Part Sixty-Eight

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After a short trek to the ashram all of them had reached besides Draupadi who said she would catch up with them, they were waiting for her under a swamp of trees, they then heard a horse in the midst of their conversation and all turned to see a horse carrying someone towards them. Draupadi jumped of her horse and stood in front of them as their mouths hung open at the sight of her, here she was the princess of Panchal standing in front of them in men's attire, noticing all the looks she spoke "What??" They all gasped at her voice as Aalok actually fell from surprise as Draupadi had a horrified look on her face. "Do I look okay?" She asked Arjun nodded his head as they continued to walk. As they were nearing their destination they saw a group of ladies outside the ashram as they began to check Draupadi out. "Wow Sakhi seems like you have some admires." She glared at him whilst the other snickered. "Just think Sakhi how there hearts would break when they find out your a girl." She slapped him in the chest and speed walked further away.
They all walked through the gates of the ashram as Arjun began talking to the head rishi 5 minutes later Arjun had got the rishi to allow them to stay. They all walked into a room where 10 other people were standing as they began introducing themselves "so jay (Draupadi's code name. Where are you from." Asked one of the 10 "panchal." "Oh we are technically neighbors nice to meet you." said Another "oh so you must have met the princess boy would I love to possess her as mine." Said one named Amardeep. She looked at him if looks could kill he would have been dead the minute those words left his mouth. Not able to keep her mouth shut she said "Woman shouldn't be treated like a possession, the amount of pain they go through because of men." She scoffed as Amardeep replied "why you talking as if you are a girl." Automatically Arjun stepped in and suggested that they all just get some rest which they all agreed to as Arjun was prepared to sleep next to Draupadi but Amardeep teasingly stopped him and made him sleep on the other side of the room. Draupadi looked at him but he simply signaled her to go to sleep as he did the same.
During the night Amardeep's wondering hand made its way to Draupadi's waist causing her to wake up immediately as did Arjun -he watched as Amardeep wrapped his arms over her trapping her whilst placing his legs over hers. Arjun got up and ripped Amardeep's arms of her as he woke up and looked at Arjun asking him a heck of questions as Arjun simply said that the person sleeping next to him was snoring to loud and so he would sleep by them. He grabbed his blanket and with his hip barged Amardeep to his left and making himself comfy between them two whilst Draupadi looked at him with an eyebrow raised up. "Go to sleep." He said gently, she turned to her side as Amardeep's hand wondered again and landed on her but Arjun quickly put his hand underneath and turned to face her "what's wrong ?" He asked. "I don't want to be near either of you." He rolled his eyes as he said "look it's either me or him.""And I repeat I don't want to be near either of you."  "Just go to sleep." She turned furiously as she settled into slumber.
Hey guys sorry for the short update it's kinda of my birthday today and so yeah,please do comment and vote love you all and thanks in advance

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