Part Seventy-Two

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 Draupadi sighed and walked up to him once again dagger in hand, the boys covered each other eyes as they honestly thought Draupadi was about to end his life. She dropped he dagger and placed her hand atop his head, closing her eyes she recited a mantra and he healed up instantly. She then began to walk out before saying "You guys can decide what you want to do with him." She walked out leaving the boys in shock .

She was breathing heavily, rage taking over her body as she felt herself shake with anger, flames around her bursting from the ground. She closed her lotus eyes trying to even out her breaths but rage kept igniting her flames. Her hair was let loose untamed like the flames of fire surrounding her. Closing her eyes she once again tried to clam herself down but nature was working against her. Its like nature wanted her destroy everything in her wake. She then felt a cool hand on her shoulder which instantly provided her comfort and distinguished her roaring flames. Turning around she looked up into the eyes of Arjun, she was on the verge of breaking down, it was all beating down on her the stress and in all honesty she was finding it way to much, she also felt guilt ridden by the fact she hadn't told her team how she was truly feelings. Arjun extended his arms out as she barrelled into them almost knocking him to the ground, she held on for dear life as he wrapped his arms in a loving gesture. Listening to the sounds of his heart beats she was transported, she was at peace with just them two. He kissed her forehead and inhaled her blue lotus fragrance that always had the ability to render him senseless. The water prince had calmed the fire princess down without getting hurt in the process. They stayed in one anothers brace for a long time but Arjun had noticed that she had fallen asleep on his chest,chuckling mentally he picked her up bridal style and began to head back to the ashram.

*The Following Morning*

Everyone swore the allegiance to the thirteen of them, and to add to this Satya Draupadi's friend had been called over by Draupadi, the female friends embraced one another as greetings were exchanged Krishna's eyes lingering on Satya a little longer than normal. Draupadi smirked knowingly at her Sakha finding a golden opportunity to get revenge for everything he said to her about Arjun. She smirked evily as Krishna caught this "Ohh No sakhi what is going through that mind of yours, i know that smile your planning something." She smiled innocently at him.

The boys had taken the men of the ashram to where the sea shore was and began training them in warfare, something that would be handy for any given future attack, the girls were forced to stay back to protect ashram. Things were normal until it happened a bunch of soldiers once again attacked the ashram, Draupadi and Satya the only two women trained in warfare made sure the other women were safe and leapt into battle, the two had killed many, but they had one target Draupadi and they began basing all their attacks on her, one soldier whacked the hilt of their sword into satya's head sending her down as they grabbed for draupadi her white clothes stained in blood, one soldier advanced and threw her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes they ran out of the ashram and began to make their way back to their kingdom but Draupadi wasn't having any of it she kicked him were it hurts forcing him to drop her to the floor she winced at the impact but quickly got up and ran on her hair flying in front of her face, they began advancing their pace quickening, not watching where she was going she tripped on her rock causing her foot to bleed she winced and instantly regained her balance fiercely running on, she wasn't having much luck as a thorn pierced her tender skin but ignoring the pain she ran on. Ultimately she was in pain by now she had lost her shoes and both her feet where bleeding, she also had a scratch on her face on her cheek that had blood oozing from it, she couldn't run further they had caught her and hauled her into the chariot.

Arriving at the kingdom they pushed her out of the chariot as she fell to the floor with her salwar covered in blood due to the impact on her knees they forcefully hauled her up and binded her in heavy metal chains that rested on the floor. She struggled with the wait but bared with it as the wretched king showed his face.

*Back in the ashram.*

The boys had just come back laughing and joking but Aalok stopped as he was in the front, he stood astonished, the boys noticed this and all looked in his direction. The view was horrific; things were shattered bodies scattered homes burnt down. They looked at one another and instantly crossed the gates looking for any signs of life.Just then the doors to a hut barrelled open revealing all the ladies. Satya with tears streaking from her eyes ran to Krishna and collapsed on his chest wailing like a baby, Krishna by some miracle managed to calm her down asking her what happened. "They took Draupadi." The only thing she managed to say before sobs over took her body once again, Krishna held her against him as stray tears fell from his lotus eyes. Everyone began to take support of one another, but Arjun stood there frozen to the spot, he spotted something one the floor as they all turned to watch him, a torn piece of her dupatta he picked it up as a lone tear escaped from his eye. Looking up into the atmosphere he screamed "DRAUPADI." That was enough to push everyone to tears. He collapsed to the floor holding on to the piece of dupatta. 

Hey guys let me know what you think in the comment section it really gives the zeal to write more, thanks a million and Please vote. Thanks, Love ya all.

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