Chapter ~3

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Starscream looked around as one of the orphanage's bots picked the seeker sparkling up and brought him inside. Going to the head of the orphanage, Mis.Borden
"Mis.Borden this seeker sparkling was left at the gate, their tag says 'Starscream'"
The small sparkling looks up at Mis.Borden, who had turned around and looked at the employee and the new sparkling "hm Starscream, Lunar get him numbered before putting him in the nursery"
The femme employee nodded "yes ma'am" she walks off with Starscream still in her arms, the sparkling curiosity looking around as she went. He saw other sparklings that were a bit older then him around but non of them seemed to have one bit of happy in them at all. And if there was a hint of it, it quickly disappeared as the adult femme went by. Some looked over at Starscream, most of their expressions blank and some with sympathy ones. The femme adult called Lunar from what Starscream could tell then walked into a white colored room, a few berths and a sliver tray with a few strange sliver items Starscream didn't know anything about what any of this was so it made him scared. He whines as Lunar set him down on one of the big berth's in the room. She move to a tray with the items, grabbing one she got a small flame going on an unison burner, heating up the end of the item after changing the end of it. Once it was hot she walked back over to the frightened young seeker, getting a hold of his right arm and keeping in her grip as he tried struggling against it. She then pressed the hot end of the item she had against the inner side of his right arm that she had in her grip, which made Starscream cry out in pain. Only after a few moments is when she took the hot metal off him and put it back on the tray. Starscream whimpers, looking at his arm through testy optics that she just burnt once he brought it in. Burnt into his sensitive wiring that was shown in his arm was '#214'
After he was taken to the 'nursery'. A few years pass and they hadn't done anything else to him yet but once he had gotten old enough, which was 5 vorns, they moved him to where all the other sparklings the age of 5 or higher were. Which is when the basically daily beatings happened or if you do the slightest slip up you get another beating and if you try escaping or do so many mess ups the bot gets put into the dark room for a week. The dark room is a completely black room and once closed, it doesn't open until the week is up. So no energon or seeing anything for a whole 7 days, many die in there because of the lack of fuel. Course once you turn 16 is when your allowed to leave the orphanage if your not adopted, but this orphanage was on the outskirts of the city Kaon and well it's Kaon, just about non of orphanages here get adopted.

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