Part Sixty-One

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Draupadi stirred as she moved about, she knew she needed to get up but she was way to tired to do anything,with her eyes remaining closed she huffed in annoyance realising that today was the night before the wedding,she kept chanting in her head Its okay Drau just a few days left and you can have your sleep back,she stretched her arms and accidentally punched something,opening one eyes she noticed she was sleeping on a chest,she was just about to scream when a hand flew up and plastered itself on her mouth, she looked up to see Arjun, she screamed into his hand and looked down at his hand out of no where she bit him. Now Arjun was the one screaming.

A-"What the hell you just bit me."

D-"Oh shut up you big baby, some warrior you are."

A-"Hey don't you dare question my skill."

D-"What you gonna do about it you big baby." She said whilst sticking her tongue out.

A-"Real mature."

D-"Blah Blah would you kindly explain what the hell you are doing in my room in my bed."

A- "i was walking past you looked uncomfortable i undid your hair and took your jewellery of and then i fell asleep next to you, stop over reacting.

D-"Stop over reacting,excuse me but i wouldn't have the need to over react if you hadn't come, what will everyone think and say uhh asshole."

A-"What did you just call me."

Draupadi just grabbed a pillow and chucked it at him hitting him square in the face.

D-"What happened to your warrior reflexes cause that was just pitiful."

A-"You wound me woman.""i'll show you warrior reflexes."

He then began chasing her around her chambers jumping over random objects that happened to be in the way just as he was jumping of the sofa he lost his balance, he grabbed on to Draupadi as she spun around and fell on top of him crashing down to the floor Draupadi looked at Arjun her arms in awkward positions almost in a press up position, she was about to move but as she was Arjun hit her forearms causing her to fall on top of him he then rolled over causing him to trap her under the floor. Just then Krishna walked in.

K-"My eyes my beautiful eyes." 

D-"Ohh shut up." 

Just then Dhrist had walked in too

Dhrist-"Well there goes my lunch."

D-"Blah Blah I'll deal with you to in a bit.""Arjun."


D-"Could you do me favour and GET OFF!"

Krishna and Dhrist stifled a laugh as Arjun eyes glowed with playfulness.

A-"No i don't think so, i'm kinda enjoying it down here."

Draupadi huffed before punching him anywhere possible she grabbed on to his arms and rolled them over causing her to have the upper hand she stood up and brushed her lengha before turning to Krishna and Dhrist, she smirked as she began running. Dhrist Jumped over a chair as he waited for Krishna at the Door the two began screaming like girls as Draupadi chased them.

After a while Draupadi started preparing for the night before rituals,her sister ran into her room and began getting ready together.

She helped the rest of her sisters get ready and then went to go see Shikandani who was getting ready by her mothers. As she walked in her sister was sitting on a chair in front of her mirror she hadn't noticed Draupadi and continued putting on her earrings. Draupadi signalled the maids to leave and Draupadi picked up her sisters necklace and put it on for her.

Draupadi placed her chin on her sisters shoulder and smiled "You look beautiful Di."She smiled and hit her head slightly. The two were called down and Draupadi lead her sister down sitting her beside their uncles she then went in hunt for the chura when she had finally found them she ran back and handed the box to her uncles.Wearing the chura signifies the status of a married woman. It is also a sign of fertility and prosperity. It is worn for the well being of the husband. They began washing them in milk that had rose petal swimming in them, slowly slowly they began putting them on her and she noticed her mother and father getting emotional, she smiled and walked over to them from behind them she hugged them both and wiped their tears as they both touched her head at the same time Draupadi smirked at them after so many years their love was still pure taking both of their hands of her head she put them in one another squeezing their hands before walking back to her sister.After a while the ceremony was complete and thats when the party truly began.

(sorry guys don't know what happened to the video i am aware and i apologise) and the sisters are dancing the exact same choreography. 

All the sisters besides Shikandani were dancing to the dance with Draupadi leading they all looked amazing like a group of goddesses , everyone was extremely enjoying the dance as everyone stood up. As the music sped up everyone was mesmerised by the sisters as they finished of the hall erupted into cheers and applauds.

Just then Arjun took to the stage practically  scaring Draupadi. Prat she thought, he's doing this again. He was flirting with her shamelessly. We aren't the ones getting married up moron she thought this ends today she sang back. The onlookers blessed the couple in their hearts as everyone broke into a dance. As the song progressed she danced with her parents he then sung back in response. He was enjoying way to much and it made her want to punch him. Again.

The entire family then began dancing with Arjun and Krishna leading alongside Draupadi.

THEY ARE DANCING THE SAME DANCE BTW. Srk is Krishna and Saif is Arjun and Drau is Priti. Kajol is satya (Krishna's wife). OH and when they are talking about the dholi its Shikandani's.

Krishna and Arjun began dancing as the two flirted with Draupadi and Satya


And with that the function finished.

Hey guys please comment and vote if you think it was good love ya all!!!

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