He didn't get off, did he?"

"He was found guilty," Sirius said, frowning.

"That's good, right?" Remus said, taking note of the confusion on his face.

"He didn't even try to explain himself," Severus elaborated. "When Madam Bones asked him how did he plead, he said guilty."

Harry and Tom exchanged a look. Sirius saw his own shock reflected on their faces.

"Well, he's in Azkaban now," Sirius said, looking a tad bit more optimistic now. "Should've been given the Kiss right then and there if you ask me, but at least he's contained."

"Mhm." Harry's mind was clearly occupied.

Tom nudged him. "What are you thinking about?"

Harry shrugged. "Just... now what? Dumbledore's out of the picture —" and in a very anticlimactic way, he added silently — "and now I don't have to worry about him. It's weird."

"Yes, it will take some time getting used to," Tom agreed.

Harry shook his head to closer his thoughts and stood up. "I better get back to the common room. Still gotta finish a couple assignments."

"When you say you still gotta finish, you mean you hadn't started?" Sirius guessed.

Harry shrugged sheepishly. "Maybe. Bye!"

He ran out before Sirius could respond.

Remus rolled his eyes. "That boy procrastinates more than me," he muttered.

"Let me guess," Sirius said, "you still have assignments to grade."

Remus sniffed but didn't answer verbally. He reached down and removed a stack of parchments from inside a drawer.

As he began reading over them, Sirius went over and sat down beside him, resting his chin on Remus' shoulder.

Severus, who had his own assignments to attend to, left.

For the remainder of the term, Harry buried himself in studying for the upcoming O.W.L.s.

"How do you think you'll do?" Tom asked one night through the mirror.

"I'm pretty confident," Harry replied. "What about you? How did you do when you took yours?"

"Outstanding all around."

"What a surprise," Harry said, grinning.

Tom puffed out his chest. "I'm awesome that way."


Azure wiggled her way between Harry's arms. 'I'm even awesomer.'

'That's not a word,' Harry said.

'It is now,' Azure retorted, poking his cheek with her tail. 'Because I said so. So there!'

Harry rolled his eyes at Tom. 'Does Nagini give you as much trouble?'

'No, but once in the library, she laid on my legs and refused to move.' Tom shook his head. 'I swear that snake is part cat or something.'

Harry laughed and bade him farewell before deactivating the mirror.

With all that said and done, Harry didn't remember much of the actual process, just that he thought he did very well and, for one bonus point in Defense Against the Dark Arts, produced a Patronus using the memory of Tom asking to bond with him.

"I hope I didn't fuck anything up," Harry fretted as the Slytherins were leaving the Great Hall after their last exam.

"I'm sure you didn't," Pansy said.

"I did," Draco muttered. "I just know I mixed up the goblin names."

"I messed up in Charms," Tracey said. "Instead of making the egg do cartwheels, I made it launch itself at the wall and explode."

"Did you get covered in it?" Daphne asked.

"I think a better question would be what didn't get covered."

And of course, Remus heard all about the written portion for Defense Against the Dark Arts, specifically the question about identifying a werewolf.

"I was tempted to name more than five ways," Harry told him. "I mean, I could have said I live with one."

"You didn't, did you?" Remus said, raising an eyebrow at his wayward son.

"No. But I can tell you what I thought."

Since Harry was most likely going to tell him no matter what, Remus relented. And almost immediately wanted to bury his head in the wall.

"They have very soft hair."

Both of Remus' mates would agree.

"Their singing isn't too bad, but sometimes they can be unbearable." A pause. "Or should I say unwolfable? No, that sounds terrible. Like a werewolf's singing."

Remus groaned, covering his face.

"Oh! They're cranky in the week before a full moon."

That... was true.

"They don't have good comebacks."

"Your face doesn't have a good comeback," Remus muttered, then swore softly when what he said registered in his mind.

"They swear a lot, probably a trait passed down by the extinct swearwolves."

"Okay, you can stop now. Get out."

As Remus shooed Harry out of his office, Harry had one last thing to say. "They are sometimes seen with bite marks on their necks from their Animagus mate."

