|Chapter 4|

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The atmosphere in the arena was electric as the fallout from WrestleMania began to unfold. RAW after WrestleMania had a reputation for being one of the most unpredictable and exciting nights of the year. The energy from the crowd, still buzzing from the weekend’s events, fueled the anticipation for the surprises, returns, and new rivalries that always seemed to spark on this night.

Backstage, Nikki and Brie Bella were gearing up for their first appearance on RAW in years. The excitement of their return at WrestleMania still lingered, but tonight was a new challenge. RAW was a different beast, and they knew they had to be ready for anything.

As they walked through the bustling backstage area, the familiar sounds of production staff coordinating the show, wrestlers preparing for their matches, and the distant roar of the crowd filled the air. The Bellas were focused, their minds racing with thoughts about how they would make their mark tonight.

Nikki adjusted her gear, glancing at her sister with a determined look. "Are you ready for this? RAW after WrestleMania is always wild."

Brie nodded, her own expression mirroring Nikki’s resolve. "I’m ready. We’ve got to show everyone that we’re not just here for a nostalgia run. We’re here to compete."

As they turned a corner, they spotted Y/N standing near a monitor, watching the opening segment of the show. He looked intense, his eyes locked on the screen as if he was studying every detail. The Bellas exchanged a quick glance before approaching him.

Nikki: "Hey, Y/N. You look like you’re gearing up for something big tonight."

Y/N turned to them, a small smile breaking through his intense focus. "Hey, ladies. Yeah, I’ve got something planned, but you’ll have to wait and see."

Brie tilted her head, intrigued. "Come on, give us a hint. We can keep a secret."

Y/N chuckled, shaking his head. "Not this time. But I will say this—tonight’s going to be a turning point. WrestleMania was just the beginning."

Before they could press him further, a stagehand approached the Bellas, signaling that it was time for them to get ready for their segment. Nikki and Brie exchanged a quick nod with Y/N before heading towards the entrance curtain.

As the Bellas prepared to make their entrance, the energy in the arena was palpable. The audience, still riding high from the weekend, erupted into cheers when their music hit. The familiar chords of "You Can Look (But You Can’t Touch)" blared through the speakers, and the crowd’s reaction was deafening.

The Bella Twins stepped out onto the stage, basking in the cheers and applause. They made their way down the ramp, high-fiving fans and soaking in the atmosphere. Once in the ring, they each grabbed a microphone, ready to address the WWE Universe.

Nikki raised her mic, her voice clear and confident. "It feels so good to be back on RAW!"

The crowd responded with another wave of cheers, and Brie smiled as she stepped forward to speak. "We’ve missed you guys so much, and being back at WrestleMania was an incredible experience. But like we said before, we’re not just here for a quick run. We’re here to make an impact."

Nikki continued, her tone serious. "We’ve been watching the women’s division closely, and we’re impressed by what we’ve seen. The talent, the drive, the passion—it’s all there. But we’ve also seen something else. A challenge. A challenge for us to prove that we can still hang with the best of the best."

Brie nodded, her expression mirroring her sister’s determination. "And that’s exactly what we’re going to do. We’re not backing down, and we’re not stepping aside. We’re here to compete, and we’re here to win."

As the crowd cheered, their support evident, the Bella Twins were interrupted by the music of one of RAW’s top female stars—Rhea Ripley. The crowd’s reaction shifted, a mix of cheers and boos as the imposing figure of Ripley appeared at the top of the ramp. With a smirk on her face, she made her way down to the ring, microphone in hand.

Rhea Ripley: "Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up. The Bellas. The so-called legends of the Divas era. It’s cute that you think you can just walk back in here and pick up where you left off."

Nikki and Brie exchanged a glance, their expressions hardening as Ripley continued.

Rhea Ripley: "But let me make one thing clear—this isn’t the Divas division anymore. This is the Women’s division, and we’re tougher, faster, and better than ever. You two? You’re just relics of a time that’s long gone."

