Part Seventy

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  The first orange hued rays of sunrise kissed the still dust laden rubble with the same loving care as the undertaker with the recently departed. These soft rays brought warmth to a new day,The yellow shining sun started rising from the ground. It filled the sky with mighty colours of red and splashed the clouds with endless rays of pink. As the black canvas came to life, Arjun Draupadi, Krishna and the rest of the boys where all in the depths of the forest training. Swords were clashing, all different tactics flying about to defeat one person. Draupadi. The boys had all challenged Draupadi saying that the 12 of them were enough to defeat her. So far they weren't succeeding and it looked really bad on them. Aadit swung downwards trying to chop her up stopping it mid way she grabbed his wrist and kicked him square in the chest sending him flying back into Abheek, who crashed to the floor, Amresh and Praveer nodded at one another whilst she was distracted and swung both their swords down on her, her sword shot up in defensive mode and with all her power pushed both men to the floor, they huffed in annoyance as Draupadi turned her head slightly to see Arjun and Krishna assessing her capability, Aalok came running towards her and she moved slightly to left as he ran straight past her confused and annoyed, Prajit smashed his sword against hers and automatically the two fiercely battled he swung his sword underneath and to his amazement she jumped high enough to miss it she then smashed her elbow into his collar bone causing him to double over and knocking him to the ground. Next Aamod swung,aiming to reach her face, she bent backwards missing the blow, then the two erupted into a battle as Draupadi fiercely put all her battle tactics on show. The 10 men dropped to the floor exhausted and looked up at Draupadi who had a teasing smirk plastered on her face. She then got out a blindfold as they all looked at her astonished "i'm trying to make this easy for you." tying it tightly she grabbed her sword and signalled them to come at her, Paarthiv was first up, listening to the placement of his foot steps she stuck her sword out causing him to trip and land on the floor, Three more charged at her but before they could do anything they were knocked to the floor, the rest charged and all were defeated in an instant, Draupadi ripped of her blindfold and looked at all of them, she shook her head and began to walk to the bench but a sword landed in front of her throat, she looked up and was greeted with the sight of Arjun, she growled under her breath, with her own sword she whacked it out the way and swung violently her attacks becoming more forceful and lethal, she swung down low as his sword came missing her head, he moved his sword to the back wanting to hit her in the back but she blocked it by putting the sword behind her back, she slashed her sword and once again he was in defensive mode, he the began to attack,his sword in one hand she grabbed his wrist as he grabbed her wrist she pushed them away and swung down low once again, the swords crossed as he grabbed the hilt of her sword and claimed it and placing one behind her neck the other lay in way near her throat. She gulped but she to had a trick up her sleeve, she kicked him in the stomach as him grip became loose she grabbed both the swords and did a 'Arjun' as his eyes widened in shock, her breathing was laboured and her eyes became dilated she was angry her arms began turning black which didn't go missed by any one, she looked at Arjun and began to focus on her breathing mumbling 'i don't want to hurt you' over and over again like a mantra but her mind was in control not her heart, she slashed her sword but stopped the black spreading further. She looked him in the eyes her sword hitting him in the chest, her eyes widened as she dropped her sword and the black faded away she ran towards Arjun assessing his chest she breathing heavily, Arjun was trying to calm her down but she wasn't listening. "Draupadi stop i'm fine, okay.""Bu-t i-i h-hurt y-y-you."He smiled and pulled her closer to him mumbling 'i'm fine' in her ear. He untangled himself and said to her with a smile "The power of love bestows responsibilities, but not rights. I have no right to your heart, but am blessed to love you with my own. I have no right to your time, but am honoured to share moments. It is for me to do what is best for you, and not seek fulfillment of my own desires at an expense to your wellbeing. It is for me to seek what would make you happy, what would be best for your soul. Just know that when you tell me of your hurt, I hurt too, how can I not? Anyone who abuses you is no friend of mine and I owe them nothing."

Hey guys hope you enjoyed it please let me know what you think in the comment section below and don't forget to vote love you all.   Sorry for such a short one.


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