Remus clapped a hand over his neck. "I do not have a bite mark!"

He actually had three.

The excitement didn't end at Hogwarts. As soon as Harry was home, Tom dragged him to their room and began going on about their upcoming bonding.

"Bella said we should invite your friends over to celebrate. So what I was thinking was it should either be this grand party or a simple get-together. Or — oh! — maybe something in between. Not too big, not too small."

"Tom," Harry said, but Tom didn't hear.

"I was asking Lucius and Narcisa how they went about their wedding. Slightly different with the ceremony, but they both agreed there should be some formal event beforehand. You still have your dress robes from the Yule Ball, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. But, Tom —"

"With some adjustments, you can wear them again. You liked them well enough. And if we send word out like a month early, there will be plenty of time for people to get ready.

"Should there be a color theme?" Tom bounced on his toes. "Most of your friends are Slytherin, but you're on good terms with most students from all houses. Maybe a neutral color? Like purple? Yes, purple. I like purple!" His hands were flailing now.

"Tom!" Harry shouted, managing to catch his attention this time. "Calm down. We have time. Right now, I'm too tired to think about anything."

"Oh. Right. Sorry." Tom rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Apology unnecessary but accepted." Harry gave him a short kiss. "Although purple does sound nice. I'll keep it in mind."

Tom nodded. But as Harry went to change, Tom's mind continued to whirl with ideas. What shade of purple should they use? Dark? Light? Medium? A mixture?

'Hey! Tomalongadingdong. You're getting excited again.'

Tom realized his hands were shaking. He stopped moving them and said, 'I've waited decades for this. Can you blame me for that?'

'Course not, Tommy. It's adorable.'

Tom groaned. He was not adorable.

The dementors glided across the cell, greedily taking in the newcomer's presence. There was already a sense of hopelessness surrounding the old wizard, although he certainly succeeded a few times in closing his mind off.

Dumbledore's cell had been fortified with extra precautions to prevent any attempt of escape. Around his ankle was a shackle, which prevented him from performing wandless magic. None of the other prisoners had one, and when he had first been brought in, several had mustered up what little strength they had to take a closer look, only to lose interest when they saw who it was.

All except one. Peter Pettigrew pressed his face to the bars of his own cell and said in his squeaky voice, "Albus? Is that you?"

Dumbledore lifted his head. "Peter." There was a hint of surprise in his voice. "I thought they had freed all the Death Eaters."

"They didn't free any of them," Peter replied, puzzled. Hadn't Dumbledore heard the news? "They were just evaluated for their loyalty and health and either sent back here or to Janus Thickey Ward."

Last he heard, those that went to the latter were recovering very well.

"Oh." Now Dumbledore remembered. "Right, right." His mind had become muddled ever since he arrived.

"They never even considered me," Peter went on, not that he seemed to care. "But I doubt Remus and Sirius would have liked it anyway."

At the mention of the Marauders, Dumbledore went rigid. "I see." His voice was as cold as the dementors. "And how does that make you feel?"

"Well..." Peter shifted uncomfortably. "I did frame Sirius for murder and got James and Lily killed."

"Yes, but they should have learned to forgive you, don't you think?"

Peter hesitated. His grip on the bars tightened for a second and relaxed. "It's up to them if they wish to..."

"You don't think they should forgive you? For wishing to save yourself?" Dumbledore pressed. "Surely, they would have done the same."

Peter hesitated again. "N-no, they wouldn't have... They would have died for their friends."

"You don't know that for certain. You have every right if you want revenge," Dumbledore went on. His voice grew more confident, unaffected by the dark creatures roaming the shadows.

Peter shook his head, struggling to think. "I — I guess. I, uh, I'm tired. Night." He retreated without another word.

As sleep rose to claim him, Peter couldn't help but wonder what was going on in Dumbledore's head now.

I know the trial was probably not as exciting as you had anticipated, but it wasn't meant to be. What are your thoughts on it? On Peter? Tom's excitement for the color purple?

And random thing: I just reread the epilogue to Deathly Hallows and honestly, the naming of Albus Severus aside, it's not all that bad like many say it is.

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