Part Eighty-Seven

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Draupadi, Krishna and Satya had reached panchal within half an hour after a mini riding competition. Her siblings and parents besides Sera came and crushed the three into hugs. Despite not having Arjun here with her it felt good to be home. she smiled warmly and Prashati completed the welcoming ceremony. "Hey DI." Cried Kamalkar "You seriously made these sisters of ours violent... i think i have bruises." He pouted slightly as Krishna retorted "Well My Sakhi here was to busy romancing with her lover to give a damn." She glared at him as her sibling began to take the piss out her "So Drau..." began Dhrist "When can i expect a wedding invitation." "Never mind the wedding Dhrist i'm pretty sure they were working on the wedding night don't ask for a wedding invitation ask for a niece or nephew na i know i am i want a niece hey sakhi do pass the message on to Paarth will ya." He smirked as her mouth hung open slightly, "Arree Sakhi close your mouth or moths will fly in and trust me they don't taste great." "I agree with Krishna Bhai." exclaimed Abhay and Ambarish cheekily looking at their sister. Sadashiv them said "Wasn't it you who said to me to make a bua asap now i have a request make me a mamma asap." He winked at her. As Samarthya said "i want a nephew okay Di?" Just then the girls came into the conversation followed by Aashairya who quickly said they wanted a niece, Draupadi's mouth dropped again as she looked at them in shock before taking of her shoe and chucking it at Krishna "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT AND ARJUN'S." Krishna laughed as Draupadi muttered "its good to be back." "Sakhi your so gracious giving me more shoes to add to my 'collection'." She let out a frustrated scream as she ran after them all. After a while they all collapsed from exhaustion. The adults had walked in and sat with their kids as Sadashiv perked up "Ohh and by the way Drau about the bua business we have news Aashairya is pregnant." Silence engulfed them as Kadambari dropped the thali in her hand. "Is that fast enough for you."

*In Hastinapur*

Similarly Gandhri completed the welcome ceremony as he was bombarded by questions by his family his mother asked "Have you won over my Draupadi?" Tow which he replied a 'yes' he was tackled into hugs and the five brothers were united as they began to tease him in the same way draupadi was getting teased and Arjun to thought 'its good to be home' as he placed his head in his mothers lap.

*Six months after*

Arjun and Draupadi despite living separately still occupied each others thoughts day in and day out, there hearts beating as one despite them distance.Now lets head to Kandavprastha were Arjun has become aware of the plot against them and the entire Kingdom is burning with the intense flames of the fire.

Arjun looked around helplessly, they needed to get out of here before they ceased to exist, he could feel the smoke clinging to his throat whilst he held his mother in his arms he ran behind his siblings in a desperate attempt to survivor. Suddenly the chandelier that was hanging dropped splitting him and his mother from the rest of his brothers. But he is Arjun, the best archer he picked his mother up and tossed her as Bheem caught her on the other side. He then screamed for his brothers to carry on to which unwillingly they did. Arjun's eyes flickered shut for a few seconds as an image of Draupadi flew through his mind- it gave him the strength to carry on he pushed himself jumping over the towering flames before plunging further to reach him family. In minutes he reached and they began to dig an escape route not before leaving their weapons. They continued digging.


Draupadi and her family were all outdoors enjoying the scorching rays of the sun, Krishna had to return to Dwarka for a few days and Satya opted to go with him much to the amusement of them all. Draupadi was lying in Dhrist's lap  as her played with her curls. The twins looked adorable but the two knew better;Draupadi's heart was left feeling uncertain and twin understood and instantly came to her comfort. Out of the blue a Daasi came in screaming which instantly caused Draupadi to shoot up from her position as the Royal family turned to the Daasi questioningly encouraging her to speak up "A disaster a struck my king...Pandav Kumar..." Draupadi's heart sunk as she bombarded the Daasi with questions, the daasi continued to tell them all about the plot made to kill them as they burnt in Kandavprastha. Draupadi felt her heart stop and shatter, the ground gave in beneath her as she dropped to the floor, the rest watched her as tears blurred their own eyes. Draupadi wiped at her eyes furiously before standing up and running to the stables, grabbing her horse she rode of praying that her love was safe. Ambarish was about to go after but Dhrist stopped him "Let her go."


Her vision blurred as she reached the palace,it was a light, her heart pounded furiously against her chest, her mind muttering one thing over and over again 'no' she wasn't ready to believe it, he couldn't have left her, not without saying goodbye, the flames grew as her eyes flickered everywhere hoping to see him and he would come to her joking around as she would punch him for scaring the living day lights out of her but that didn't happen. He was gone. No silhouette. No voices. No signs of life. No nothing. Just fire. Her own had taken her everything away. She needed to contain the fire closing her eyes she concentrated, connecting to the roaring flames in front of her, they minimised till the fire was gone completely absorbing them into herself as the warmth spread through her body. The Pandavs, noticed the fire had stopped and wondered how but pushing their queries aside they continued to dig their way out. Draupadi's eyes opened and turned red in anger, she was angry at everyone but most specifically God for taking her reason to live away from her, she stared up into the atmosphere as a shrilly scream left her throat calling desperately for Arjun over and over again. "ARJUN." Arjun and his family were out and stood secretly behind Draupadi as they watched her mourn over him and his family. She had come. She had come for him, he was about to walk forth but his jyesth stopped him signalling him not too. Out of nowhere Bhisma entered and saw Draupadi calling out for his grandson and daughter-in-law Kunti-Kunti's heart dropped as Draupadi spoke "Mata Kunti, where are you?How could you leave me, after your son has, not fair." Bhisma approached her and scooped her up as she collapsed and began bawling "Pitama they are gone. Ma left me, My Arjun left me." She rocked her back and forth as his own eyes welled up his family the last on the Pandu Vansh was gone. Yudhi signalled his brother to come as he led Kunti away from the scene. Arjun loomed around as tears slipped from his eyes, he turned around walking after his family muttering "Draupadi forgive me."

Bhisma and Draupadi went in to find the Pandavs weapons lying on the floor, they crouched down and picked them up, Draupadi picked up Arjun's bow stroking it, Arjun felt it as he was walking and closed his eyes a ghost smile plastering over his features.After searching more Bhisma and Draupadi hurried out and after a farewell's Bhisma rode of back to Hastinapur holding the pandav's weapons, Draupadi fell to the floor and just sat there staring aimlessly.

After sometime she got up dusting her skirts and mounted her horse before riding off back to her kingdom, however she failed to see five men and a woman stare at her as she did. Just as she arrived Bhisma too had arrived in hastinapur with the Pandavs weapons before breaking down by Vidur as the rest of the kingdom mourned the loss of the Pandav Kumars and there Pandu Rani Kunti. Draupadi entered Panchal her family turned to her. "He's gone." Dhrist went and embraced her, she tensed a minute later she relaxed as her entire family joined in. Her love was gone but her family was here.

Hey guys what do you think??Let me know in the the comment section what you liked and what you didn't thanks for all your support love you all so much !!!!!!!! Big hugs 

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