Chapter 10

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Once Lexington was safe back at the clock tower and resting on the straw there, the rest of the clan had been shocked when Broadway told them the news of what had happened.

Goliath sat in his chair, numb at the idea that Brooklyn indeed somewhat survived his first second patrol, but was not in good shape mentally. He looked to Hudson. "How could Brooklyn not remember us? And attack his own brother?" He murmured.

Hudson thought for a while, a saddened look on his face. "If I have to guess, the lad may have some form of amnesia. It is probably giving him memories of a fake life. But Lexington will be telling us more when he wakes."

Bronx was sleeping near Lexington's straw, whining softly from the bruises on his side. Broadway stroked him, feeling hurt and angry about Brooklyn's attack on his little brother, wishing he could find Brooklyn and knock some sense back into him.

Soon the sun rose, turning the clan into stone. Goliath prayed Brooklyn wouldn't get himself even more hurt than he already was, hoping he would return home.


Ravage couldn't quite explain it but every day while he was in stone sleep, he kept having dreams about that little green gargoyle he had encountered in Central Park; usually flying around with him or playing a strange electronic game thing of sorts.

He couldn't tell his father this of course at first, in case it made Thailog angry, but one night, he just had to let out his secret dreams.

Thailog had gathered Ravage by his side for them to both talk about it, wrapping a wing around the smaller gargoyle to put him at ease.

Ravage grinned nervously as Thailog smiled somewhat coldly down at him. "Now tell me, what are these so called 'dreams' you've been having, my little one?" He asked.

Ravage rubbed his hands, Thailog stroking his shoulder until he had the courage to speak. "Well... er... it is hard to explain, but... remember when I met my 'clan' in the park? Mostly that green one and that frightening... what'd you call them?"

The dark gargoyle nodded, laughing softly at the fact that the brain-dead version of Brooklyn had no idea about gar beasts. He took Brooklyn's beak mouth in his talons. "My dear Ravage, you can say anything to me, you know that, right?" He asked while Demona stood to the side, wanting to hear about Ravage's dreams too.

Shaking, Ravage continued. "I-I kept dreaming about them really being my family. But... that's not true, is it?" He asked in fright.

Demona and Thailog both looked at each other in concern, hoping they wouldn't lose their victim, Demona joining in."No dearest, it must be your brain playing tricks on you. We are your real rookery parents." Ravage heard his mom say, as she gave him a soft kiss on the beak, making him smile in content, happy to get this much motherly 'love'.

"I... suppose. But the dreams felt so real." He muttered, rubbing his head.

Thailog rubbed the back of Ravage's neck to soothe his pain. "Over time, it will go away. I promise you my 'son'. But in the meantime, I have a task that you can do, which can be a distraction from all these worries."

Ravage perked up, wondering what it could be, looking rather eager, making Thailog chuckle at his enthusiasm. "My old rival, Xanatos is in possession of the rarest jewel on Earth, the Coyote Diamond. All I wish is to have it, to prove to Xanatos that we won't have him beat us at anything. Can you liberate that diamond for me, little one? It would require all the stealth you have." He purred.

The red male trembled from both Thailog's soft voice and the task. Stealing from the richest man in the world could be the thing to gain his father's pride of him. A little eager smile appeared, nodding. "Oh, yes, I-I'll get the diamond for you, Father, I will!"

Thailog nodded from Brooklyn's eagerness, Demona's eyes flickering in interest at the Coyote Diamond. "The jewel is in Castle Wyvern that Xanatos now owns from your old clan, in a glass case in his collection. Don't let the cameras see you or Xanatos himself. Get that?" He asked gently, stroking under his 'son's' beak, making Brooklyn moan a little from the affection, understanding.

"Uh, y-yeah... I-I'll go right now." Ravage gulped from his excitement, jumping to his feet in an instant, Thailog smirking. This would be too easy, as long as Xanatos didn't call Goliath at all. "Then go, my little cherry. And don't fail me."

Ravage's eyes glazed from his hypnotic trigger, nodding again obediently, walking to the window of the lab, gliding out into the night sky. Demona turned to her now new lover. "And what do you wish to do with that diamond?"

Thailog grinned flirtingly with her. "Nothing much, mostly to let Xanatos know that I am stronger than him, and to display my power to everybody else. And I wouldn't mind continuing to have you by my side for it all." He said softly, taking her hand.

Demona had an evil smile, knowing she could get used to this. "And I would be most honored. You Thailog, by far have been the much better version of that old fool, Goliath. You're more cunning, and might I add, more handsome." She said silkily, the two both chuckling sinisterly while Ravage glided through the night sky towards Wyvern, hoping he wouldn't fail.


Ravage soared into the air, knowing he had to get that gem before the sun rose later in the morning, hoping he could get out before anybody spotted him.

His eyes narrowed when seeing the Eyrie Building that Thailog had described as the former Wyvern castle. But then, something in Ravage's brain clicked; making him think that the castle felt very familiar. Shaking his head, Ravage forced himself to concentrate, landing on the wall hiding away from a camera, climbing sneakily up the wall.

Thailog had told him where the trophy room was in the west wing of the castle where the Grimorum used to be, Brooklyn looking in a few of the windows until finding the right one.

Shaking, Ravage used one of his talons to softly carve a hole in the window, taking the piece of glass out and placing it on the floor, climbing through, eyes wide in awe at the sight of the inside.

It was a rather grand place that only a billionaire could buy, Ravage's heart fluttering a little, thinking this really could have been his true home before smacking himself again. "Cut it out, Ravage. You gotta make your father happy." Ravage walked sneakily through the shadows in the hallway, hoping to get out of there fast before soon finding the trophy room, a grin on his beak.

