Chapter 5

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It had been almost a week since Ravage had accepted what Thailog had told him who he was, living a stable life in Gen U Tech, even if Thailog was at the moment the only gargoyle family member there.

At the moment, Thailog had been continuing his training with Ravage, the two now doing hand to hand combat together. Ravage, however, was nervous about fighting his 'father.'

"Come on, Ravage. You were able to take on that punching bag the last time. Now try to take a hit on me," Thailog commanded, gesturing with his hand. Ravage trembled, watching in fear.

"But-but I don't want to injure you." Ravage said in a quiet voice, ears lowered.

Thailog growled, looking rather fierce. "It is the only way to survive out there, my cherry. To make it in the real world, you sometimes have to hurt your enemies. Now, attack me!"

Ravage's eyes went all glassy again, hypnotized further, and his eyes next glowed white, making him growl, charging head on at Thailog, sending a kick at him that barely made Thailog stumble.

Thailog grasped Ravage's arm. "Now that wasn't a good enough attack, son. You can do better than this." He snarled, tossing Ravage aside.

The brainwashed former Second shook his head, feeling winded, turning, looking angry again, and attacking once again. He roared, swiping but Thailog blocked him, gripping Ravage's hand tight. "Are you a gargoyle... or not? Attack me!" The black clone spat, thrusting Ravage down to the floor, making Ravage dizzy again.

Ravage panted heavily, wanting to find some kind of opening to attack his father, swiping at his stomach now, but then Thailog's tail wrapped around his leg, tripping him up, making Ravage even more angry, teeth bared really tight. "Let... me... hit you!" Ravage roared, lunging wildly with his fist now. Thailog simply dodged aside, Ravage stumbling to the floor.

Thailog huffed. "What kind of gargoyle are you if you can't even concentrate on your opponent's move?" He mocked, yanking up Ravage's hair. Ravage gasping aloud from the pain, but then had that moment of distraction, kicking Thailog hard with his hind leg.

It caused Thailog to grunt out, staggering back though not falling down completely. Ravage grinned from the move he just made, feeling a little more confident. He rushed towards Thailog, deciding now instead of using brute strength to use his lithe body to make Thailog's bulky one into his weakness.

Ravage kept quickly dodging Thailog, who was swinging his fists around, trying to strike down the smaller one. But Ravage had surprisingly gotten too quick. Next, Ravage climbed up the wall, using his wings and landing on top of Thailog's shoulders, leaving Thailog no room to attack now, and staggered to the ground.

Ravage felt rather successful at that, now not as timid as he was. "Give up?" He mocked, his voice slightly meaner, until a tail wrapped around his own, yanking him off with a shout.

Thailog stood up, panting but he smiled proudly at Ravage. "Better little one, but you were getting cocky. Never get cocky around your opponents, only attack them, without mercy. Understand?" He asked, eyes glowing red.

The younger male swallowed but he nodded, feeling the control from Thailog's red eyes. Thailog then calmed himself, speaking again. "But enough training for now. I have a present for you, little cherry."

Ravage's eyes widened as they glazed over further. "A... present?" He mumbled; eyelids slightly droopy when getting sleepy.

Thailog nodded, pulling out a small bracelet Sevarius gave him. Ravage stared at it; head titled. "This is for you. A device every guest who stays here for good must wear so we can keep an eye out for them and punish if necessary. I just want you to be safe here, away from that nasty clan of yours." Thailog purred, stroking Ravage's chin, putting the bracelet on his right wrist.

The red male gazed at it, the bracelet fitting around him quite fine. "Wow, nobody's ever really given me any kind of present. Thanks, Father. But... can I sometimes take this off?"

Thailog shook his head, now putting his hand on the back of Ravage's neck. "I'm afraid not. It is a part of you now, wherever you go. You understand, right cherry?"

Ravage's brain went fuzzy once more, nodding obediently. "M'k," He slurred, that trigger word always making him grow dizzy. Then Thailog decided he wanted to go out and ensure his clan wasn't looking for him, but knew he had to keep his little puppet entertained while he was gone.

"I have another game for you, my little hatchling. Just follow me, and you will see what it is," Thailog invited, as though he were talking to a small child.

It caused Ravage to wonder if he was going to have to look at that pretty pocket watch again, following his father, who led him into a room that had a monitor screen inside and a couch. Thailog took Ravage to the couch, sitting him on it.

"What do I have to do to win the game, Father?" Ravage pondered, pulling his legs up onto the couch.

