Part 74

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Reposted: February 18, 2022


Hey, y'all. Part of the reason for the delay of nearly two months (whoops) is a) college and b) lack of certainty over this chapter. But I finally decided to throw caution to the wind and post this.

Summary: The battle has finally begun.

Warning: Expect some more graphic action. Not too bad, I think, but definitely more than my usual kind writing.

Days passed, with more deaths popping up in random places. The Aurors picked up the magical trace of Igor Karkaroff as well as Dumbledore and Pettigrew, which somewhat explained how they escaped.

"The guards at Azkaban told the Daily Prophet that Karkaroff had been making visits," Sirius said.

Remus set his cup down, eyebrows furrowed. "And they didn't think that was suspicious?"

Severus shrugged. "I don't know. They didn't say, but I suspect some spellwork was at play."



"What did Minerva want?" The Heads of Houses had been late to breakfast that morning, which had been unsettling to say the least.

"The wards have been wavering. She thinks Dumbledore is nearby."

"Wait, what?" Remus stared. "Does she plan on telling the students at all?"

"I'm unsure. Dinner is to be served in the dorms tonight. I can only hope that will be enough."

It was a dark and stormy night. Okay, that wasn't completely true; there was still a little bit of light (which was fading quickly) and the storm hadn't struck. Yet.

"We really need to start using light sources other than candles and the sun," Harry muttered.

There was the sound of someone stumbling followed by a curse, then Draco said, "You're probably right."

"How the hell did you manage to trip when our wands are literally lit up?" said Blaise.

"Oh, like you have never misstepped, Zabini," Draco retorted.

"Not that badly."

Pansy made a noise of disagreement. "Last week?"

"You have no proof."

"My memories say otherwise."

"Hush!" Harry said, cutting off Blaise's protest. The shadows of the castle seemed more ominous.

Tracey gripped his arm and he looked to see someone step into the wandlight. He didn't recognize the wizard, but his gleaming eyes put Harry on edge.

Movement made him turn to see several more wizards had come out of hiding. The Slytherins were trapped.

"Potter, you're coming with us," said the first one.

"Just like that? I don't think so," Harry retorted.

The wizard didn't reply, just gave a sharp jerk of his head. At once, the other wizards drew their wands.

The Slytherins barely had time to take out theirs before the corridor was alight with spells.

'Protego!' Harry hissed, conjuring up a shield so strong the Reductor Curse rebounded in a split second. It slammed into the wall, showering them with debris.

"Harry!" Pansy was at his side. "You have to get out of here! They want you!"

"No way!" Harry snapped back, pulling her out of an incoming spell.

Pansy shook her head. "Must you be so selfless?" But she didn't try to convince him further.

Draco shrieked as blood welled up on his arm. The wizard he was dueling smacked him across the face, sending him into the wall, where he lay still.

"Draco!" Pansy ran to his side.

Harry threw the attacker that had knocked Draco out backwards as he was moving on to Pansy. The wizard slumped against the wall.

The fight was over, but Harry knew the war had only just begun. He hurried to Draco's side.

"He'll live," he said, trying to be optimistic. "But we need to get him to the hospital wing. Anyone else hurt?"

He surveyed the rest of his friends. To his relief, all of them were on their feet. None of them had escaped injuries, though. Blaise was favoring one leg and blood stained Tracey's arm.

Harry bound the wizards in Parseltongue, hoping it would hold them off for at least a little while longer. Then the Slytherins were off, carrying Draco between them.

Tom burst into the castle, Sirius, Barty, and Bella right on his heels.

"Barty, go check on the Ravenclaws," he ordered. "Bella, the Hufflepuffs. Sirius, Gryffindor."

They nodded and took off in opposite directions. Tom raced for the dungeons.

It was strangely quiet when he arrived. Tom saw several wizards lying unconscious on the floor, some slumped up against the wall. There was a fair amount of drying blood here and there, but nothing too serious.

But it did beg the question: What happened?

He turned at the sound of footsteps and drew his wand, but it was only a few Aurors.

"Have any of you seen Harry?" Tom asked.

"He was heading for the hospital wing," one of them told him.

"But he wasn't hurt," another quickly added when Tom stiffened. "The Malfoy boy was, though."

"Thanks." Tom brushed past and ran off.

"George, hold still!"

"I'm Fred, actually."

"Nice try." Remus didn't even look up.

George huffed.

Percy was pacing back and forth. "Will he be okay?"

"Course I will," George said before Remus could speak. "I'm holey. Get it?" He pointed to his ear.

"Pathetic!" Fred said. "Of all the ear-related jokes you could've made, you went with holey." He gestured to Remus. "And in front of him! A Marauder!"

Remus chuckled. "Your ear should be fine. Just try not to lose the other one and —"

He stopped, nostrils flaring.

"Is someone coming?" Percy demanded, wand in hand.

Remus barely had time to nod before the door slammed open.

"You!" Remus snarled, making the twins jump. He was usually so mild-tempered.

Igor Karkaroff smiled, showing his yellow teeth. "Me."

Remus kept his eyes on Karkaroff. "Kreacher," he said softly, and the elf appeared. "Take the Weasleys to the hospital wing."

Percy and Fred began to protest, but Kreacher had them and George whisked away.

Alone now, Karkaroff advanced. "You're going to die today."

"Only after you."

And the fight was on.


Remus rolled his eyes. That wasn't predictable at all, he thought, firing back a spell of his own. It hit Karkaroff's shoulder.

