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Starscream had always never said anything or wanted to talk about his past, before the war. There had been a few who had dared to ask the seeker a bit earlier in the war but he would usually snap at them for asking and leaving or something to avoid the questions. They usually started up because of a 4 digit number that is branded/tattooed on the inner side of his arm. #214 was the number in black. It is clear he's had it for a while because from what anyone knew of it he had definitely had it before the war had started. That was ages ago now. Though there are those who might be curious but never bring it up because of the results from others in there attempts.
As of late though after a certain mission Starscream was sent on with Megatron that had dealt with dark energon in the area of the mission, which he had failed and was punished for as usual, Starscream had been having nightmares now it usually wouldn't be a concern. Though he screams his helm off in most of the nightmares so it had become a concern because it woke others and Soundwave or Knockout or even Megatron at times to make him wake up.
Megatron was done trying to deal with this so he got Soundwave to bring Starscream to the medbay and to the side room, he was going to deal with this annoying problem now.

Starscream groans lightly as Soundwave commed him to come to the medbay. What the frag was he being called for anyway? Grumbling he makes his way there, seeing Soundwave and Megatron quietly chatting about something. He didn't see Knockout right away but realized he was in a side room where they had the cortical psychic patch was set up. Suspicion and curiosity rose up as he looked at them.
Megatron turned and rumbled as he saw his SIC, "ah Starscream arrived just in time"
Starscream walked up, his wing twitches before speaking "what is it that I was called for my lord?"
The warlord hums, Soundwave had silently moved behind the seeker. Worry crept into his systems as it was quiet for a moment before his master spoke "you were called here to be rid of these nightmares you've been having as of late by going into your mind"
Starscream's optics widen and he grew tense, they can't see what it was. He didn't want them to see it. He went to back up but Soundwave who was behind him stopped him there. "My lord you don't have to do this-"
"Oh but I will, these need to end Starscream and I know you won't end them by yourself. Knockout is everything ready?" The warlord asked the cherry red medic who was in the side room, the medic hummed and nodded "yes lord Megatron, everything is in order"
"Good, Soundwave bring the patient over with you?" Megatron rumbled as he walks into the side room. Starscream had tried bolting away but Soundwave grabbed him with his two tentacles. Starting to walk into the side with the struggling seeker. Pinnning him to the slanted medical berth while Knockout came over and activated the restraints so the seeker couldn't get anywhere now. The silent TIC stepped aside and his lord stepped forward a bit, looking at the seeker "Knockout, connect the psychic patch"
Knockout nods "will do master" he puts one end into a monitor in the room and then the other end into the back of the panicking seeker's helm. Starscream goes limp as the patch actives, pulling him into his own mind and the others in the room able to see what's in it to.
Let's see what's in the second in command of the decepticons shall we?

Well there's chapter one guys! I hope y'all like it so far. Peace out readers!

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