Chapter 16

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Varun's POV

                We walked,ran and made so much fun.It was feeling more like a vacation.Just me and her always.
After sometime we went into the village and got a telephone booth.I dialled my PA's number.
"Hello Sir,where are you? We were searching you and mam from when.."I cut him off in mid.
"We are in some village..Wait I'll ask someone"
"What's the name of this village?"I asked an old man sitting beside the telephone booth.
"Old Town my son!"He said.
"Old town it is"I said.
"Yes sir we are coming with a helicopter over there"saying this he cut the call.
"Kya hua?"Nida asked who was standing beside me all this while.
"Meri gf thi usse meri fiqr hogi to isliye maine usse call kar diya ki zyada tension na le"I said smirking.
"Ooo"she said giving i-don't-care look.
After some time my PA came up with a helicopter.
             I was happy as hell,I ran towards him like a girl and faked crying.Nida was just standing there folding her hands near her chest like are-you-serious.My PA laughed and we headed in.
Landing near our hotel's big ground we moved in our rooms.

               Opening the door I jumped on my bed.It was feeling so good soft and fluffy.A took a little nap.
"Varun!"Someone called me.I turned my head to see Nida near a mountain,smiling with a butterfly in her hand.

She was smiling like a child.I smiled and moved further to go to her when my foot slipped and I woke up from my dream.Oh! It was just a dream.

              I looked at my watch and it was already dinner time.I called her
"Hey! Coming for the dinner?" I asked.
"Yes! Ofcourse I'm starving"she said.
"Ok meet me up near the reception"I said and hung up the call.

              I changed into some comfy clothes which was a shirt and jeans.
I moved down near the reception.

Nida's POV

              This whole time with Varun was a dream come true.It's not like being a co-actor or a friend stops me from being his fan till date.I'm still his fan,was and will be always.I talked to myself while changing into a tee with a short.Ah! It feels so refreshing.

             I moved down near the reception and he was already there.That was quick! I ran upto him.

Varun's POV

             "Iss ladki mein koi energy booster hai kya?"I thought to myself looking up to her so cheerful.
"Kya khaati hai ye aisa?"I talked to myself.
"Varun!! I'm standing over here what are you thinking?"she asked me.
"Oh Nothing" I said and walked together in a restaurant.

             We headed to a normal restaurant which was obviously an english one.Making our way inside.I looked towards the menu and then Nida.Oh god! Her expressions she was making an Eww!! Face like she was just going to puke anytime.I chuckled looking at her.
"Oye kya hua?" I asked her.
"Umm...Kuch Indian nahi hai kya?"she said slowly.
"Indian"I thought to myself.
Just then I remembered something and dragged her out.
"Varun what happened?" she asked.
I didn't answer instead dragged her near a small stall.

                   The stall was of an Indian guy.I used to come over here before whenever I needed to visit London because of shoot or any other reason.Her face lit up with the scent of Indian tadka all over the place.We walked near the stall and ordered daal(indian curry) Rice,chapati and some veggies.Nida's expressions were so enlightning.

               Every time she put up a morsel in her mouth she made sounds by closing her eyes."Umm.."I chuckled watching her.She is so childish,I love the way she is.

                Heading back in our hotel.I  left her near her room's door like a gentlemen
"Good night bacchi" and chuckled.
"Good night"she said.
I turned to go to my room when she called me.
"Varun!" I turned towards her.
She came near me and hugged me.I was feeling butterflies in my stomach all dancing now and heartbeats so fast.I never ever felt so for hugging anyone in my life but She:)with her it's something else.She has something around her which pulls me towards her.I too wrapped my hands around her.
"Thanks for that lovely dinner!" she thanked me.
"I..It was a..ll f.f..fine"I tried to make words but failed.
              We parted but something in me wanted to stay like that.It was so soothing.I loved that feeling which I never felt for anyone.She beamed a beautiful smile at me.

Unlocking her door she went inside.I scratched the back of my neck blushing.

Wait!! Did I just blushed.
What's happening to me?

Nida's POV

            Moving inside my room.I closed the door.I laid down on my bed thinking what I just did.
I hugged him with my willingness for the first time.Parting away I just gave him a smile and moved in.
That's because I know that I would start blushing and I didn't wanted to show Varun my flustered state.

