Part Ninety-Four

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A calloused hand reached her shoulder, as she turned, not speaking. He looked at her. She looked at him. Two souls meeting before parting, he moved forth hesitantly, but turned  away to walk off, She grabbed on to his wrist and he turned back his features streaming with tears. Her hands flew to his face wiping at them gently before falling to her side. Her own tears now falling like a waterfall. He took a step forth again almost in reluctance and planted a kiss on her forehead, his eyes closing as the tears lining his dove like eyes fell cascading down his cheek in its own journey. And then without a word he smiled at her before leaving her hand as she she tried desperately to hang on. She tried screaming for him but words failed to come to her lips. He left. She turned back looking up at the full moon adorning the black midnight sky, that smile he gave was for her reassurance but she could see the pain. If Draupadi can't hide anything from Arjun, then Arjun can't hide anything from Draupadi. But this was it. The last time she would feel his warmth until she was his.

The sun broke on the horizon edging into the princess of fire's room. She lay awake dark circles laying underneath her eyes clearly highlighting her lack of sleep. Today was the day, instead of marrying the one she wanted. Maids rushed around chaos erupting from all corners of the kingdom of Panchal. Her mothers and sisters walked in fusing all over the bride. Her luscious curls were pulled back tightly into a tight bun jasmine wrapped around it enhancing her blue lotus fragrance. Her lotus like eyes were lined with Khol that made them bigger than they were highlighting the dark orbs that lay beneath them. Her mothers began to put on the necessary jewellery that hung from her milky form. Her parents had gone all out to make sure their daughter looked her best. Her sisters cleared out leaving only Prashati with Draupadi. Her mother smiled as her caressing her face lovingly, she neatly undone the dupatta placing it on her head and pinning it in place. She smiled at her "Draupadi I know this is going to be hard but-" Drauapdi cut her mother off "Ma please not right now, if we talk about this I won't be able to stop myself from walking away. This is dharam. And this is my life." Her mother looked at her, pity dripping from her gaze as she looked at her daughter and the sacrifice that she was about to make. As a mother it was hard to watch, her own daughter was going to be a walking corpse, everything, all her dreams would be shattered. The normal life that her daughter had always wanted would be stripped away from her. Its not like she did not trust her daughters strength.She knew she was strong and could cope with anything that her own flames spit at her, but deep down she knew this life and love would only bring pain. 

Draupadi stood up giving her mother a smile before walking towards the entrance where her brothers and Krishna were standing. She gave them a shaky smile as Krishna took one hand and Dhrist took the other. They both squeezed lightly as her other brothers crowded behind her offering her condolence.  She felt her self sway as a sense of nausea swept over her. Her brothers halted looking at her in concern. She smiled as shaking her head carrying them to continue. As they edged closer to the mandap, her eyes laced in tears that layer at the corners of her eyes. As she walked further her eyes locked with Arjun's her heart slowly dying inside at every step she took. She wanted to rip her gaze away but she was enchanted by him, his whole aura oozed with calmness, his white attired complemented with her colours. His own gaze was teary. She stood in front of the five brothers. Her family looking on in silence. Draupadi lowered her gaze. Draupad stood up abruptly addressing Ved Vyas "There is no doubt that this life is going to be hard for my daughter. But i have some questions before we start this wedding ceremony." Ved Vyas turned to look at Draupad "Ask away your Highness." "Its normal for a man to marry multiple times but for a woman its not, society has away of judging situations how will my daughter bear with all these taunts and remain pure." Before Ved Vyas spoke anything Draupadi spoke "I will do a hard tapasya each year in front of Agni Dev after being with one of the Pandavas to pure myself so that i can start the next year with the other pandu putra. " Everyone turned to look at her in shock, her own heart beating loudly "But Putri-" Began Draupad. Arjun quickly broke in "Not only Panchali but we will also conduct a tapasaya to purify ourselves for her." Her gaze shot up to meet his own hard one. The two sharing their thoughts through their eyes.  He smiled softly at her but it soon fell. Draupad then spoke again "Again its not uncommon for men to remarry but how will that make my daughter feel as she will be  cast aside." Bheem  then spoke "I'm the only one who can answer this as i am the only one who has a wife. But where ever we live their will be only one Maharani and that will be Rajkumari Draupadi." Her gaze lay planted to the floor as Krishna placed a hand on her shoulder. Draupad was then asked if he had anymore questions to which he replied no. With that the ceremony commenced. 

Yudhistra and Bheem where wed to Draupadi first, passing by in a blur. As Draupadi walked up the mandap for the third time to be wed to the love of her life. Her gaze locked onto his features as his own gaze met hers. He could see the pain. He could see she was breaking and he was forced to silently watch as she made this sacrifice. He could hear her heart pounding. She tore her gaze away from his in a haste and continued on with the ceremony as they proceeded to take the circumlocution he carefully grasped her hand taking her along with him, travelling at a slow pace so that they could both live in the moment for as long as possible. She moved forward to take the remaining circumlocutions her hand tightening in his, desperately trying to hang on. His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach as his hazel eyes locked onto cold orbs in front of him. They held accusations that were suffocating Arjun. He moved of the mandap so his two younger brothers could also marry his wife. He felt sick to the stomach. His gaze remained looking at anything but the scene in front on him. it was too much. He could feel the edges of his eyes dampen as a lone tear cascaded down his chiseled cheeks. Wiping it away swiftly he looked at Krishna who had a similar expression as his own. All five of them where then called to the stage standing behind Draupadi as Kunti brought forth the tiara that symbolised that she know belongs to them. "Draupadi this sacrifice of yours shall be remembered for eternity. You are the bravest of the brave Putri." The pandavas picked up the tiara together placing it atop her head, as she finally let out her own tears that flew down her own cheeks. She stood up abruptly walking past everyone almost dragging her weight her arms lifeless by her side. Everyone's gaze moved away but Arjun's laid transfixed to her form as it got fainter and fainter. 

They were to leave tomorrow morning for Hastinapur, but in this moment in time she wanted to be alone. She had put everything on the table. Nothing was left. She had successfully lost herself but  she had pledged to be a Queen to be the stem that holds the unity of the Pandavas and that's what she would be. Arjun stood at the balcony of his own chamber peering into Draupadi's who was sitting on the floor with tears flowing down. She had removed her jewellery and heavy dress which she would have to decked up in again tomorrow her tiara laying intact with her open tresses cascading down her back, feeling a gaze she looked up into Arjun's awaiting gaze. He looked at her as she walked forward on to the balcony the curtains blowing in the wind. The distance that was between them in reality was bigger than what was seen. She was breaking under his gaze his own full of remorse that Draupadi pushed herself not to see. She quickly pulled the curtains to close as Arjun's hand flew out in reflex. Her back collided with the back of the balcony as she fell to the floor, her hands wrapping around themselves. She was scared. She was leaving her family and entering a place where she knew she would be taunted. The love that she was desperately clinging on to was a love that brings pain. 

Authors note:

Hello Everyone. That is if anyone is still reading this. if you are thanks for your patience in waiting for me to update. i greatly appreciate it. i have finally finished my exams and i'm so happy they are over. i hope to update more regularly now, so i hope to see people reading this. please do vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter. Thanks again for your patience and lots of love to you all. 

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