The A to Z of Me

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Well, @parishsp has tagged me to participate in 'The A to Z of Me,' so here goes.

A is for Ayrshire born and bred. Although not the type of 'shire' that's home to many hobbits. Home of Ayrshire Tatties, Ayrshire Coos and the toon of 'Honest Men and Bonny Lasses.'

B is for Beer. The panacea. Nuff said.

C is for Computers. Love gaming, love building them, although my gaming rig is nothing but a glorified word processor these days. Writing's quite addictive, isn't it.

D is for Darkspur; I never knew I had it in me. Although rough around the edges I'm still proud of it and if I hadn't started with that short first paragraph I would not be writing today.

E is for Eddings. The Belgariad is still a classic in my eyes.

F is for Festivals. At least once a year. Glastonbury, T in the Park, Homelands and more. Now it's more a family affair and the Wickerman is a staple. Glad to see my son taking over the mantle.

G is for Grammar, my arch nemesis. I don't know if I'll ever get it. I think my brain has got to a certain age and is now refusing to learn any more. Of course, it may have something to do will B above.

H is for Hang-gliding; something I'd love to do but never will. That's not because I won't have the opportunity but because I'm a terrible coward. The roller coaster at Legoland is about as daring as it gets for me.

I is for Iain Banks. A master of the written word gone too soon. The Wasp Factory is the only book I've read in a day; couldn't put it down. If you like odd and dark, it's for you. Hell, everyone should read it.

J is for Jerky - of the beef variety. Full of chewy goodness it's my snack of choice.

K is for Klingon. No, I can't speak it, though after a few of pints you may be forgiven for thinking I am.  I'm not what you would call a Trekkie, you won't find a star fleet uniform in my wardrobe, but I do love Science Fiction in general.

L is for Lunch, I'm hungry, back in a bit.

M is for Movies. I'll watch anything if it's good, and to tell the truth, even when it's bad. I always find it hard not to push on through to the end.

N is for Nigeria. I seemingly have a fortune there just waiting to be claimed. I just need to email them my bank account details and I'll be rich.

O is for @TheOrangutan. Cheers mate for the encouragement, even if it is your job. Just a pity about the orange hair he leaves everywhere.

P is for Pickled Onions. I cannot emphasize enough how much I love them. Let's be honest, there are worse things to be addicted to.

Q is for Quiet. Can't write with any distraction. I've even moved the Xbox to my sons room so I can get peace. Trying to write with Halo or Forza in the background was driving me insane.

R is for Reynolds. Just love Alistair Reynolds. Under the definition of Space Opera in the dictionary is his name. An ex European Space Agency scientist, I find it fascinating how all of the science in his books has some basis in fact.

S is for Sam. My ginger, mop headed son who strives to exhilarate and annoy in equal measures; he's at that age they say. Also Sitting. There's no denying it, I'm a lazy bugger.

T is for Technology. I'm continually amazed at the speed of change in tech and try as hard as possible to keep up. I don't want to end up like my father, scared of anything that goes beep.

U is for Ulcer. Keep expecting to get one with all the beer and pickled onions.

V is for Vacant..............sorry, did you say something. I have been known to zone out from time to time.

W is for Wattpad. Predictable, I know, but I love this site. I've been on other writing sites but found them cliquey or just cold and stale. It's a nice community here.

X is for Xerox. I've worked in the printing industry in the same company for most of my working life; first as a Litho printer then graphic designer. That was until after the new year when I was made redundant. It's a scary prospect and I'm normally incompatible with change but I'm excited to see where my life goes now. Hopefully not pushing a shopping trolley and living under a flyover.

Y is for Yeast. Not the infection but the most important ingredient in beer. Can you see a theme evolving here?

Z is for ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz.

Well, that was harder than I thought it would be.

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