             I turned to my right side and blushed like anything.
Why am I blushing?
What's happening to me??
"Ok I should totally sleep now..Maybe it's just the tiredness which is consuming me and I'm acting so dumb" I muttered to myself and slept.

💫💫💫💫💫Next Day💫💫💫💫💫

Varun's POV

               The scenes were still left for our upcoming movie.Some of mine and her's scenes were different for which I needed to go to India and she needed to stay here in London.I don't know why but my heart was not willing to leave her...I mean we've been so close now that living without her one day leaves me sad but works also has it's importance.

             I packed my bags and went down.She was waiting for me in the lobby.Oh! She came straight from her shoot's break.I beamed a weak smile at her and she too reciprocated.Today she too looks pale,she isn't having that light in her eyes.
"Hey!"I said.
"Hey"she said weakly.
"So time to go?"she asked.I know she is too not happy I can make out with her facial expressions.
"Yes" I said.
"How would I live so many days without you?"I said not knowing what just came out of my mouth.
She widened her eyes at my confession.
"I mean hum itne acche dost hai,I'll miss our masti and you so much"I said in one go.
She chuckled.
"I will too miss you"she said meeting my eyes.

             We stared in each other's eyes.Her honey-doe eyes were so beautiful.She can literally make anyone fall for her eyes.
Hey! I said anyone,I wasn't meaning me or was I? Ugh! What am I thinking.

             My phone started ringing which broke our eye lock.She looked away and I received the call.
"Sir your car's ready"My PA informed me from the other side.
"Yeah! I'm just coming"I said and cut the call.
"It's time"I said.
She just hummed.

            I didn't know what to do?Should I hug her?Or not?
Should I? Or not?
All this while I was moving my hands in air.
She was staring at me trying to make senses what I was just doing.
Oh forget it...
No! I will.
I moved my hands quick and hugged her.She reciprocated.
Without another taught I moved more into her making the hug more tight closing my eyes.She didn't budge back.

          My mobile started ringing once more.Ohh! I loosend my grip from her back.She moved out of my embrace.
"Yes! Yes! I'm coming" I said in an irritated voice and cut the call.
I beamed a smile at her and she returned it.

           Dragging my suitcase I walked further.I turned back to see her waving with a smile standing there.I too smiled and walked more futher and took a right from the ending of the big lobby.

               I don't know what got into me and I took the steps back into the big lobby thinking she is gone and I will see her going but No! She was still standing there for me looking in my direction.As soon as she saw me smiled again and waved.

             How can someone be so sweet and beautiful inside out.She was just waiting for me...Why? Why is it so different with her.Why? Am I attached to her so much?I just don't know the answers to these questions.
I moved my head smiling.

              I got into the plane and went to India.I was feeling alone for the first time.The whole journey went so silent only if I would be with her the things would have been so different.
Right now we would be jumping from seats to seats playing ourselves round.

I was so lost in her thoughts that I don't got to know how much time went by.The plane landed in India and I got off.I opened my mouth wide open to inhale My beloved country's fresh air,after checking and immigration I went straight to my house.

Nida's POV

                After finishing the day's shoot I went in the hotel.I rushed myself to Varun's room.Just as I was about to knock I remembered...
Hey he's not here he went to India.
Uhh! Why am I still thinking that he's here.Has he became my habit or am I attracted towards him? Or there's something else...
Why can't I straight away get the answers to these questions.

               Slapping my head from behind I went in my room.Everything seemed so silent.Freshing up myself I laid down on the bed....Silently.....
Tik..tik...tik It was so silent that I was hearing clocks tik tik so clearly.

               I shot up on the bed.Why is it so silent it's getting on my nerves.There's no thrill,no fun....nothing.I was getting restless.So the best way to move out of any problem is to sleep.I didn't care about the food because I wasn't in a mood for anything.I preferred sleeping.

Heyy guyss✋
Here's the chapter *huffs*
I know it isn't that good but hey it's just a filler to let you know what they have started to feel about each other.
About the next one..
Well you'll will have to wait for it,plz beat withe this time😅😅
Hope you guys like it.
Vote,Comment and share your views..
Till then...
Love Love💘

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