A second spell slammed into Remus and sent him flying across the room and crashing into the wall. His wand lay a couple meters away, but Karkaroff was in the way.

Remus started to stand, but Karkaroff kicked him and he collapsed again. Then he grabbed Remus and flipped him over, pinning him.

"Albus promised I could have you," he said. He reached into his robes and pulled out a small silver dagger.

Remus' breath hitched unconsciously.

"You remember this? Albus said you would."

He moved the dagger out of Remus' line of sight. A second later, pain flared in his side.

Breathing heavily, Remus tried not to cry out, refusing to show he was in pain. But then the dagger was piercing his cheek and he gasped.

Above him, Karkaroff laughed. "Not so brave without your mates, are you?"

Remus turned his head to the side. His wand was still out of reach. But that didn't mean he was going to give up. As Karkaroff trailed the dagger down his front, causing blood to soak his shirt, Remus focused his attention on the nearest chair.

Accio! he chanted.

The chair came whizzing toward them. It knocked into Karkaroff, loosening his grip. Remus threw him off and, ignoring the pain from his wounds, picked up his wand.

Remus staggered toward Karkaroff, one hand clutching his side. "Incarcerous."

Ropes wrapped around Karkaroff, rendering him immobile. Fear filled his eyes as Remus approached.

Though his eyes were filled pain, he gazed down at Karkaroff unwaveringly. "Why are you helping Dumbledore?"

"You turned Severus soft. He could've been a great wizard, but he chose you. A pathetic, dark creature that shouldn't exist!"

Remus' jaw clenched, but he didn't speak.

"And the mutt, Black. He could've followed his family, but he was weak! They're both weak!"

Remus still didn't say anything. But as Karkaroff paused to take a breath, he looked into Remus' eyes. They were an unnatural amber; his inner wolf was furious.

"I don't care what you think about me," he said in a low voice. "But don't you dare call Sirius or Severus weak."

"Or what?" Fear was making him reckless. "You'll kill me? Didn't think it was in your blood, Lupin."

"First of all, it's Black now. Secondly — " Remus smiled, but it wasn't the smile his students saw "— that's the first good idea you've ever had, Igor."

It was only then did Karkaroff seem to notice the dagger in Remus' hand. "Wait!"

Remus didn't wait; he plunged the dagger into Karkaroff's stomach. Karkaroff let out a choked sound, his eyes filled with shock and pain before they closed and he slumped over.

Remus stared down at him coldly for a moment before his attention shifted to his aching ribs. As he went to inspect them, footsteps pounded outside. Moments later, Sirius burst in.

"Remus? Oh, thank Merlin you're alive! Is that Karkaroff?"

"Yes." Now that the immediate danger was gone, Remus' legs started to give way. But Sirius caught him.

"To the hospital wing, Moony. Come on."

He pulled Remus' arm over his shoulder and began to guide him out of the office. Neither of them looked back.

When they arrived, they saw the hospital wing was busy. Severus, Madam Pomfrey, and the previous potions master, Horace Slughorn, were bustling about.

Slughorn saw them first. He nudged Severus, who turned. His already pale face went even paler and he raced over.

"Hey, Sev," Remus said, his expression somewhere between a grin and a grimace. "Déjà vu, huh?"

Severus stared at him. Here he was bleeding, barely standing, yet he was making a joke. "Sit down," was all he said.

Once Remus was settled, Severus went to fetch some potions.

Slughorn, helping a nearby Hufflepuff fourth year, glanced over. "So I guess it's true, then. You two and Severus."

"Yep," Remus added, wincing. "Can't blame you for being skeptical about it. Sometimes, I still can't believe it myself."

Severus came back with a vial of red liquid. "Drink up."

Those that were awake watched curiously as their usually strict and no-nonsense potions master stood by Remus, his expression filled with emotion.

Harry stalked down the corridor, the map held in his hands. After dropping Draco off at the hospital wing, he had immediately gone back out to look for Tom. Tracey had protested, but when Fred volunteered to go with Harry, she reluctantly fell silent.

"You know," Fred said lightly, "I'm not surprised people thought you two were a couple."

"Did you think we were?"

"No, I always had the feeling you were basically siblings."

"You would know," Harry countered and Fred flashed him a grin.

Harry stopped short. A name he couldn't immediately recognize was coming their way. It looked vaguely familiar, though.

"Verity?" he said.

Fred peered at the map. "She worked at our shop," he explained. "But she left not long ago."

"Well, she's just around the corner," Harry said.

Sure enough, footsteps sounded and a young witch with short blonde hair appeared. Now that Harry could see her, he remembered catching glimpses of her during his visit. She had been really sweet, explaining to him some of what she did.

But there was something that was less than sweet as she regarded them with eyes that looked strangely glassy. In one hand, she held what looked like a withered hand. In the other, something dark. Before Harry could make certain of it, she threw it in their faces.

Coughing, Harry blinked to clear his vision. But there was nothing.

"Fred?" he called.

There was no verbal answer, but a moment later, Harry heard a thud.


Still nothing. Harry felt around with his hands and nearly tripped over something on the ground. "Fred?"

He was aware of something moving toward him, then he lost consciousness.

Ooh boy, tensions. Believe it or not, I didn't intend for this to be a cliffhanger at first. Thing is, I wanted to split this up because the next chapter starts slightly before the part with Harry and Fred.

Also, um, guys? This fic is nearly over. Let that sink in while you await the next chapter — which should hopefully not take nearly two months to post.


For new readers (and rereaders who forgot): the epilogue is after Part 77.

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