Part Eleven

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The Kingdom of Panchal was awoken by the sound of swords clashing. Krishna and Krishnaa were out early in the morning training , "Sakha don't hold back." "Sakhi i'm not your just a really hard opponent, like seriously can we please take a break!" " No can do govind we have to win this war or all our efforts will go to waste come na." Draupadi exclaimed. Krishna was fed up, exhausted he said " You don't want to faint on the battle-field Sakhi" he muttered "crazy" and he was left stunned as a arrow flew past him only missing him by inches" Sakhi are you trying to kill me." Draupadi replied "if you don't get up and help me train the next one won't miss." Krishna pretty freaked out exclaimed "OK, ok, sheesh. not all of us are obsessed with war." Quickly draupadi spun on her heel and exclaimed "I'M NOT OBSESSED GEEZ." Krishna put both hands in the air and they both went back to training. 

Once that was done they both went to freshen up Draupadi changed into a turquoise and red suit and helped to serve food, as draupadi was walking Sera asked draupadi to eat as she hadn't eaten anything since she was training. so she sat down to eat and Mata Sera placed food in her plate, Draupadi noticed something different about her food but her mother Sera asked her to eat it and so she did after eating a few spoons she felt dizzy and realised that the food was poisoned as she was sitting next to Dhrist she fell side ways on to his shoulder he screamed as he felt her pain "DRAUPADI." "Drau get up come on...." nothing, he asked Krishna to examine the food and Krishna had told him  that it was poisoned. That's all he needed to hear, the girls were out visiting a few friends he picked her up with his brothers who were equally freaked out followed behind him as they took her to her chambers and called for the Raj vidyaa, when she got there she asked all 6 brothers to leave but they refused straight up saying they weren't going to leave their older/younger sister. The oldest brother Sadashiv asked " What had happened as he placed his hand over Draupadi's hand." the others Abhay, Ambarisha, Kamalakar and Samarthya replied they don't know and Krishna and the overprotective brothers  started to go over the situation when Samarthya realised that his mother Sera had poisoned his older sister, he wasted no time in telling his brothers and stormed off to find is so called mother who had crossed all limits, Abhay and Kamalakar went after their dear brother not Knowing what would happen if mother and son crossed he stormed into her chambers with his brothers not far behind"MAA HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO DI YOU HAVE CROSSED ALL LIMITS FROM NOW ON I BREAK ALL ASSOCIATIONS WITH YOU, YOUR LUCKY I HAVE LET YOU LIVE AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO MY SISTER, DO IT AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU UNDERSTAND!" Sera was dumbfound that her son was this protective but she still didn't feel sorry for what she did in a challenging tone she said "Go on the kill me lets see if you are strong enough." he didn't stop he got his sword ready and started to swing when Abhay stopped him and said "Bhai would Draupadi be happy if you did this." He calmed down at the thought of his sister when there was a loud bang as Draupad rushed in and came face to face with the woman who tried to kill his Daughter in a harsh tone he said "you have proved you are not my wife", giving her one last glance he said to his sons "come on putron lets go to your sister." 

Draupad rushed to his daughters side as the Raj vidyaa finished her work and announced that the poison has gone thanks to a miracle , they looked at Krishna he just shrugged his shoulder the vidyaa continued "she seemed to have absorbed the poison and with the help of someone that poison was taken out of her body she truly is Adishakti and she clearly has her immortal brother Vishnu with her." As she smiled at Krishna, they gave her a bangle and as she was about to leave she said " She will wake up in a few hours make sure she doesn't stress to much and also hope that this poison won't awake her powers." she smiled again and left. Dhrist had been painfully quite as he kept his eyes glued on his twin sister and prayed for her well - being his father and brothers noticed this and asked him not to be worried but the Agni in him was awoken as he tried to get up and storm to his other mothers room and confront her for what she did but Draupadi was holding on to his hand stopping him from leaving and immediately calmed him down. The brothers and Father decided to stay with their Daughter and sister till she woke up and to pass time they started to crack jokes hoping it would wake her up and then they realised that their sisters and mother would kill them when they came back but they would deal with that storm later.

*in Hastinapur*

Arjun was feeling restless as he paced in his room he felt like a loved one had been hurt little did he know that, that was the case.

Thanks for your support hope you liked it let me know what you think- THANKS AGAIN !!!!!

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