Chapter 8: Preparation

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Third Person POV 

Y/N stood in a room as he watched team RWBY train with the ace ops, seeing them struggle against the ace ops. 

Y/N: I should be out there training with them. 
He said to himself as Ruby aimed at Harriet before being frozen by Marrow. 

???: Oh...hey Y/N. 
He heard a familiar voice before turning around to see Winter. 

Y/N: Hey. 
He said blankly as Winter looked down with a smile. 

Winter: How are you feeling? 
She asked as she looked at him, rubbing her arm. 

Y/N: Feeling better. 
He said as he continued to watch the four girls train against the ace ops. 

Winter: T-That's good to hear. 
She said as she looked at the glass, seeing their reflection. 

Y/N: Weiss certainly got better. 
He said as Winter looked at her younger sister, seeing her fight against Vine. 

Winter: Yeah...she has. 
She said with a small smile. 


???: Ruby Rose, Y/N, Clover, and Penny please report to Ironwood's office. 

Y/N: Looks like I'm back on duty. 
He said and walked towards the door. 

Winter: Y/N... 
She said as Y/N stopped and turned towards her. 

Winter: Be safe. 
She said with a small smile. 

Y/N nods before walking out of the room as Winter looked back at the glass, a tear slowly running down her cheeks. 

To Y/N 

Y/N walked into an elevator as he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms before hearing a loud thud. 

???: Ah, I thought I could make it! 
A voice yelled as Y/N looked to see Ruby stumbling into the elevator. 

Ruby: Oh hey! 
She yells with a smile as she walked in with Clover. 

Clover: Oh hey Y/N, curious what the general wants to talk to us about? 
He asked. 

Y/N: Gives me something to do. 
He said blankly as he closed his eyes. 

Clover: Did you get some sleep last night? 
He asked as Ruby listened to the two ace ops members. 

Y/N: A little bit. Why. 

Clover: Come on Y/N. You know you can't be doing this all the time. 
He said to him. 

Y/N: I'll sleep once I'm dead. 

Clover: We all know you need a clear head to protect people. 
He said as Y/N sighs. 

Y/N: Alright sir. 
He said as Clover placed his hand on his shoulder. 

Clover: No need to push yourself Y/N. 
He said as Ruby looked at them. 

Ruby: How long have you two known each other? 
She asked as Clover looked at her. 

Clover: For a couple of years now. I think we've met -

Y/N: 4 years ago. 

Clover: Yeah... 
He said as ding was heard before the elevator opened. 

Clover: Let's go. 
He said as the two followed him into Ironwood's office, seeing Penny standing in front of him. 

Clover: General. 
He said as Ironwood looked at the three. 

Ironwood: Glad you three could make it. I have a mission for you all. You are to get these materials so we could rebuild Amity. 
He said as he slid a pad towards Clover. 

Clover: These supplies are in the SDC mine we just recovered. 
He said to him. 

Ironwood: Unfortunately yes. 

Clover: How do you want us to get the materials from there to Amity Arena. 

Ironwood: Single truck. 

Clover: Why a single truck when you can send an entire convoy to get it done? 

Ironwood: I don't want the people to panic or get suspicious. Especially how things are going in Mantle. 

Ruby: Why would people get suspicious? 
She asked as the three looked at them. 

Y/N: A convoy of heavily armed vehicles heading to a specific location would attract a lot of attention. With the situation between Mantle and Atlas, worse case scenario there would a riot. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Ruby: Oh... 

Ironwood: That is all. A truck is waiting on the front. 
He said as the three atlesians nodded before walking out of the room. 

Clover: So just get the materials and bring them back to Amity Arena. Should be easy enough. 

Here is chapter 8 of A Lost Soul! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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