Team Rocket

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The next morning

Ash: Serena! Wake up! Its morning!

Serena wakes up and yawns

Serena: okay time to go back... and donr worry i told them you didnt mean any harm

Ash: well thats good!

All of a sudden ??? and ??? apears!


Butch: ITS BUTCH! B-U-T-C-H!!!

Cassidy: We are here to steal your precious pokemon!

Ash: Not on my watch! Come on out buddies!

Ash throws out two pokeballs

A greninja and a ??? apears

Serena: Ash whats that pokemon?!

Ash: My old friend from Kanto, Mewtwo! Hey, Mewtwo! You ready to pulverise team rocket?

Mewtwo: Yes, i am Ash, lets do it!

Ash: what about you greninja?

Greninja: Gren! Greninja! (Anytime! Anywhere!)

Serena: Mewtwo can talk?!

Mewtwo; Ash?! Have you finally got a girlfriend?! You have always been a dense rock!

Ash: Hey! And yes me and Serena are dating!

Ash: Okay! Mewtwo, you dont need to change forms but Greninja! Are you ready?!

Greninja: Grenin! (Of course!)

Ash and Greninja syncronise

Alot of shock later

Ash: Greninja! Water shuriken! FULL POWER! Mewtwo! USE PHYCIC TO BOOST IT!

The combo pulverises team rockets pokemon

30 minutes later

Boss: Serena still isnt back yet! Dawn! I need you to help go find her!

Dawn: Sur-

Serena: Guys! Im back!

Ash: Man, i am glad team rocket made a footprint path or we still would have been lost!


Ash: dont worry, i disposed of them

???: Thats what you think

Ash: oh no! Not these 3 clowns!

1 intro later

Gary: A talking meoth?! I must see this up close!

Ash grabs Gary by the shoulder

Ash: Watch out Gary! They are here to steal our pokemon! But dont worry, i got the ultamate duo here!

Jessie and James send out all of there pokemon

Meowth: Dont forget me!

Gary: But theres 13 of them!

Ash: dont worry, i got this


Ash sends out Greninja and Mewtwo

Both pokemon cross there arms at seeing the 3

Mewtwo: Ahhh, this will be even easier than Bick and Cassidy!

In the distance: MY NAME ISNT BICK! ITS BUTCH!

Ash: Alright, Greninja! You ready?

Greninja: GREEEEEE! (These fools wont know what hit them!)

Ash and Greninja syncronise

Alot of shock later


All: Huh?! Thats not a move!

Then they see the ultimate combo

All: w..woah!

Alot of explaining later

Ash: oh and Serenas boss, theres something i would like to talk to you about...

Boss: and that is?

Ash: well, i know a few other vampires and i can safely say, not all vampires are bad... So i was wondering if instead of hunting in general, maybe you could hunt the ones who are actually a big threat, example, Paul Pearl!

Everyone gasps in shock

Ash: yeah, all those stories about Paul loving humanity and all, yeah those are fake!

Dawn: how do you know?

Ash: because i have met him, and i had to pretect a whole town which he was about to kill, yeah they say Paul was protecting them and i was trying to kill them! And its made ME look like the bad guy and paul being the hero when its actually the other way around!

Everyone gasps in anger that they have been lied to there whole lives

Suddenly Paul kicks down the door

Paul: Ash you pathetic peice of-

2 seconds later

Ash: Watch your language you peice of crap! Your not hurting Serena or her friends!

Paul: i think i am! Go Electivire! Go Lunatone!

Ash: Go Greninja! Go Mewtwo!

After Paul loses serverly he retreats

All: Thanks so much!

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