Chapter 17

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Hi guys;
I hope you all are doing well...
Here is your update...
Enjoy reading...

At Nandini's apartment:

Nandini: Come in. My place is clean I don't have time to make a mess.

Manik get in and looks around it is really well furnished and clean apartment. Manik give an impressive look.

Nandini: I will just wash my hair give me 10 Minutes. Hmm by the way, I'm very hungry as I haven't eaten anything yet can we order some food here?

Manik: I wanted to buy you a nice meal. Would a delivery food be okay?

Nandini: it will be okay because I'm having it with a decent man.

Manik smiled hugely by her Statement.

Nandini: I have some flyers on the fridge. Plz order something.

Manik: what do you want to eat?

Nandini: Your wish......

Manik let out a chuckle.

Manik: she's very peculiar and very pretty.

By this Nandini went to take shower and Manik for ordering food. He ordered the food and start looking around. He adore the pics of her which hanged in the wall. He takes out a frame and start cares her pic.

Manik: she is so adorable.....

Then his eyes fell on a notice which says the "urgent cut of water supply".

Nandini is washing her hair and soon the water stop.

Nandini: what's this? What?

She start adjusting Tha knob.

Nandini: why? What am I supposed to do? I haven't even shampooed yet. Ufff.

Nandini soon wrapped her hair with a towel and came out.

Nandini: I feel refreshed. I feel a lot better now.

She came near Manik.

Nandini: did you order food?

Manik stared her suspiciously.

Nandini: why are you staring at me like this?

Manik: Your hair... Did you wash it?

He took out the notice.

Manik: it says here that the water would be cut off starting from 4 pm.

Nandini looks at notice ana then at Manik. She runs towards fridge and takes out 2 bottles. Manik smiles seeing her antics. Nandini soon run to washroom....

Manik: water will be cold. Should I boil if for you....

Nandini: that's fine !

Manik: She is totally insane hmmm but she is mine........

He smiles like a fool..........

At Army basin:

Neil comes to his room and lied down on the bed. He just lied there simply by staring at ceil. He remembers Avni's words....

[ Get one thing clear to your this dump head. I love you and I will only love you... I will wait for you until my death].

Neil: what I will do? I really can't see Avni in this stage. ( He recalls her teary face)

Neil: No I can't I really can't see her like this. I can't do this to her and me anymore. Am going to my Avni and tell about everything......

Neil gets up from his bed and rushed out from the room. He literally run towards her room.

Neil: I will sort everything today.

Neil goes to her cabin but he didn't find her there....

Neil: where is gone at this hour?

Neil comes out from her cabin. He sees her assistant and ask her where Avni went...

Assistant: Avni Mam went to see her dad....

Soon Neil remembered something.....
He moves to his room. He entered inside and again lie down on his bed..

Neil: no I can't be with her. I need to stay away....

He took out her picture from his pillow and cares it. A long tear escaped from his eyes....

Neil: am sorry Avu but we can't be together..............

Nothing hurts more than love. Love has the power to make us feel every emotions at it's extreme level.... Pain of love is something which breaks our heart into zillion pieces.........

At Nandini's apartment:

Manik and Nandini is having their food. Nandini literally dug herself in her plate to avoid Manik's joke. Manik is just staring at her. He smriked seeing her nervous stage....

Manik: I'm just really curious...

Nandini: don't be curious.

Manik: seems like you know what I'm about to ask?

Nandini: you look like you're just dying to tease me.

Manik put fake confused face....

Manik: what do you mean? I really didn't even think about that after all how can I tease a beautiful woman....

He winked at her....... Nandini smiles at his antics....

Nandini: Ohk what do you want to ask?

Manik thinks for sometime. Nandini looks at him with curious face...

Manik: Did you think of me?

Nandini: of course I did. What about you?

Manik lean towards her and look straight into her eyes......

Manik: I did a lot...... Like a man.

Nandini stare at him for few minutes. She can see the love which he holds for her in his eyes. His eyes it's only says love, no lust, no infactuation it's only love pure love........
Nandini let's out a buge breath....

Nandini: thank you for letting go of my hair washing incident.

Manik ( in mind): great topic change. Wow what mood spoiler. How can she breaks a romantic moment like this....

Nandini: let's get coffee at the Cinema.

Manik: All right.... ( In mind) what else I expect Manik beta you need to work really hard... Now let's have someone...

Manik: ahhh but we should get a bottle of water too after all your bottled water get finished so if in case any emergency came like shortage of water supply....

Nandini: hey you.....

Manik laughs loudly at her annoying face. Nandini too joined. Their laughter echoed at the whole apartment.

Blooming love is really wroth to watch.... Manan start their journey to their ultimate destination. They both are happy, content they both are at peace...... They are really cherishing their blooming stage...

But will this Peace and happiness will stay forever????

Let's see?????

So guys am wrapping up here....
I hope you all like this......

Plz do vote and comment.....

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