Chapter Eight

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"Anyeongaseyo fansss, my Chingus, my Booboos."Rose came on live in her make up chambers, located in her company's building.

Jiwon kept giving her thumbs up with an encouraging smile.

"I'd like to inform you guys that, that scandal wasn't real. And that's my brother, for years I've been ban to not say this, but I'm brave now. I don't care what my family thinks. And yes Bora47 My father disowned him. I'd also like to say that I'll be retiring from Acting. Yes it's sad, And I'll be venturing into the fashion world. Almost everything is set in stone"

"I'm so sorry Joonae18 for disappointing you, but that's my choice. And as my fans and family, I love you all but you won't be seeing me on your screens for a long time."

"Thanks for staying live with me, It's Rosey Rose out!" She ended the live and Juwon hugged her with teary eyes.

"It's my fault, I wasn't a good manager. I know acting was your dream, you left that to me and I let you down"

"Hyah!, Unnie you didn't let me down. I think it's time we take things slow. Fashion was also among the passionate things I liked, so you haven't let me down, at least not yet." She hugged her back.

"They don't waste time, do they?"Juwon chuckled, showing Rose's retirement as the celeb news headlines.

"So what are you going to do?, What of your mother?"

"I'll start afresh, I couldn't be bothered about her. She can rage, and disown me too, I don't care"Rose shrugged

"Hyah!, Who possessed my best friend?" She glanced, not recognizing her new personality.

"Hyah Juwon Unnie, your new rookie actors, don't yell at them too much. Arraso?"Juwon nodded, blinking away tears.


"Ahh, Jimin, you're here. Where's Rose?"The head housekeeper asked, she had lived in their family house since when he was a kid, so she addressed them informally.

"Where's Abeuji?" His eyes were blood red, and smelled danger.

She directed him to the study where the father was, newspaper in hand and glasses to read them, he had a stoic expression just like Jimin. Jimin had taken more of his father's genes than he realized.

"Jimin?." His father looked up at him.

"Jeonjin case 2009. Did you shove it away?." When he saw his father's distressed sigh, he sat at the corner, unable to digest everything.

"So what about it?. Would you want your brother arrested?, Then I wouldn't have been made Assembly man. And besides, I did that family a favor, I settled them with a few million wons which was given to two daughters for their care in an orphanage home"

"How could you?. How?"  he said, his voice quivering with emotion. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision and making the room spin around him. He staggered and felt like he couldn't breathe, the air in the room suddenly too thick and oppressive.

"That girl, the girl whose parents death you covered up is Rose." He revealed a shocking revelation to his father.


"She was adopted by the Young's"

"How dare they fool us!. Adopted!. She's a filth!. How dare they bring a peasant to marry my son!..."

"ABEUJI!" He yelled, making everything stop. He was done with this family, how they treated people, he never loved his own brother while growing up, he never saw his mother.

"You will respect me!. Divorce that thing right away!"

"No, I'm staying with her and far away from you. Taehyung and I will stay away. I'll go visit Omeoni. Stay away from us ABEUJI!" He stormed out in anger, his facing telling tales of the wails he had wailed.


Jimin got home and met Rose arranging some of her stuff in the living room, he ran towards where she was and embraced her deeply.

"I'm sorry. I love you" he said, she felt cautious then hugged him back.

"Appa!, You're back?"Jia rushed to his side to hug him but then Time stopped, Jimin and Rose were like statues.

A guy in all white bent down to Jia's size and smiled "It's time to go back to the future Jia, you've done your work. Your parents aren't going to fight again"

"But, can I stay a little longer?. Please Keeper Seokjin?" She begged

"I'm sorry, this time space has no capacity for you anymore. If you stay longer, it may affect the future" He said then stretched out his palms, which Jia took and time resumed again.

Jimin and Rose felt something missing, they couldn't detect it because their memories were wiped.

Every trace of Jia's existence in the past was wiped away, everyone who knew her would have forgotten.

Rose crouched down to cry like someone she knew had died, she didn't know why she was crying but her heart ached.

Jimin looked around everywhere like something was missing, ransacking everywhere, looking for something he couldn't put his hands on.

Rose felt empty, her heart was aching and she was wailing, touching her heart. Jimin crouched down next to her, hugging her and pacifying her. He too, felt a missing link, a heart ache.


"You wanted to meet up Oopa?" Jina sat across Nam Joon in a Cafe.

"I found your sister, Jina," Nam

Jina's eyes filled with tears at those words. "Where?" she asked, her voice trembling. "Where is she right now?" She struggled to breathe, trying to contain her excitement and shock.

Suddenly Rose entered the cafe, her eyes searching for Nam Joon who wanted to meet up with her.

"Oopa" Rose smiled towards him, then turned to a teary eyed Jina "You are..." Jina immediately hugged her, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I found her Rose, I found your sister" Namjoon said and Rose couldn't believe it, her nose felt hot, indicating that tears were going to fall any second from now.

Rose and Jina at 7

"It's mine!"

"No!, It's mine!" Young Rose and Jina struggled against the teddy, Mr Goblin. He had green skin and a black tie, so they decided to name him Mr Goblin.

Their grandfather had given one to Jina on their birthdays, he forgot it was also Rose's birthday and said they'd have to share it together.

"Jina shhhi, Rose shii. What did your Omma and I tell you about sharing?" Their dad, waiting for the green light on the traffic stand, turned to them.

"Sisters should share everything" They both chorus dryly, and got pat from their father and also sweets he hid in his dashboard.

"Sweets again?. Yobo, they're young they shouldn't consume so many sweets" Their Omma turned to their Appa.

"It's okay, they're kids anyways. Who's excited to move to the hyunseung Estate. Rose will have her room, Jina will have her room..."


Was all it took to send their car colliding with another.


"Jimin's brother?" Nam Joon had begun saying to Rose everything he found out, after the hug between the sisters.

"Taehyung ssi?" Jina asked in surprise, to which Nam Joon nodded. It felt like a wave of disappointment.

"Yes, their politician father covered it all up, so everything went unnoticed. Rose..."

"I know what you're going to say, but I'm breaking up with Jimin. His family is so heartless. Their son..." She sobbed, unable to finish her sentence.

But she went on: "He was involved in an accident, and they buried it all. It's all their fault. My father... My mother, it hurts so much."

"I don't think you need to do anything, Rose," Jina showed Rose the news headlines.


The article went on to say, "Assemblyman Park Hae-so expressed regret, saying, 'I should have taught my son better. How could I let him marry such a despicable woman?'"


"Please, call me Jina. I don't want to leave again, but I think I should talk to someone." Rose left in a fit of anger.


"Hey, did you miss me, Miss Jina?" Taehyung flashed a smile at a stone-faced Jina as they sat on a park bench.

He leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped him abruptly. "Jeonjin 2009 car crash - were you the one in the car? Or was it another Taehyung?"

"How did you...?"

"I was in the car you crashed into. I was 7 at the time. I was in the car with my father, mother, and sister - who I just found out is named Rose."

"Rose is your sister? How is that possible? She's my brother's wife!"

"I don't care about your excuses. Just get out of my life, Taehyung," she said, as she turned to walk away. He held her back, but she pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I was just a teenager, and I was drunk. I..."

"I don't care," she said, cutting him off. "I want nothing to do with you. Stay away from me, or I'll report you for stalking." She turned and walked away, determined to forget everything about him.


Duhn dun dunnnn.

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