Chapter 12

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Hi guys;
I know I didn't update yesterday but what to do I don't have good mind set to write. If I didn't have good mindset then writing will be worse. So I hope you don't mind..
So here is ur update...
Enjoy reading....

At Lifeline hospital:

Manik reach at hospital at jet speed. He is looking sinfully hot( How on the Earth someone can be this much hot😅). He is really eager to see her and spent time with her. He is really cherishing the first stage of relationship. He likes his newly found feeling, the excitement, the eagerness.

Although the path of True Love is not a bed of Roses, but it is the most beautiful journey a person came through. We will enjoy each and every moment. Each things are needed to be cherish. It's the most beautiful journey their we will come across lots of feeling, emotions, understandings...

Nandini's case is also not different. She gets fresh and put minimal make up. After all it will be her first date. She needs to be good na. She is also dieing to see him. She really feels different, nervous, she can't control her fast heart beats...

Manik reach the entrance and wait there for Nandini. But destiny has its own plan. It didn't want their date to Happen this much early. "As I said we need to come across Stones and thrones".

TV in lifeline hospital shows flash news. Soon the smile in Manik face fades away. He became serious.

News: " Two UN employees get abducted"

Within no time Manik get call from his cheif.

Manik: Sir.

Cheif: So did you see News?

Manik: Yes sir. And we are all ready to move.

Cheif: ok then, where were you now?

Manik: Am currently at Lifeline hospital sir. I will reach soon.

Cheif: No you wait helicopter will come and pick you.

Manik: ok sir I will stand at roof. Salute.

Manik cuts the call and take lift to rooftop. At the same moment Nandini comes to entrance. She search Manik there, but she didn't able to find him. Soon her phone start ringing, a huge smile crept on his face. (But that smile didn't have long life).

Nandini (happily): Are you here?

Manik: Yes, but something came up and I'm leaving.

Nandini smile fade away. She really needs to see him.

Nandini: Now? Where are you?

Manik: on the rooftop.

Nandini: Rooftop? Which rooftop?


At Army Basin:

Avni is doing Neil's check up. During all these while Avni is just staring at him and Neil is ignoring her.

Two souls who are destined to be is suffering here. Both are hurt. Both are broken. Both need each other. But they can't....
Destiny is playing a cruel game in their lives...

It is not easy for Neil to ignore her. It really Peirce his heart. But he needs to control his emotions. He needs to let her go. But why???

Here Avni is dieing 100times seeing his ignorance. But she keeps quite. He knows he will surely doing all these for a reason. She knows how much her Neil love's her...

Soon one of the special force officer come there.

Officer: Neil sir, Two UN employees get abducted.

Both Neil and Avni stood up from there place.

Neil: what? How?

Officer: yes two were abducted. We are ordered to move on. It's time.

Neil nodded his head and start to go.

Avni stops him and make him turn to face her.
She move close to him and hugs him tightly.

Avni: Go head and make me proud.

Neil stand there still. He wants to hugs her back. But he feels like his hand were tied.

Avni: Be safe Neilu. I will wait for you.

She looks on him still hugging.

Avni: I love you Neil. I will only loves You. Go and make peace. I'm proud of you.

Avni tiptoed and place a kiss on his forehead.

Avni: Come soon. Be safe. I will Always be there for you.

Tears start falling from her. She can't hold on. She goes from there.

Neil stand there staring at her. He wants to held her back and assure her he will be fine. He will come back to her. But destiny is too cruel to them...

Neil ( looking at the path she went): I love you too Avni. I love you more than my life. And I promise I will make you proud and I will come back to you. Come back for us. I don't know how long I will ignore you. But I promise I will make all things at their places....


At lifeline hospital rooftop:

Manik standing their waiting for both Nandini and helicopter. Tension is easily visible in his face. But that's not for him, for the people who were abducted. His trace was broken by a chirping voice. The voice he craved to hear.

Nandini: what are you doing here?

Manik turns to her.

Manik: Sorry.
This is only he can say.

Nandini: ( confused) sorry? For what.

Manik: Am the one who asked out you and am the one who cancelling.

Nandini: oh , ah that's right but it's ok.

Soon the sound of helicopter heard.

Nandini looks on the direction. She sees it's landing to the hospital helipad

Nandini: oh! I think there is some emergency.( She thought it will a critical patient)

Manik: No, it is here for me.

Nandini frowned at him.

Nandini: For you? Why? ( Soon she gets panicked and asked) Is there is any war?

Manik smiled at her curiosity and panicking.

Manik: there is always a war. But not at this moment. Don't worry

Nandini again frowned at his statement. She gets confused by his talks.

Nandini: then why would  this is here for you? Why are you going? ( She really didn't get any ideas)

Manik: I'll explain some other time.
But promise me something.

Helicopter lands there. Officer's signelled him to get in. Manik put his hands on her shoulders.

Manik: let's meet up next weekend.
Somewhere other than here.

Nandini get tensed for him. She didn't want him to go away from her.

Nandini: what about your treatment?

She is really worried for him. His wound is still not healed completely.
Manik smiled at her care.

Manik: I'll come back in one piece. Don't worry.
Let's watch a movie.

Nandini is really in a dilemma. She didn't in anything. She didn't want him to go and at the same time she can't stop him.

Manik signelled officer to wait for 5 minutes. He turns to  Nandini.

Manik: say fast am running out of time.

Nandini: Ohk

Manik give his full smile. He turns to go. But Nandini stop him by bold his wrist.

Nandini: Be safe. I will be here waiting for you.

Both look each other lovingly. They both feel special. Manik wave her bye and run to helicopter. He look towards her last time before entering. He gives her a smile assuring he will be safe, he will come back to her.

Helicopter flies away from there. Nandini looks on him going away. She stared at the direction it goes. Thousands of questions get roamed in her head.

Nandini: who are you Manik? Why you are going? There is no war and problem at our country. Then why? But I will miss you Manik. I will wait for you. Come back soon. Be safe...

Distance teaches us to appreciate the days that we are able to spend together, and distance teaches us the definition of patience. It is the reminder that every moment together is special, and every second should be cherished.

So guys am wrapping up here. I hope you all are enjoying my story. I you guys don't like the I write or if you want any changes then you are free to say.

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Guys plz at least do vote. I really don't like the concept of putting targets. I write for my happiness, my satisfaction. So please support...

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