Chapter Six

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The night was old and the rain over pouring the whole of Seoul, lightning and thunder made love which birthed chaos.

Jimin was worried, he laid beside Jia who had fallen asleep under his voice, she had forced him to tell her a story earlier and he had no choice.

He got up and pecked her forehead, tucking her in very well. In these few days he had adopted Jia, he had gone fond for her and they shared a fatherly to daughter bond.

He tried dialing Rose's number after many contemplations, but her number was irresponsive.

And for the twentieth time, she picked. Her voice coming out in a shrink "Hey"

"Where are you?, It's late and raining. Are you with your secret boyfriend again" he didn't mean to but it came out anyway.

"Hello?" He heard the phone line cut, she cut him off in anger.

"Citizens are advised to stay in, the Meteorologists have seen a mighty storm coming, inform your loved ones. My name is Oh Ji seol and this is News Now Seoul" Jimin put off the television in anger, it was indirectly telling him to go after Rose and he hated it.

But his mind wasn't at rest, so he took the umbrella running outside with two unidentical Crocs.

After searching the whole estate, he found her at the bus stop. She hugged her knees and laid her head on her knees to, leaning close to the bus stop shade.

He heaved a sigh of relief, tapping her awake "get on!" He urged her, kneeling down for her to get on his back.

"Min min!"She said softly, he hadn't heard that in years and it softened his heart in a way he didn't like.

"Just get on, Jia's home alone. She can't be for too long"

"You're mean to me Min Min" She hit his shoulders slightly, he could detect that she was drunk "Let's go home, stop all this fussiness"

"I'm not going home with you. You're bad Min Min, you don't like me anymore. You hate me right?" She cupped his cheeks with her cold hands.

He hid the warmth he felt with her cold hands and carried her instead, leaving the umbrella.

They finally arrived home, and he laid the sleepy Rose on the couch.

He was about to leave when she held his wrists back, "Don't leave me Min Min, I don't want to be alone. Please" He thought about it for a second and agreed, it was just for one night, this night.

He enlarged the exterior of the couch fitting them both, and laid beside her. She snuggled close to him, putting her head on his chest.

"Goodnight Min Min" She smiled, giving him a peck on the lips.


"What are you doing here Jennie?" Taehyung yelled at Jennie who's grin didn't leave her face, she was satisfied seeing that girl misunderstanding her and Taehyung.

She didn't know who she was, but Jennie knew Taehyung had taken interest in her and she hated it.

"I came to see you" She got out of his bed and adjusted the sleeve of her shirt, she made it look like she was naked in bed with Taehyung but she had clothes on.

"I told you we're over!. Get out" he got out of the bed and shoved her out of his apartment. Jennie knew she had to do something.

Taehyung couldn't get the look on Jia's face out of his mind. He felt guilty, but he didn't know what to do about it. He kept going to the club, but he couldn't bring himself to enjoy himself.

He kept picturing Jia's face, and he felt like a terrible person. He considered calling her and apologizing, but he didn't know what to say.

He came out of his club, dumping the cigarettes which now looked uninteresting to him now.

He had checked for Jia in the convinience store and they had said she quit, was it because of him.

Taehyung found himself at the park where they were once, and surprisingly saw Jina too. But she was playing with other kids like a kid, pushing them in swings and having fun.

He wanted to take a picture, so that it'll last forever. But then, she spotted him and looked the other way.

He walked towards her nevertheless, "You quit, was it because of me?"

"Don't kid yourself Taehyung, my life doesn't revolve around you and I don't care if you went out flirting with some girl. We're not in a relationship, so leave!" Her icy tone shocked him, she must've really hated him.

"It's not what it looked like. I like you Jina, you" he took her hands and she shoved it away, with a derisive chuckle.

"I don't like you Taehyung, don't misunderstand"

"You're lying, you went to the beach with me, we kissed...."

"I did that for your money, you're rich right?. It was one of my strategies to earn more money, but now I've lost interest" She stated, knowing within her that she was lying.

"Stop lying!. You like me!"

"No, I don't!"

"You do!"

"You're hurting my wrist Taehyung" She cried out and he let go immediately.

"One date, and if you still don't like me I'll let you go. Just one date, Jina. I want to get to know you" he stared at her livingly.

"Fine. You're so stubborn. One date and that's it!" She cursed under her tongue.

"Namsan Tower, 2pm tomorrow" He said, leaving her in the park with a triumphant smile.

My corner

What just happened?, My gosh. I'm loving Jina and Taehyung, and Jimin with Rose.

Comment your favorite couple and why?.....

And if you're confused, Taehyung and Jina meet during the afternoon where Jia went to the park with her family. So, Jina and Jia sort of met, you'd see it in the next chapter.

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