Frodo Gets Shoes

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It was Frodo's birthday,

He invited the Fellowship of the Ring.

They came and had a party.

Gimli gave him Dwarven boots, Legolas gave him Elven boots, Gandalf gave him slippers, Aragorn gave him nice Sneakers.

But the slippers were the only ones that fit, Gandalf made it so that all the other shoes fit him too though.

And everyone was happy, even Sauron.

He was having a dance-off, but nobody could beat him 'cause he's too cool for everybody.

Sauron was doing backflips and cartwheels. He even had shoes, and they were awesome, but he was too cool for them too.

* Back to Frodo *

He was loving all his new shoes.

But it turns out that the whole party was just a dream!

Except for the Sauron part, that was real.

And he kept kicking off everybody's butts, and there was so many butts on the floor that Sauron didn't know what to do with them all.


I have no idea where the butt idea came from...

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