Chapter 5

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Hi guys, I hope u all are doing well.
As I promised here is your update.

At lifeline Hospital:

Nandini is checking the x-ray of one of her patient. Barkha comes to Nandini fedging her fingers.

Barkha: ( stammering) The motorcycle patient....mmmm I think he ran away again.
Nandini signed and turns to barkha.
Barkha: And someone is here to see him.
Nandini: Again?? I can't believe this.

They move towards emergency room. Nandini came their and see a girl who wearing Army uniform.

Nandini: Excuse me?( The girl turns) Avni Mehta?

Avni: Nandini Murthy?

Nandini: Are you this patient's family?

Avni: Are you in charge of him? Where is the patient? And show me the medical charts.

Nandini: This is not your hospital nor is he your patient. It's a funny thing, that there is always a man involved between us

Avni: I don't have time to joke around with you. Show me his charts. He is important to me

Nandini: important to you?

Avni: is he is severely injured? How a patient gone missing? Where is the patient?

Nandini: that is what I would like to ask. I think the patient has run off without paying the medical fee. Since you are here, why don't you pay for him instead?

Nandini turns to barkha and said: tell the security to check men's toilet. Even if you don't find him, please receive the fee from this person.

Nandini turns to go from there.

Avni: where do you think you are going?

Nandini: why don't you talk with the nurse here?
I think that we have done more than enough. I have other things to do.

Nandini goes from there. Avni glared at Nandini angrily.

Avni turns to barkha and asked: where is the men's toilet?
Barkha: over there.

Avni move men's toilet

(Oh Nandini and Avni knows each other and they hate each other 🤔 what will happen now. Poor Manik and Neil they are in deep trouble. It's really fun to see them with their crazy girls 😂😂😂😂😂)


Nandini goes to navya and inform her about Avni.

Nandini: Avni is in emergency room.

Navya: Avni Mehta? From the military academy?

Nandini: yeah, the one who interns with us.

Navya: yeah the army surgeon... With a pretty face who stole ur crush.

Nandini: pretty face? Who are you talking about? Because she has big eyes and a pretty nose, that makes her pretty? It's all make up.

Navya: she was pretty without makeup also.

Nandini: are you my friend or her? Grr anyway he didn't go out with her.

Navya: that's all history. But why she is here? Is she hurt?

Nandini: No, her boyfriend is hurt. But her boyfriend looks at most 20yrs old. She must be crazy.

Navya: what are you talking about? Her boyfriend is in the army.

Nandini: what do you mean he's in the army? He has long hair.

Navya: yaar Nandini he is in the army. Their love story is really famous among her colleagues. Her boyfriend is non-commissioned Officer.

Nandini: A non-commissioned Officer? What is that?

Navya: A military rank like sergeant, staff sergeant and first sergeant.

Nandini: yaar it's not necessary to know all these.

Navya: Anyway her boyfriend is non-commissioned Officer. I heard that he took qualification examination. But she is an Officer and a graduate plus she is an army surgeon and her father is 3 star general. The two must be going through a lot.

Nandini: is that true? Then who the guy that left his phone with me?


Manik and Neil bring Rohan to the hospital by support him . In their way they met Avni. Both Manik and Neil look each other and give helpless look. Avni is looking Neil like she will kill him in next moment.

Hospital staffs came and took Rohan to emergency room.
Manik moves to emergency room with them leaving Avni and Neil.

Avni looks at Neil tearfully. She moves towards him.

Avni: what happened? You look too fine for being in an accident. Follow me.

Avni moves from there. Neil signed and look at Avni. He soon follows her.

At emergency room:

Nandini comes there and runs to Rohan.

Nandini: what happened to this patient?

Manik: there was an incident. He was involved in a shameful accident.

Nandini looks at Manik angrily

Nandini: this looks more like an assault than an accident. Did you two go up against this guy.

Manik looks at Nandini disbelievingly.

Manik: wow. This is ridiculous.

Nandini to Rohan: excuse me, who did this to you? Did he do this to you?

Rohan: No, it wasn't him. He saved me.

Nandini: this is the hospital so you don't need to worry. We have security. So you can tell me the truth.

Manik chuckled at her statement. He looks at her smilingly ( Manik tho sach me gaya, here Nandini is accusing him and smiles like a fool😂😂😂)

Rohan: he really didn't.
Manik cleared his throat and leaned to Nandini.

Manik: you are not going to believe him right? However many times he says that isn't?

Nandini looks at Manik. Again their eyes get locked

Nandini break the eye lock and says to Rohan: I will give you some painkillers. And we need to take an x-ray of your whole body.
Barkha, after you are done call the security I will be on my way to check the surveillance cameras. I will call the police myself.

Nandini goes from there. Manik also stand and start going behind her.

Manik: excuse me, wait
              Excuse me, wait
He runs behind her. Manik hold her hand and stops her.

Nandini: let me go.

Manik: I will. After I get this straight with you. He is telling truth. That punk..

Nandini: he is my patient...

Manik (signed): he stole my colleague phone so we came here in search for it. We found him being beaten up by a gang so we helped him out.

Nandini: you helped out a theif who stole your colleagues phone? (Manik nodded his head) it's more convincing that you were the assailant.

Nandini take the phone out and start dailing police number. Manik chuckled at her antics.

Nandini: hello police station. This is from lifeline.......

Manik brushed away her phone from her ear and catch it

Nandini became stunned by his act. Nandini looks at Manik shockingly. And our ever cool cut the call with his ever green attitude.

Nandini:  what to do you think you are doing?

Manik:  I will tell you straightforwardly. I would like to avoid getting involved with the police.

Nandini: Right? ( Manik titled his head). Give me back my phone.

Manik signed and said: we are actually soldiers. We are on a leave at the moment. If we're found to be involved in a case of assault, it is bothersome. There will be a lot of paperwork to deal with. ( Manik leaned to Nandini and says softly) I ask ur cooperation.

Nandini: why should I cooperate with you? Who cares if you are a soldier or a gangster? I told you to give me back my phone.

Manik signed and show his Army badge chain and ID.

Manik: From which University u graduate? This lifeline hospital so u must be graduate from Central University??

Nandini: why do you ask?

Manik: Do you know who Avni Mehta is? I think she was in your batch.

Nandini: how do you know her? Are you that Serget or something..

Manik: do you mean Sergeant?

Nandini: yeah right are you that guy?

Manik: I'm not that guy, but you should come with me. There's someone who can identify me.

Manik moves from there. Nandini signed and move with him.

Hi guys, I think it's enough. So our Nandini is not ready to accept Manik is innocent. And our Avneil relationship is really complicated. Nandini and Avni is also in fight. What will happen next???? It's so confusing.. Anyway I give you update tomorrow. Bye.

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