It was full of expensive trinkets that Ravage himself had not much interest in. He was only interested in the diamond until spotting it in its glass case, quietly tip toeing nearer to it, breaking the glass carefully and taking the gem in his hands.

Before Ravage could breathe a sigh of relief, alarms suddenly began to blare, making him almost drop the diamond, quickly putting it in his loincloth before making a break for it.

Owen in the security room had seen what was going on, telephoning Xanatos with his cell. "Mr. Xanatos, we have a situation. Someone was seen robbing your Coyote Diamond."

David blinked on the phone, startled that someone would even do this, but then, who wouldn't, given how precious the stone was? He ran to the security room, looking through the videos and spotting what looked like a gargoyle. "Owen, zoom in and enhance?"

Owen nods, doing so, and David stared in disbelief. It couldn't be. It was too strange. But the robber looked like... Brooklyn? Why?

It made Xanatos glare, knowing Goliath had explaining to do, drawing his dart gun. "I'll keep him occupied and get the diamond back, you call Goliath, tell him I found his lost member."

Pulling out his phone again, Owen first dialed Elisa, telling her the situation, which shocked her greatly, going to let Goliath know. Goliath dropped the book he was reading, his face in dead shock, wondering why on Earth Brooklyn would even do this crazy stunt to begin with!

Hudson had a sad but determined look on his features. "I will catch the lad if he gets away, Goliath. We will bring him home." Goliath nods, sighing. "Alright, just be careful. He isn't himself right now."

Hudson smiles, going to glide from the clocktower window, feeling all too afraid for Brooklyn's mental wellbeing.


Meanwhile, back at the castle, Ravage was struggling to get out while the alarms rang in his head, holding the gem tight in his hands until he gasped at the sight of the one who was his father's hated enemy, David Xanatos. His eyes glowed, hiding the gem as much as possible even when it kept shimmering.

David glared back, pointing his dart gun, not wanting to hurt Goliath's second even if they were rivals. "Don't make me do this, Brooklyn. And hand me back that Coyote Diamond." He demanded smoothly; Ravage's wings spread open in defense.

"Don't call me that name! I'm Ravage! And my father has already told me all the horrible stuff about you too!" Snarled Ravage, backing away further, Xanatos looking confused again at why Brooklyn wasn't remembering who he was, knowing he had to shoot the red male so he could bring him back to his real home. "Then, you leave me no choice." He shot a dart from his gun.

Ravage gasped, ducking as much as possible while trying not to drop the gem, spotting a window close by, tucking the gem into his loincloth and jumping out, spreading his wings, the wind catching them. He wanted to get back to Thailog as soon as possible. He was unaware of another figure gliding his way.

Hudson glided as fast as he could, hoping to find the lad soon. When getting closer to the castle, his eyes widened at the sight of a red figure gliding quickly away, changing direction, yelling out to the younger gargoyle.

"Lad, wait! It's Hudson!" shouted the elder in desperation.

Ravage turning, hearing that older voice from behind, staring in fear. It was more of his abusive clan trying to abduct him! He flapped his wings, trying to go faster. "No! Stay away from me!" He sobbed, Hudson reaching out to attempt to grab Brooklyn, but he was too far out of reach.

Ravage shook when those taloned hands nearly snatched him up, sweat coming down his face, looking back again to see the sad look on the brown gargoyle's. His ears fell. Was this gargoyle really trying to hurt him? He shook his head. No, it was probably a trick. Glaring, making sure the gem was still secure, he gained more speed, soaring away, Hudson falling behind.

"Come back, no!" Hudson cried, unable to keep up with the beaked youth, who had disappeared into the night. It made Hudson growl in disappointment, wishing he had caught Brooklyn, but it was too late again, and now he had stolen the Coyote Diamond. But who did he steal it for?

Sighing in defeat, Hudson had to retreat, to come up with a better strategy to rescue their lost comrade both physically and mentally.


The red male felt shaky, spotting Gen U Tech from afar, glad to be back, eager to give this stone to his father. He landed on the windowsill he left from, seeing Thailog there waiting, relief flooding in his body.

He quickly ran into his father's arms, who took him gently. "Well, why the sudden greeting, my little cherry? What happened?" He asked softly, stroking Brooklyn's hair.

Ravage nuzzled into the soft petting, tears in his eyes. "I-I nearly died and was almost captured, Father. By-by both Xanatos and another member of my kidnappers from Goliath's clan."

Thailog gave a small coo, taking Brooklyn's beak in his talons. "Hmm, that is rather troublesome, my son. But were you successful? Is my gem with you?"

Ravage nods, his eyes glazing again, pulling out the shiny, bright diamond. Thailog eyed it greedily, taking it rather fast, Ravage tensing from the movement. Thailog chuckled darkly, stroking the jewel. "Ah, the Coyote Diamond. You did well, I am proud."

It caused Ravage to flush darker than his red skin, curling a little. "T-Thanks." He said softly.

Thailog then looked over to the smaller gargoyle. "And... I might have a reward for you in succeeding. Perhaps a little mark to help you be protected from being kidnapped again."

Ravage gasped, not expecting such a present. He nods eagerly. "Oh, yes, I would love it, Father!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down in eagerness.

Thailog stroked his shoulder. "I know you will, cherry. I know you will. This will happen in a couple nights, so get some rest. You'll need it."

Those words made Ravage sway on his feet, the hypnosis getting to him again. Demona supported his body, taking him to his room to turn to stone for the day, feeling eager herself to see this branding that Thailog would do, hoping Brooklyn will never get his memories back.

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