Thailog grinned, pulling out a remote. "Just watch whatever comes onto the screen. And don't look away."

He pressed a button, which suddenly had a swirling colorful spiral appear, startling Ravage. "W-whoa! What is that?" He gasped, in awe at how many colors were there.

Thailog rubbed his upper leg. "Oh, a pretty spiral me and Sevarius made just for you. You like it?"

Ravage nodded, unable now to stop watching, those colors so pretty. "Yeah... it's... nice..." He said, the spiral slowly getting to him.

"The game rules are to just keep watching it while I go out for a patrol. Can you do that for me, little cherry? All it will do is just relax you." Thailog said in his softest voice, seeing Ravage beginning to sink into the couch, staring.

The young gargoyle felt the colors seeping into his mind, nodding, his eyes glued to the spiral. "O-ok... I'll watch... the spiral..." He said in a dizzy manner, Thailog continuing to speak to him in a hypnotic voice.

"That's right, little one. Stare into the center. Watch those shiny colors. Let them soothe you..." Thailog whispered, lifting up Ravage's head so he could watch it better.

Ravage blinked, struggling to stay awake, as next, Thailog played noises that would melt Brooklyn's mind even further, and lose his memories more, Ravage moaning when hearing it, body tingling, entranced.

"I'll return to see if you won this game, little cherry, alright?" Thailog purred, smiling darkly at his puppet, who simply nodded, his eyes looking like they now matched the spiral, mind so suggestible. "Yes, Master... I'll wait for you..." Ravage replied in a silly way, laying back limply on the couch.

Thailog then rubbed his hand once more, going out of the room now to leave Ravage to his fate, informing the doctor he was going out to prevent Goliath or the others from trying to get to Gen U Tech.

"Keep an eye on my puppet, won't you, Sevarius?" Asked Thailog in an evil sweet tone, making the doctor nod, enjoying messing with another gargoyle's mind a little too much.

Thailog opened a window, raising his wings and taking to the sky, knowing he had most of the night before sunrise. He glided for quite some time, thankfully having seen none of his enemies around, but hoped he could attack anybody at some point.

Thailog continued on with his patrolling, until at last he spotted someone gliding from afar, grinning evilly. "Aha, thought you could outsmart me, Goliath? Well, I won't let you get Brooklyn back. He's all mine!"

He charged ruthlessly at the figure, not noticing that it was not as bulky, and more feminine.

The feminine gargoyle turned, gasping in shock from what looked like her old mate, Thailog tackling Demona right then and there.

Demona roared, knocking the attacker away from her, Thailog falling back but regaining himself, tackling her against the wall of a building. Demona growled, wondering why Goliath would even do this.

"Who are you? I know it is you, Goliath! Don't hide it!" She bellowed.

That made Thailog blink, for now he saw it was a female gargess from the sound of her voice, stopping his growling for a brief moment. Demona herself then noted how dark colored 'Goliath' was, even in the moonlight, and how red his eyes looked.

Thailog grinned then, letting her go. "My apologies, miss. For I thought you were one of Goliath's. Who might you be?" He asked, bowing while midair.

Demona glared but heard how devilish this version of Goliath sounded. "I am Demona. What is it to you?"

"You may call me Thailog, girl. I am the more superior version of Goliath. Are you alone this night?" Thailog questioned. "I can keep you company."

It caused the evil gargess to glower at the stranger, shoving him away. "And how do I know that you really are a 'clone'?" She asked ferociously.

"I happen to know a certain doctor at Gen U Tech, named Sevarius. And also, recently, I had gotten my hands on one of your former clan members. Do you want to see?" Thailog then offered, reaching with his hand.

Demona kept up her guard around Thailog. Until then, she saw something in his eyes. He had charisma, and more of a likeness for her than Goliath did. Soon, she nodded. "It had better be worth it," she growled, following Thailog then through the night, gliding towards the genetics lab.

After a time, the duo managed to reach the building, going through a window, landing in Sevarius' main lab like what Thailog did when first arriving.

Sevarius had heard the noise, turning and yelping at the sight of Thailog again, seeing Demona there as well. "Agh! Oh, you have returned. And with yet another friend I see. Who is this?"

Thailog took Demona's hand who glared but allowed it for now. "This is Demona. I figured she could be of help to us after seeing how fierce of a fighter she was." Thailog then said. He turned back to Demona. "Could you give me and Sevarius a moment?" He asked.

