Part Seventy-Seven

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  He studied her as she slept. Her hair contained under the bridal dupatta. Her small frame was curled to one side as if in protection of itself and her full lips were slightly parted. What held his attention longest however were her lashes. Long, thick, and dark. They weren't caked in that black paint she brushed into them everyday that clumped her lashes together unnaturally and by the end of the day had crumbled under her eyes and added to the already dark bags beneath them. He had never seen her without the makeup she wore as a barrier between her and the world. He wanted to run his fingers over those lashes. He could bet they were as soft as silk, light as a feather. The moonlight that crept through the window fell over eyes and made those lashes glisten so that from the correct angle they looked almost white. He wanted to kiss each one of her eyelids and feel those lovely lashes tickle his lips. He never wanted to see those lashes damp. Not ever again. He felt a warm hand on his shoulder he turned around to see Satya, "Let her sleep we will deal with this at the right time, she hurt, Diya told us what she went through she needs you now more then ever, don't screw this up Arjun all you will have Devi Lakshmi and Devi saraswati on your back." Just then Krishna chirped "And Vishnu." Raj smirked and said "And Brahma dev." Diya rolled her eyes at their antics and slapped Raj in the chest Krishna then spoke up "Drau probably taught her that, very vicious that fire born, making the whole population of women violent." Satya the whacked him in the back of the head as Krishna then said " Oh god not you too." They chuckled and turned back to Draupadi as Diya noticed the look in Arjun's eyes "She will be fine Arjun she's strong and as long as she has her shiv, shakti will be fine."  

The black sky gradually turned into dim grey and the illumination of stars got languidly lustreless. Millions of stars in the ebony sky started hiding their brightness and got slowly dissipate, as if someone was going to coming. Divergent birds were gently flying in manifest sky and their dulcet dawn chorus was easily audible.

The first orange hued rays appeared on the skyline, which went through the clouds and the prodigious sky was easily visible. The sun came out of its abode across the brilliant orange horizon and glimmered in the sky. The sparkling sun started slowly rising up the scarlet skyline, which clearly differentiated the sky and the land.
Now the warm breeze can be felt and the plants made a beatific smile towards the sun.

Draupadi began to stir as she rubbed her lotus like eyes like a child would do, She forced herself up and climbed of the king-sized bed. She stood in front of the mirror her breaths becoming laboured, She pulled out her earrings chucking them to the side she the quickly undone the necklace she was wearing and chucked that too. She continued  to breath heavily as tears streaked down her face, as she did she looked at the chura she was wearing, she ripped them off with force breaking one in the process it pierced into her skin, Arjun who had walked in saw her doing this and quickly turned her around forcing her to rest on his chest as she wept uncontrollably. She only allowed him to comfort her for a bit she shoved his chest and picked up some clothes before running off.

She ran to the bathroom area and quickly bathed and got dressed. As well as braiding her hair.

^^Draupadi's outfit^^

She wandered out as all head turned to her. Despite the mental emotional trauma she was going through she still managed to wash a sense of fear through many as she looked like a fierce warrior princess, she grabbed a sword from the holder and looked at them all. She smirked at the fear evident on their faces "We need to train, if we are going to defeat the king, get your swords and partner up." They all look astonished, She sighed and then spoke "Look, i'm not loosing people in battle, if you are well prepared you will all be fine so hurry up and partner up."

They ran grabbed a sword- Arjun had partnered up with her, Diya with Raj and Krishna and Satya, she smirked at the last two and spoke to the people. "We people at the front have had much experience in war and for this reason we will all be training you, the boys who are Arjun's friends will also be doing the same as i have seen there fighting capability. Right any questions before we begin." Everyone's hand shot up she shook her head knowing they were trying to lighten the mood. 

Two hours had gone by and the rest had collapsed due to exhaustion they insisted that Arjun and Draupadi have duel. Draupadi smirked "You ready for this." mockingly he replied "Bring it on princess." He bowed causing Draupadi to laugh. They got into their battle stances and all of the onlooker remained gobsmacked at the precision of each attack by fire and ice. She blocked his attacks has he advanced faster he smiled at her, that distracted her, and in the next minute she was on the floor. Arjun offered her a hand to help her up she eyed it before excepting it as he pulled her up, but he forgot how strong he was as she ended up crashing into his chest. Draupadi smiled at him and then in the next minute he met the floor as he looked at her in disbelief, she crouched down whispering "I never loose." "Neither do i" He grabbed her waist causing her to crash down on top of him. "Ohhh my eyes my beautiful sexy eyes." Screamed Krishna "Nice going Sakhi" She huffed in response and tried to get up but Arjun had her waist clasped tightly, she looked up to see him looking at her intently, he then scared the shit out of her as he rolled them over so he was on top. "Okay lovebirds thats enough save that for tonight Paarth get of my Sakhi now." Krishna pushed Arjun to the floor and helped Draupadi  up as Arjun spoke "Hey what about me." Krishna put an arm around Draupadi "Sorry Paarth  but my Sakhi is more important." The look on Arjun's face was priceless as the three continued their banter. Raj, Diya and Satya looked at the three shaking their heads.

Hey guys let me know what you think in the comment section below would appreciate it thanks again for reading this. 

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