Part Seventeen

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The camp was awoken by a shell sounding signalling all  warrior's to get ready as soon as possible, Draupadi with a start rushed up and quickly got ready for the battle that was about to commence. Her father had called all the warrior's to see him. She walked in, in all her glory as the spectators were left stunned she looked divine in her orange suit despite this the family was left shock as she wasn't wearing an armour at this the family questioned but were quickly shunned by Krishna saying that his Sakhi is the Goddess of Destruction and that she will be fine. At this Draupad was concerned that his daughter could transform into Kali or Durga before Draupadi could respond Krishna cut in saying that he was sure nothing like that would happen of the sort after a few pouts from Draupad, Krishna and the Brothers the King gave in and blessed Draupadi wholeheartedly. She led the army to the battlefield with her father brothers and sister following her proudly.

The princes of Hastinapur had reached the battle-field alongside there Guru and Bishmaa and were waiting for the Panchalans to enter the battle field. Arjun was given the responsibility of leading this war. He watched carefully seeing if there was a sign of the opposing sides arrival but there wasn't. They all slightly jumped at the sound of a horn blowing signalling there arrival and Arjun was left Dumbfound at the Rajkumari in front of him.

Draupadi stood in all her glory as she saw Arjun was leading the army of Hastinapur and smirked slightly. She stepped down from her chariot with her bow in her hand and walked to the opposing side. Draupad was shocked and tried to stop her but Krishna stopped him again conveying him to let her go. Guru Drona stepped down from his chariot with Bishmaa Pitama and they both signalled Arjun to come with them. Draupadi stood before them and bent down to seek blessings from Pitama which he gladly gave. Duryodhan was shocked and almost fell out his chariot at the sight he shouted "PITAMA how can you give blessings to the enemy, look at her how can she be a warrior she is not even wearing any armour." Pitama was about to cut in when Draupadi did " Just because i don't wear armour doesn't mean i'm not a warrior Rajkumar." in a spiteful manner he said " Your a girl, you cant fight." Draupadi smiled playfully and said " Gee thanks for pointing out the obvious Rajkumar , of course i'm a girl, I'm Draupadi the fire born. born to rid the world of evil and just because i am a girl doesn't mean i don't now how to fight, Durga Maa is girl and she handles not one but 10 weapons so shut up." At this Bheem started to laugh and Draupadi at this smiled and said "see Rajkumar Duryodhan, Rajkumar Bheem agrees." At this they were left stunned Bheem asked "Rajkumari how come you know our names." With a smile she replied " I know all of your names." She turned around and bent down to take blessings from Guru Drona who stopped her in the middle and pulled her into a hug which she gladly returned. After a while he said " May god bless you putri." She smiled and said i know that a fathers blessings are always with his kids. At this Drona's heart melted she had accepted him as her father she simply stated " Your Pitashree's friend and even though it may not seem like it he still considers you a friend at the moment he is just blinded by hate but over time you will win him over." He smiled and noticed Arjun staring at  her in shock he said "Putri he is - ..." Drauapdi cut him off. "Rajkumar Arjun." Arjun smiled and greeted the Rajkumari, Whilst she was staring at him. He was so handsome she thought. She smiled at him slightly and offered him her greetings and turned back to the elders and said "Well i should probably go back and listen to Dad screaming at me for coming here but anyway.." She turned back to Arjun and said "May the best man win." With that the folded her hand and said her Goodbyes she started to walk of she turned around and  said "by the way Pandavs my mother asked me to say that she really wants to meet up with Maharani Kunti" with a nod of her head she walked back as the battle commenced.

Hope you like this update, Yay arjun and draupadi have met let me know what you think THANKS - TILL NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!

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