Demona shrugged, nodding as she turned to look around the lab, which looked quite interesting. Thailog and Sevarius then made their way to the room where Ravage remained hypnotized. "And how has my little puppet been?"

Sevarius smirked. "Well behaved, thanks to our spiral. Having Demona around should be quite the interesting time for our guest." He said sneeringly. "Let's go check on him, shall we?"

Thailog grinned too, the both of them entering the room where he could see the red Second still sitting there, staring at the spiral, his eyes so glazed over in trance and memory wiping, which made Thailog's sneer grow even further, placing a hand underneath Ravage's beak.

"Hello, my son. Can you hear me?" Purred Thailog hypnotically, making Ravage blink when hearing his 'father's' voice, nodding weakly.

"Yes..." He slurred, feeling really empty minded.

Thailog stroked his neck. "You seemed to have fallen asleep while looking at the spiral. But we can always try this game again too, for I have someone I would like you to meet."

Ravage turned to Thailog, looking curious now even while still entranced. "A... friend?" He asked softly.

Thailog chuckled at how simple worded Brooklyn now was. "Yes, a friend. But now, time for you to wake up." He clapped his hands, along with Sevarius turning off the tv. Ravage groaned, shaking his head, wondering what happened, seeing his father looking at him.

The dark clone held out his hand now, Ravage taking it. "Come along now, our friend wants to meet you." He said gently, pulling his puppet to his feet, still rather pleased to have this young Second to Goliath under his control.

When reaching the exam room where Demona was still there waiting, looking rather impatient, Ravage gasped in fear, quickly going behind Thailog as they walked in. Demona heard the gasp and saw the familiar red tail, her brow raised, wondering what Brooklyn was doing here.

Thailog's head glanced behind him, seeing Ravage trembling, keeping himself hidden. He used his tail to push Ravage out from behind, who kept shaking. "It is alright, she won't hurt you, will you?" He asked Demona, who seemed ready to attack Brooklyn, but now soon saw how empty minded looking Brooklyn seemed, and not even recognizing her.

She knelt down in front of Brooklyn, his eyes timid and frightened, wings wrapped around him, now extending her own hand to Ravage. "Hello, B—hatchling. I am..." Demona thought for a brief moment, knowing she couldn't reveal her true name in case it snapped Brooklyn back to normal. But then, a memory name surfaced, making her cringe but she understood that Thailog wanted Ravage to see them both as the good guys. "I am Angel."

Ravage couldn't quite believe that, his beaked mouth frowning when his nose smelled something familiar on her but his mind couldn't quite tell what it was. He backed away again. "How would I know you?" He demanded, his skin tingling from her looks.

It made Demona look to Thailog then back, coming up with something else. "I had searched so long to find you, little one. I am your mother."

The red male had tensed up from those words, and backed away despite Thailog doing his best to hold him there, shaking his head no. "Y-You're joking... right?" He asked in a scared manner. Demona shook her head. Ravage's eyes began to water. He couldn't believe this, her scent was too weird and strangely familiar to be his mom!

The gargess tried again to reach out with her hand, Ravage quickly dodging it and going to run away to his room, wondering why Thailog hadn't even told him about her! Demona gave a low growl, glaring at Thailog after Brooklyn had ran off. "I should never have followed you back here! Of course he would recognize me!"

Thailog however wasn't angry, but still grinning. "Patience, my dear. But we should have plenty of fun with the young one."

Sevarius couldn't help but wince at the idea of having two morbid gargoyles like them here now. Even though before he was full on board with all of this some nagging at the back of his head was telling the doctor that something about all this felt very wrong, and could destroy Brooklyn's psyche forever.

Meanwhile in his room Ravage was curled up on his bed, anger radiating in his insides, which wasn't good for his brainwashed mind. He trembled all over, not wanting to see that gargess again for a while. What if she had been one of the abusers? Why did his father even bring her here in the first place?!

He wiped his eyes as the sun came up and turned him to stone, along with turning Demona human. Sevarius went to find a bed for her to stay in during the day while the others were stone, and was fascinated that a gargoyle could turn human. Demona wouldn't tell him how though as she at first went into Brooklyn's room, seeing the stone statue of him. Demona stroked her chin, thinking that Thailog had found a way to ensure his amnesia wouldn't return when coming out of it.

"Whatever this little plot you have going Thailog, you better not be planning to use it against me." She said softly and dangerously, stroking Brooklyn's shoulder before leaving him be, hoping they could somehow shape his mind to think she is his mom.

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