The tension in the ring was palpable as the Bellas stood their ground. Nikki raised her mic, her voice steady. "We respect what you’ve done, Rhea. You’re one of the best in this division, no doubt about it. But don’t make the mistake of underestimating us."

Brie added, her tone equally resolute. "We’ve faced tougher challenges than you can imagine, and we’re still here. So if you think we’re just going to roll over and let you take shots at us, you’ve got another thing coming."

Ripley chuckled, her expression one of amusement. "You talk a big game, but talking doesn’t win matches. I’m not here to play nice—I’m here to dominate. So if you really think you can still hang, why don’t you prove it?"

The challenge hung in the air, the crowd buzzing with anticipation. Nikki and Brie shared a determined look before turning back to Ripley.

Nikki: "You want a match? You’ve got it."

Brie: "Let’s see if you can back up all that talk, Rhea."

Ripley smirked, clearly pleased with the outcome. "I’ll see you in the ring, then. And when I’m done, you’ll realize that this isn’t your playground anymore."

With that, Ripley dropped her mic and exited the ring, leaving the Bellas to process the confrontation. The crowd was on their feet, eagerly anticipating the upcoming match.

Backstage, Y/N had been watching the entire exchange on a monitor. A small smile played on his lips as he watched the Bellas hold their own against one of the most dominant women in the division. He admired their determination and grit—qualities that he himself had always valued.

As the show progressed, Y/N’s own segment drew nearer. He’d kept his plans close to the vest, wanting to make a statement that would resonate throughout the locker room and the WWE Universe.

The bell rang for the match between the Bella Twins and Rhea Ripley, and the crowd was electric. The tension in the ring was palpable as Rhea towered over Brie, the first to start the match. The Bellas had experience on their side, but Rhea was a powerhouse with a point to prove.

As the match unfolded, it became clear that the Bellas hadn’t lost a step. They worked together seamlessly, using quick tags and their in-ring intelligence to counter Rhea’s brute strength. But Rhea was relentless, using her power to dominate whenever she got her hands on one of them.

The crowd was fully invested, the cheers and boos ringing out as each side gained the upper hand. Nikki and Brie were showing the world why they were legends in their own right, but Rhea was proving that the new generation was not to be underestimated.

As the match reached its climax, Rhea seemed to be setting up for her finisher, the Riptide, on Nikki. But Brie, in a last-ditch effort, hit a missile dropkick from the top rope, knocking Rhea off balance and allowing Nikki to roll her up for a quick pin.

The crowd erupted as the referee’s hand hit the mat for the three-count. The Bella Twins had done it—they had beaten one of the most dominant forces in the division.

But as they celebrated their victory, Y/N’s music hit the speakers, drawing the attention of everyone in the arena. The Bella Twins turned towards the entrance ramp, surprise evident on their faces as Y/N made his way down to the ring, microphone in hand.

Y/N: "Congratulations, Nikki, Brie. That was impressive. But I’ve been thinking... WrestleMania was just the beginning. Tonight, you showed that you can still hang with the best. But if you’re serious about proving yourselves, then I’ve got a proposition for you."

The Bellas exchanged a cautious glance as Y/N continued.

Y/N: "How about next week, you team up with me against Rhea and two other partners of her choice? Let’s see if you can keep that momentum going."

The crowd buzzed with excitement at the challenge, the possibility of seeing the Bellas and Y/N team up against Rhea and her allies setting the stage for a showdown.

Nikki raised her mic, a confident smile on her face. "You’re on. We’re ready for whatever you and Rhea throw at us."

Brie nodded in agreement. "Let’s do this."

With the match set, the stage was now primed for what promised to be an explosive encounter next week. The Bellas, fresh off their victory, were now facing an even greater challenge—a challenge that would test their resolve, their teamwork, and their ability to adapt to the new era of WWE.

As the show ended, the WWE Universe was left buzzing with anticipation, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in this unfolding story. For the

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