Chapter 3

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Hi guys am back;

Before going into story I need to say something to lovely readers.

Am really disappointed with ur response. At least give me votes. It didn't take that much time. So please do support. If u guys don't like my ff then u all r free to say that to me also.

At lifeline hospital:

An ambulance is rushing to the hospital. Soon the hospital staffs comes forward and take the patient. As we clearly look to him we can realize that's our theif boy.
Staffs came forward and put him to the stretcher. By seeing the stuffed bear in his neck staffs start giggling.

Boy: grrr, it's so embarrassing.
He started taking it out.

Nurse: please, don't move. We'll take him inside like this.

The boy is continuously nagging to go.
Boy: I told you all na am fine. Excuse me am really fine.

While going the phone falls down ( Neil's phone).

Ambulance staffs: Excuse me. He dropped this.

Nurse: okay.
Phone start ringing ( it shows Avni).
Nurse took the call.

Nurse: hello? This is emergency room at lifeline hospital. The owner of this phone has been in a motor bike accident. Are you his family?

Soon the call. Boy is taken into the emergency room. Staffs make him lied on bed. Then here comes our heroine.

Nandini: what happened to him?

Nurse: he has been in a motorcycle accident.

Nandini start examine him. She saw a medical chart in his hand.

It shows: he is suspected of rib fracture and ankle sprain.

Nandini: who wrote this?
Boy remember the road scene where Manik wrote these.

Boy: the one who did this to me. ( Boy pointed to the Bear and said) get this of me.

Nandini: okay. Don't move. ( She instructed to the nurse). Please change it to one of the hospital's.

Nurse: okay

Nandini: whoever give the first aid did well. It's both skilful and pretty. Let me see. ( Suspected rib fracture.) ( She poked his chest, boy get wailed) yeah it's fracture. And your ankle has sprain.

Nandini think sometimes and said: Are you a theif?

Boy: what?

Nandini: here in ur hand it's says; that u r a theif. And it also says to give you the most painful treatment if possible.

Boy: what r u talking about? I'm the victim.

Nandini: consult your insurance company about that, then. Since we need to take a look at your ribs and ankle, we need to take an x-ray first.

One of the nurse comes to Nandini and said.

Nurse: Doctor, the cheif needs to see you.

Nandini: oh I forget. ( She turns turns to other nurse and said) call me when the results of the x-ray is out.

Nurse: okay.

Nandini moves to cheif cabin.

Nurse is removing the stuffed bears and doing plaster to boy neck.

Boy: ohh ahh my goodness.

Nurse: here is ur phone. I took a call for you. Since there's some time before you can take the x-ray, please wait here.
Nurse left from there.

Boy took his phone and dialed his friend.

Boy:  yaar, I messed up bad. I got shot for stealing a motorcycle. No that's not it. It's a long story.

He tried to get up, but he falls down.

Boy: ohh ahh. ( He again gets up) bring ur motor cycle here.


Nandini at cheif cabin:

Nandini: I've finished preparing the materials for your thesis.

Cheif: great, thank you. I hope it helped with ur studies.

Nandini: yes, it was a great help.

Cheif: the charts are all neatly arranged. Do you have still have an interview left for the academic position.

Nandini: yes, I am preparing...

( Before she completing  she sees the guy tried to elope from the hospital. The theif boy is slowly eloping from the hospital. He stumbling terribly).

Nandini started looking there. Cheif also look to that direction.

Nandini: I'm sorry, but a patient is on the run.

Cheif: is he running away before paying for the treatment?

Nandini: he hasn't even received his treatment yet.

Cheif: yes, go get him back. He needs to receive the treatment. Medical art is, above all things, a humanitarian calling.

Nandini: ( smiled listening)  then, I'll be on my way.

She greet the cheif ones again and runs from there to get her patient.


At emergency Ward:

Nurse 1: where has the patient gone?

Nurse 2: what? He was here just a moment ago.

They both here the boy voice from entrance,

Nandini bring the boy in wheel chair.

Boy: I really need to get going. If I stay here, I'll just cause more trouble.

Nurse 1 to Nurse 2 : did he run away? And you didn't see that.

Nurse 2: I'm sorry.

Nandini: he was nearly out of the parking lot. Look at how swollen his ankle is.

Boy: this is so frustrating. If I get caught, I won't be lying in this emergency room but the morgue. What right do you have in keeping me here? Isn't it my choice to stay or leave?

Nandini: it's not a right but a duty.

Nurse 1: if you want to go, you need to sign the refusal of treatment pledge. And pay the consultation fee.

Boy: what? Why do I need to pay? I haven't received anything yet.

Nurse 1: you've been examined by the doctor. You need to pay the consultation fee.

Boy: what if I won't?

Nurse 1: I will break ur both legs and hands.

Boy get scared and said: grr, then I will call the police. All right. My friend is on the way here. I'll be here until he comes.

Boy trys to go from there but Nandini stops him and said,

Nandini: excuse me but the bed is that way.

Boy: grr, I need to use the toilet

Nandini : do you think I will believe that?

Boy: I won't run away. I'll leave my phone with you. ( Boy give Neil's phone to Nandini).

While going he murmured himself ( what is up with everyone I meet today? Let go of me. Today must be one of those days) by this he entered toilet and closed the door.

Nandini get irritated by this and said: what with that little??

Phone starts ringing and it shows big boss.

Nandini: Big boss? They must be joking. They all need to serve in the military to recover their sense ( she said to herself)

She turns to nurse and said: let's get back to work.

Nurse: okay.

Manik and Neil arrive at Hospital.

Manik: he is not picking up the phone.

Neil: lets get going. I will kill him today.

They both moves to emergency Ward.
After they left the boy come there by trumbling. He again elope from there. He calls his friend.

Boy: ( at phone) I'm outside. Where are you? Are you here?

Manik and Neil entered the emergency Ward.

Manik try to ring Neil's phone and they heard the ring of phone. They started following the noice. They saw it inside Nandini coat. Nandini is doing stiching to the patient. Her back is facing to them.

Nandini: ( to the patient) this will hurt a little. I need to stitch up the wound. Prepare for that.

Manik get confused and again ringed the phone. Again it's from her pocket. Nandini signed and take the phone.

Nandini: hello?

Manik looks at her. He walks towards her.
Manik: hello?

Both look each other.

Nandini: are you big boss?
Manik: yes. But why do you have that phone with you?

Nandini: the patient left it with me. Ate you his family?

Manik: I'm not. But the phone is belong to us.

Nandini is busy doing preparation of stitch.
Nandini to patient: do you feel anything. I will stitch up your wound now.
Nandini look to their boy bed and asked the nurse: where is motor cycle boy.

Nurse: oh where he gone? Maybe he's taking an x-ray .

Nandini is completely ignoring Manik. How can our hero tolerate it . Manik slightly pull the nurse and move to Nandini.

Manik: are you listening to me?

Nandini: are you... The one that are going to send him to the morgue?

Manik: the morgue? ( He looks to Neil then again turns and said) I think you've mistaken us for someone else.

Nandini: nurse, please tell these people to wait outside. And contact the security to make sure they don't cause trouble.

Manik is continuously starting at Nandini all these time.

Nandini: quickly.

Nurse: you can't be in here. Please go outside.

Nurse pull Manik to outside and close the curtain. While closing the curtain both Manik and nandini looks toward each other.

So finally the two souls who r destined to be meet. The time where there eyes meet each other they get lost. But what to do  poor Manik our Nandini misunderstood him. But don't worry she will realize soon. Stay tone to know how they will fall for each other.

In next update I will show Avni intro.

So my dear readers, please do vote And comment. And Share ur view.

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